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Tobin's POV
The week went by quickly. All the girls decided we should go out tonight and celebrate since we just won against Colombia, putting us into the quarterfinals.  We were all quickly showering and changing out of our uniforms before heading out. I knew that in a few hours, I would no longer be in control of myself and tomorrow I would seriously be regretting my decision, but right now I didn't care. I was definitely getting hammered tonight.

Christen's POV
I lean against a pool table in the back of a fairly crowded bar, scrolling through my pictures and trying to determine which ones I can delete. Ashlyn, Ali, Hope, and a few of the other girls are playing pool, occasionally bumping into me as I stand in their way. I sigh loudly as Hope accidentally bumps into me again for about the fifth time. I make my way outside, pushing past crowds of people. Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, I stare up at the stars. I was on edge because of more texts from my father. I knew if I started to drink I would not stop till I blacked out so I nervously scratched my arm and convinced myself to stay out here.
A few minutes pass and Ashlyn helps lead Tobin out towards me. Looking annoyed, Ashlyn forces me to grab Tobin. "Take her back to the hotel and make sure you avoid Jill and Becky." I nod and quickly push Tobin into a taxi. Tobin clumsily falls into the backseat, laying across the seat and giggling. I groan, wondering how much she drank. As the taxi weaves through heavy traffic, Tobin stares at me. I avoid her gaze and stare out the window. "You're pretty" Tobin says before beginning to giggle again. I roll my eyes. "Okay, we're almost back at the hotel. Then you're going straight to bed, got it?" She lifts her hand to her forehead and salutes before laughing again. I try my best to hide my smile, not wanting to encourage her. Knowing I act much crazier than Tobin when drunk, I am grateful she has not done anything too stupid yet.
The taxi pulls up to the hotel and i pull Tobin out and lead her to the elevator. We enter the elevator, an old woman already on it. She looks at us in disapproval before muttering something. The elevator rises and Tobin starts laughing hysterically. I cover her mouth quickly,but unfortunately,the lady had already heard her. The doors opened and the lady walks out, clutching her purse tightly and glaring at us. I chuckle before dragging Tobin out.
I dig through my bag, looking for some advil. Finding it, i stand back up and  turn around. "Okay Tobin, so here's some-" I stop as Tobin pushes me down on my bed  and roughly kisses me. I quickly escape from under her. "Tobin, we can't do that, okay?" I say quickly.
She tilts her head slightly and looks at me in confusion. "I thought that's what you wanted?"
"Of course i do. But you're drunk and I'm not gonna take advantage of you like that. Besides, you gotta remember your first time, you won't if you're hammered." I rub her  arm lightly before  pulling her to her feet and leading her  towards her own bed. "Do you like me?" Tobin asks. "Of course i do, why?"
Tobin sighs. "You'll still like me? Even though we haven't done it yet?" My eyes widen. "Of course. Don't feel bad, I can wait, I promise. If you wanna try some other time we can, okay? You just can't be drunk." She smiles and shakes her head excitedly. I chuckle as I walk towards my bed."Okay, now go to sleep." Tobin starts to pout. "Why aren't you sleeping over here?" I look over at her sternly. "Because, Tobin, you are drunk. And I am not doing anything with you until you're gonna be able to make conscious decisions." I shut the lights off and hear Tobin mumbling before falling asleep. "I love you."

Tobin's POV
I wake up with a headache. I sit up and stretch, already regretting getting drunk last night. Christen is laying on her bed reading a book. She looks up and quickly blushes. She closes the book shut and quickly stands up. Playing with her fingers, she says "there's some water and advil right there, thirty minutes till breakfast. I'm going to see Julie, bye." Before  I can speak, Christen has raced out of our room and left me very confused.
I get to breakfast on time surprisingly and find Christen sitting in her usual spot. She is engaged in a conversation with Alex. As I sit beside Christen, Christen excuses herself, heading to the bathroom. Alex smirks. "What'd you do Tobin? Looks like you scared her to death, did you screw up last night while you were hammered?" My eyes widen. "I don't remember. Shit, did she tell you anything?" Alex chuckles and shakes her head. "Better find out what you did, shes coming back." I nod as my thoughts overwhelm me. I don't have a clue what I could've done to make her so uncomfortable but it looks like I really fucked this up.
Christen sits back down and Alex immediately continues their conversation with great enthusiasm. Christen listens and laughs while cautiously sneaking a note into my lap. Her fingers gently run across my thigh as she places her  hand back on her lap, causing me to quietly gasp. Alex and Christen both look over at me, Alex in curiosity and Christen in anger. Christen glares at me and I make sure the note is hidden under my thigh. "Um, sorry. I think I forgot my key card in my room." Alex shrugs. "I'm sure Christen will let you in." With that, Alex continues her discussion with Christen and I carefully open the note.
In Christen's neat handwriting, she has written Remember anything that happened last night? I frown, knowing I must have really messed up last night. Christen quickly looks in my direction, staring me in the eyes. After a few seconds, she rolls her eyes. "Well, do you?" I shake my head and Christen appears to be relieved. "Okay" is all she says before turning back around to face Alex who is now talking to Syd. I sigh and stare at the table. What the hell happened last night?

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