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Tobin's POV
I head into the hotel with a smile, excited for the next few months with the team. We were all pumped for the World Cup and I think we have a good chance of winning. I see Jill sitting in the lobby with a bunch of papers sprawled across the coffee table. She looks up and smiles. "Hello Tobin, glad to see you showed up on time, that's a first. Here is your key card, you'll be rooming with Press. Be downstairs by 7:30 for breakfast tomorrow. Now go upstairs and rest, we've got lots of work ahead of us tomorrow."
"Sure thing." I pull my suitcase to the elevator. As I enter I sigh. Everyone on the team hated rooming with Christen. She was very moody, especially on the first and last day of camp. She never went out to explore with the team and would rarely go out to celebrate wins. But when she did, she always got smashed and become violent and even more of a bitch than usual. Sometimes she would disappear for the night and arrive just as Jill walked into breakfast. She never spoke about her disappearances and we never asked.
The elevator opened and I pulled out my phone, texting Kelley.
Tobin: ur not gonna believe who I got stuck with...😑
Kelley: ...?
Tobin: christen
Kelley: lmao have fun with that...be there soon we'll catch up then yeah?
Tobin: okay see you soon
I slid my phone into my pocket before unlocking the door to the hotel room. I dragged my suitcase to one of the beds, sliding it under the bed for now. I slid my shoes off and flopped onto my bed. I saw no signs of christen being here yet, so I decided to take a quick nap.
Christen's POV
I enter the elevator with my earphones in and my music blaring. I was excited for the World Cup, partly because I could leave the house for awhile. I hated roommates but I think I can handle Tobin, she's always pretty chill. I exit the elevator and open the door to my room. Tobin is already here and is fast asleep on her bed. I head to the other bed and open up my suitcase. Looking at all my clothes, I groan and flop onto my bed. "I''ll do it later..." I mumbled as I drift off to sleep peacefully for the first time in many weeks.
I wake up due to someone touching my shoulder gently. I open my eyes and groggily sit up. "What time is it?" I mumble as I pick up my phone.
Tobin scratches her neck nervously. "Um, it's almost six, I just wanted to let you know so you weren't late for dinner."
I almost laugh in her face because of how scared she looks. Instead I mumble a quick thanks and push past her to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and take a shaky breath before redoing my ponytail and brushing my teeth. I unlock my phone, and click on "mom" under messages. I type in "made it to Canada safe" but then quickly delete it because I know she doesn't care. I shake my head to regroup and then walk downstairs to dinner.
I sit with Hope, Kelley, and a few other girls. Everyone is talking about our first game. I sit there and move my food around with my fork, I wasn't very hungry these days. Tobin kept looking over at me from the table she was sitting at with Alex, Pinoe, syd, and Allie. My phone buzzed and I looked down, thinking my mom just might have texted me. Nope of course not, it was Tobin.
Tobin: what's wrong, not hungry?
Press: whys it matter to you, quit staring at me
Tobin: right sorry just checkin in on u
Press: ya well I'm fine leave me alone
I look up and glare in her direction but stop as I see her hurt expression while she slips her phone into her pocket. God why am I such a bitch?
After dinner I head back upstairs with the girls, most of us heading our separate ways to rest. I see Tobin stop in front of our door hesitantly before jogging to catch up with Alex.
I shrug my shoulders. More time to myself, perfect. I turn on some music and begin to unpack my bag. After unpacking I head to bed. I can't sleep so I toss and turn for quite a bit. Right as I begin to drift off to sleep Tobin walks through the door. She tiptoes to her bed and looks in my direction. Not noticing I am awake she changes in front of me. I almost give myself away as I lose my breath. She looks over at me as I close my eyes and turn around.

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