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Christen's POV
I chuckle and shake my head. "Why won't you tell me?" Tobin pouts, crossing her arms. Alex had made a dirty joke earlier which had went right over Tobin's head. Since everyone had laughed at her, Tobin had been trying to figure out what it meant. She would not stop asking me to tell her. "It's really gross. You don't ever need to know about that." She frowns. "I'm not a little kid you know. And besides, how do you know about it?" My smile slightly falters but I quickly bring it back to my face. "You don't know how many women my dad has brought home and hooked up with on the couch." Tobin says nothing as we enter the conference room and sit in the back row of seats. As the game starts to play, Tobin reaches over and grabs my hand, rubbing her thumb back and forth across my hand.
Tobin's POV
Christen and I head upstairs after dinner. She is quiet the whole walk up. I open the door up and Christen pushes me inside quickly before gently pushing me against the door, shutting the door in the process. She kisses me very hungrily, not like her usual pecks. After a few moments, Christen pulls me to her bed and continues. I gently pull away and kiss her head. "Hey, what's all this about?"
"I just really like you." Christen shrugs. She lays down beside me and we stare at the ceiling. "Have you ever done it before?" Christen asks me curiously. My face heats up as I shake my head. Christen smiles. "Have you?" I ask. She frowns and nods. "Not with anyone important though." Christen noticed me still staring at her curiously. She smiles. "Three times. First time I was sixteen. Second time I was eighteen. The third time was when I was nineteen. I was so drunk I blacked out so I don't remember any of it, just waking up in the morning in a tree house." Christen chuckled at that memory before scooting closer to me. "Does that matter to you? If I've done it before?"
I shake my head. "No, i was just wondering. It's just embarrassing cuz I've done like absolutely nothing." Christen smiles and kisses my cheek. "Don't worry about it. It's actually really cute."
I frown but don't say anything. Christen grabs my hand. "Hey, if you're not ready don't worry about it. Okay? It's not a big deal." I still do not answer, mostly because I was thinking so I wasn't really paying attention to Christen. "Okay well you're still not talking...how about instead of doing that, I take you on a date tonight?"
Figuring she's joking, I laugh. She continues to stare at me. "So was that a yes or no?" My eyes widen. "Oh, you were serious?" She rolls her eyes and smack the back of my head.
Christen's POV
My phone buzzes several times. I look down to check it and see about ten texts from Alex. Tobin had agreed to go on a date and I assumed she was with Alex right now or had told Alex about it already.
Alex: omg u guys r going on a date???
Alex: I'm so happy
Alex: what r u guys gonna do
Alex: Oh am I allowed to tell anyone
Alex: or is this a secret for now
Alex: when r u gonna tell Jill
Alex: u gotta tell me all about it when the dates over
Alex: okay?
I roll my eyes, ignoring all her texts. I will just tell her later. Tobin and I agreed it was probably best to avoid restaurants or anywhere that might have nosey fans. Instead, we decided to pack a lunch and go for a walk through a forest. I tie my shoelaces before looking at myself in the mirror one last time. I started to become anxious and self conscious. I have been hanging out with Tobin for every second of every day lately so I don't know why I became so nervous. I head downstairs to wait in the lobby for Tobin. I sit and wait anxiously, getting more and more nervous the longer I wait. After a few minutes, Tobin walks down wearing a crop top and jean shorts. She had make up on too, which she almost never wears. She sees me and smiles. She grabs my hand and pulls me into a small closet. "What are we doing?" I ask her. She pulls a make up remover out of her pocket. "Fucking Alex" she mumbles before aggressively wiping her face. I laugh at her. A knock on the door scares the shit out of me. Tobin laughs at me before opening it to reveal Ali with a shirt in her hand. Tobin grabs it and quickly hugs Ali before closing the door again. She changes out of the crop top and into a regular t shirt. She looks at me and smiles. "Much better, don't tell Alex."
We finally leave the hotel and start our hike. We joke around the entire way up. I notice a small river and we wander over. We hop across the rocks and discover a small waterfall at the top. "Can we swim in it?!" Tobin asks excitedly. I smile and nod. We leave our shorts and shirts on a rock along with our sneakers. I jump in and she follows. We climb and jump off rocks for hours before  finally laying in the sun to dry off and eat.
Tobin's POV
We finish drying off and slip on our shorts, shirts, and shoes. We are walking back down when Christen suddenly slips. I quickly grab her hips and catch her. She giggles and quickly kisses me. We get back to the hotel and she slips into one of my sweatshirts. Wearing nothing else, she slips into my bed and lays on her stomach. I stand against the wall, watching her for a few seconds until she looks up and smirks. I blush and lay down beside her. She smiles and scoots closer to me, playing with the filters on snapchat. I guess she does this every night before she falls asleep. She laughs for about five minutes before she yawns and puts her phone away. She gently kisses me and tangles her legs with mine. Christen sighs. "Can I give you one more kiss?"I laugh and nod. She kisses me gently but needily at the same time. She is about to pull away but I don't let her. I feel her smile and she continues, making her way down my neck. After about a minute she stops. "Your heart is beating really fast, are you nervous?"
"A little" I mumble. She nods. "Okay, I'll  stop. Just, if we ever do that again, tell me to stop if you get uncomfortable, okay? I don't ever want to scare you." I nod and she kisses my head before laying under the covers and falling asleep, curled up by my side.

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