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Tobin's POV
I wake up at two in the morning from Christen moving restlessly. "Can't sleep?" I whisper. She jumps.
"Sorry, I'm not tired anymore. I was trying to stay still but I couldn't help it."
I shrug. "It's fine. Wanna get up and do something?"
"Like what?"
"Wanna go to the park?"
She nods and quietly gets up and slips on her sneakers. We silently exit the hotel and wander down the street. We arrive and decide to play tag. After chasing her for about five minutes she trips and falls. She turns around and giggles when she sees me sprinting towards her. Right as I'm about to bend down and tag her, I trip over the same rock and fall on top of her. Christen is laughing hysterically and I smile sheepishly in embarrassment. After she calms down, we both realize I am still on top of her and we both awkwardly clear our throats. I quickly get up and help her to her feet.

Christen's POV
As I stand up, cold drops of rain start to fall. "Shit" I mumble. It was about a fifteen minute walk back to the hotel, we would be soaked.
We sprint down the road. Tobin starts laughing. I look at her with a puzzled expression. "Your shirts see through."
I roll my eyes and jump in a puddle, soaking her. "Oh it's on." Tobin says as she splashes in several puddles. By the time we get back to the hotel our shoes are squishing from wetness and we are both shivering. As Tobin is about to open our door, Alex swings open the door and pulls both of us in quickly. "You guys! What were you thinking? You scared the shit out of me!"
"Sorry" Tobin and I mumble.
"Shower and get changed. Separately." She smirks at Tobin who immediately blushes. I stare in confusion until Alex speaks again. "I'm going back to my room. See you guys at breakfast tomorrow!" She walks out of the room and we both stand there awkwardly. "You can shower first, you look freezing" Tobin says.
"No that's not fair, we can just put on our bathing suits and shower at the same time."
"Alex said to take showers separately." She nervously scratches her neck.
I shrug. "I used to do it with my friends all the time. It's fine. What are we going to do? Have sex? I don't think so." Tobin bites her lip before nodding. "Okay"
We both put on bathing suits and let the water run for a minute before stepping in. I grab her wrist and tug her towards the water. "Okay so you get a minute of water and then we switch spots."
She nods and starts to put shampoo in her hair. I stand quietly on the other half of the shower.
"You're staring at me again." She smirks. I blush but continue to stare. As we switch spots, she touches my butt. I gasp and turn around, feeling my face turn bright red. She laughs and looks me up and down. "Now it's my turn to stare."
I blush and turn around, trying to avoid her gaze. She laughs. "Are you trying to hide? Cuz you just gave me a perfect view of your ass."
I turn around and glare at her. "Shut up" I mumble.
She holds up her hands. "Hey this was your idea."

Tobin's POV
After we are both finished we get out and each grab a towel,heading to the bedroom. I grab a change of clothes and go back to the bathroom. "I'll change in there, let me know when you're done changing." She nods and waits until I shut the door. I quickly change and brush out my hair. "Finished." Christen yells from the other room. I open the door and see her laying on her stomach on my bed. She is wearing one of my sweaters. If she is wearing shorts, they are very short and I cannot see them. Wow, she looks really sexy. Ugh, stop. She's just your friend.
"Im still not tired, are you?" She asks.
"Yeah, but I'll stay up with you." I sit beside her.
"No, if you're tired you're going to sleep. I'm fine with just laying next to you wide awake." She reaches over me and turns off the lamp. She grabs my hand and plays with my fingers. "I never gave you your surprise, what did you want?" I ask, suddenly remembering my promise. "What?" She asks, confused.
"Oh I guess you don't remember. I told you I had a surprise for you to get you to leave the bar but then I didn't have anything so I said you could pick what you wanted and I'd give it to you today. But I forgot. Apparently so did you."
"Oh. Sorry."
"So what did you want."
"No that's fine. You already spent all day with me, that seems like a good present. Can we play a game?"
I nod and she lifts up my shirt. "You gotta guess what I'm drawing, okay? If you get it right it's your turn but if you get it wrong I draw something else. Three guesses for each drawing and I can draw it again once if you need me to."
After several rounds, christen has got all of my drawings correct and I have only gotten one right. She says she used to play this all the time with her best friend, that's why she's so good.
"I'm gonna draw something big this time, okay?" She says. I try to focus but I start to squirm as Christen's finger gently draws a line from one of my hip bones to the other. "There, what was it?" Since I was unable to focus I have no idea whatsoever. "Um...I have no idea."
She draws it again, this time slower which causes me to squirm even more. "Um it was an igloo?"
"Nope. It was a car on a road."
"Oh wow, I was way off." I shake my head and pull down my shirt before laying on my side.
As I draw lower on her than the last rounds, I notice her start to squirm too. She grabs my hand and gently pulls it away before blushing. "Sorry, that felt weird. can you start over?"
I nod and redraw it. When I get by her hip she gasps quietly and then quickly bites her lip. "Um that was a dude surfing?"
"He was actually snowboarding but close enough."
We both stay silent for a few minutes before I notice a change in Christen's breathing, indicating she has fallen asleep. I bite my lip and quickly fall asleep thinking about Christen.

Christen's POV
I wake up laying on top of Tobin, her hand on my lower back and my butt. I look at the alarm clock, we still have an hour until breakfast. Someone knocks on the door. I quickly get up and open the door, revealing Alex. "Hey, have you seen- oh my god, were you guys..."
"Huh?" I say, still a little tired. My eyes widen when I realize what she meant. "No! Why would you say that?!?" I cross my arms and glare at her.
"Well all you're wearing is underwear and her sweater. And your hair is sorta messy. And I left the room last night after you guys got back..."
And we showered together... I thought to myself. "You did?!?" Alex shrieks.
"Shit did I say that out loud? Look, we were wearing bathing suits, we just couldn't decide who should shower first. That's all. Relax. Why are you here anyways?"
"I think I left my phone in here. Can I look for it?"
"Yeah, whatever. Just don't tell Tobin I told you about the shower, I didn't mean to say that out loud."
"Don't worry, I won't. Just keep me in the loop about what's going on with my best friend, okay? I better be the first to know when you start dating, when you kiss, when you guys actually do h-
"Stop! Come in and look for your phone." I slightly blush as I let Alex in.
She glances around the room. "Hmm...I made your bed before leaving last night, and it looks like no one has slept in it..." She looks at me with a smug smile.
"What? I'm just confused how that could be."
I glare at her. "I slept in her bed, happy now?"
She claps her hands excitedly. "That's so cute! My best friend is growing up so quickly, she's sleeping with cute girls wearing just underwear! I wonder what's next!"
I glare at her. "She's older than you."
"So? This is like the first time she's ever seemed interested in someone."
"Whatever, look under the bed, I'll check by the dresser." I see her phone laying on the floor by Tobin's suitcase. "Found it. Here." I hand it over and she smiles gratefully. "Thanks, sorry for teasing you. You're super cute and Tobin seems really happy. Forgive me?"
"As long as you stop calling me cute all the time."
"Deal." She quickly hugs me. "See you in a bit."
I groan and lay down on the other half of Tobin's bed. She yawns and mumbles "why can't she call you cute?"
"I don't like it." I turn, facing Tobin.
"Can I call you cute?" She asks smiling.
"We'll see." I stand back up and pack my bag for practice. Tobin continues to lay in bed, staring at me. After packing, I find some clean clothes and look at Tobin. "Stop looking, I gotta change."
She gives a thumbs up and then covers her eyes with her hands, leaving obvious gaps for her to see through. "Ugh whatever." I turn around and quickly change. When I turn back around Tobin is changed as well. I look at her, confused. "What? I was only kidding, I wouldn't actually look if you didn't want me to."
"Thanks." I mumble and quickly hug her.
"Sweet, a hug for a reward." She smiles.  "I'll give you a bigger reward if you can get me out of sprints." I smirk.
"Ugh, I wish I could."
I laugh at her and walk away. "Too bad."

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