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Christen's POV
I wake up with a slight headache, I drink a lot and alcohol does not seem to cause that bad of a hangover usually. I open my eyes, frowning in confusion when I see that I am basically lying on top of Tobin. What the hell are you doing Christen? Get it together, she's gonna think you're gay.
I carefully get up and place the blanket over her, causing her to roll over. I head to the bathroom where I quickly shower and change into different clothes. When I get out Tobin is just getting up. I play with my fingers as I walk out. "Thanks for like watching over me last night. Sorry, it won't happen again."
"Okay it wasn't that big a deal anyways." She shrugs before heading to the bathroom. I put on my sneakers and head down to breakfast. We have a quick practice this morning and then we are free for the rest of the day to relax before our game tomorrow.
Soon girls start piling in and within fifteen minutes I am surrounded by tired looking teammates. Pinoe trips over the leg of my chair and lands on the ground with a thud. "Ugh" she groans, not making any attempt to get up. We had all been expecting the day off but coach changed her last mind at the last second.
Jill walks in, stares at Megan for a few moments, shakes her head, and then continues walking to the other side of the room. "Girls, there's been a slight change. We've gotta go to a different field to practice today, we're gonna practice at a high school about a half hour away. After breakfast get your bags and head to the bus out front. We'll be back by 12:30 and you guys will have the rest of the day off."
We all give a thumbs up and then breakfast begins. After breakfast everyone heads upstairs to grab their bags. Tobin and I walk back downstairs together.
"Who do you usually sit with? On the bus." Tobin asks.
I shrug. "No one usually, I sit in the way back and listen to music."
"Wanna sit with me today?" She asks hopefully.
"You sit with Alex."
"So? She can have our seat to herself and we can sit together where you usually sit."
"Okay." I say, glad to have a partner for once.
Tobin's POV
We all quickly pack up after practice. We head to the high school's locker room to shower and change. Alex runs to catch up with me and christen. "What are you guys doing this afternoon? We're going for a drive, you in?"
I look over at Christen who just shrugs. "Sure, we leaving right after we get back?"
"Ya, right after we bring our bags back upstairs."
I nod before heading into a shower.
I get out and change. I can tell someone's looking at me and I scan the room and see Christen staring at me. She notices she's been caught and blushes before looking away.
We all get on the bus, I sit with christen in the back again. Christen looked exhausted, so I decided to keep quiet. Within five minutes of driving, Christen was starting to fall asleep. She bends in what seems like a painful position, laying her head on my lap. Jill stands up on the bus.  "There's a crash on the highway so we're taking a different route. It's gonna be a slightly longer trip than expected."
I stay still and listen to music for as long as I can so that I do not interrupt Christen. Finally, I try to stretch out my legs without waking her up. However, she notices and quickly moves her hand, tightly grabbing onto my thigh. I gasp out of shock. Julie turns around and scans our position. She smirks. "She must really like you." With that, she turns back around. I think about what Julie had said while we continue the ride back to the hotel. Eventually Christen gets up and stretches. She looks out the window before leaning against my shoulder.
Does she actually like me? Last night she was drunk and she's just tired right now, stop. She doesn't like you. But I mean, she was staring at you in the locker room. And she seemed upset that I was hanging with Bryan and Ali last night. Ugh, I just don't know. Do I even like her? Well obviously I do but what if she likes me?
My thoughts are interrupted as we pull up to the hotel. I nudge christen gently. "We're here." She nods gently and then sits up.
Alex is waiting for us outside of the bus. "Change of plans, that long bus ride bummed us out. We're just watching movies in my room, you guys still wanna come over?"
Christen nods and smiles."Great, can you guys bring some blankets and pillows? Oh, and wear comfy clothes."
I give her a thumbs up before heading upstairs. Christen seems to be less tired now and looks excited to go watch movies. She grabs some sweatpants and a sweater before changing on her half of the room. I glance at her a few times, careful to not be noticed. I also grab some sweatpants and slip them on while Christen strips her bed of pillows and blankets. We walk down the hallway to Alex's room. Since we were the last ones to arrive, we are sitting on the floor in a beanbag someone brought. We each sit on half of the beanbag, with the blanket spread over both of us. We watch mean girls first which Christen watches intently. After that, we continue going through all movie genres, watching a movie from each one.
Christen's POV
As the girls put in the first Saw movie, I notice Tobin tense up. Is she afraid? That doesn't make sense though, she made you watch horror movies with her the other day. I lean closer to her. "You okay?" I whisper. She nods but does not look at me.
Before the opening scene is over, I can tell that Tobin is indeed terrified. I carefully moved closer to her, making sure the other girls didn't notice. I grab her hand under the blanket and squeeze it. She looks over at me with fear filling her eyes. Luckily the lights are off so no one pays any attention to us. She jumps frequently and I feel extremely sorry for her. I let go of her hand and place my arm around her. She scoots closer and lays her head on my chest, hiding her face anytime something gruesome happens.
By the time we finish all the movies, Tobin is as close as possible without sitting on me. Her fist is clenched around a part of my shirt. I hear some of the girls whispering about us. "Are they cuddling?" "Are they dating?"
I assume Tobin does not want the girls to know about her fear so I whisper for her to go with it before moving to slightly lay on her. I close my eyes right as the lights come on. "Oh, she's asleep." "She sleeps a lot, didn't she sleep the whole way back?"
"Guys, stop." Tobin says and they all immediately obey. Everyone stretches and slowly leaves. It was already 6:50 and Jill wanted us all in bed by 7. Tobin pretends to wake me up and we act until we have left the room with our pile of blankets. "Thanks" she mumbles.
We get back to the hotel room and set all the blankets back on my bed. I notice Tobin anxiously standing by her bed. "What's up?" I ask.
"Um, I'm still scared. Could you maybe sleep over here again tonight?" I nod. "Of course." I shut the light off and lay on the other side of Tobin's bed. She moves closer but still gives me a little bit of space. I can feel her slightly shaking and I can tell she is still petrified. "Come here." She wastes no time latching onto me. Her head is hidden in my neck and her leg is laid across mine. I rub her back until she finally falls asleep. I softly kiss her head before drifting off to sleep.

Tobin's POV
She kissed me. Does that mean she actually does like me? Maybe not, she was trying to comfort me because I was like on the verge of tears. Yeah, it probably meant nothing. And she thought I was asleep. She wouldn't have done it if she knew I was awake.
Too exhausted to think anymore, I slowly drift off the sleep.

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