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Tobin's POV
We just finished our game against Australia, which we won 3-1. Christen scored which put her in a very good mood. We all got on the bus after a quick pep talk from Jill about our next game against Sweden in four days. As soon as we got back to the hotel, christen went to the machine to get tons of ice. She brought it back into our room and poured it into the bathtub before asking if I needed an ice bath. "Eh I didn't play that much, only like twenty minutes." She shrugs. "Okay well if you change your mind you can join me."
She slightly smiles before grabbing a bathing suit and heading to the bathroom, leaving the door halfway open. After a few minutes, she shouts "this is boring!!!" I peek inside and sit on the floor beside the tub. "Wanna play heads up?" She quickly nods. I give her my phone and we begin. After a few rounds she stands up and grabs a towel. I look down at the ground while she wraps the towel around her. "What are you doing the rest of the day?" I shrug. "I don't know, I think Alex wanted to go swimming a little later on."
She nods and pulls me to my feet. "Okay, well wanna watch a movie till you go swimming?"
"Sure, you can come swimming too if you want you know, I think Syd and Megan are coming too." I say, hoping she will come so I can spend more time with her.
"We'll see" she says as she walks out of the bathroom and sits on her bed.
We pick a movie and then we sit on her bed. Eventually she yawns and lays down, resting her head on my lap. I get a snap from Alex, who has sent me a video of her with the deer filter on saying "swimming in an hour"
I take a picture of the movie and sent it to her. "Okay I'll be there" I wrote.
After a few seconds, I get a text from her.
Alex: is that christen laying by you?
Tobin: um yeah, how did you know she was here
Alex: I can see her leg in the photo dummy. You gonna invite her to go swimming with us?
Tobin: yeah
Alex: okay, so you guys dating or what exactly is going on? You haven't even talked to me in a long time. I miss my best friend. 😔
Tobin: no we're not dating. And sorry I know, I'm gonna hang out with you today tho at the pool. If you want you can spend the night in my room with me and Christen?
Alex: no way dude, I ain't gonna be no third wheel
Tobin: 😑 we're not dating
Alex: u wish u were tho. I'll think about it, see u in a bit. Bring christen. Bye ❤️
Tobin: bye ❤️
Christen slightly shivers and mumbles "when are you leaving?"
"An hour, Alex really wants you to come and hang with us. Do you want to?"
"No you guys should spend some time together, you're best friends. I'll just stay here."
"Will you please come? It's a good deal, you get to see me in a bikini." I smirk and feel her blush as she hides her face.
"Fine I'll come."
"Yay! Thank you." I yell excitedly.
"Go change, we gotta leave soon." She moves off of me and crawls into her blankets. I get up and head to the other side of the room and dig through my suitcase which has still not been unpacked. I grab a bikini and head to the bathroom.
After changing we head to Alex's room. Alex opens the door and smiles when she sees I brought Christen. "You look wet. Did you already go swimming?"
"Ice bath."
"Oh right, okay well let's go to the pool. Syd and Megan are still getting changed. Kellie is already waiting.
We get into the pool and decide to play volleyball. After an hour, we all get out to change before we have to go to dinner. We all stand and talk for a while. Every once in a while I notice Christen looking at me. We suddenly realize we only have five minutes until dinner. We race up the stairs and all head to our rooms. By the time I have shut the door behind us, christen has already taken off her top and is rummaging through her drawers, with her back towards me. I bite my lip before looking away and changing on the other side of the room. Christen is ready before me and watches me slip on shorts and a shirt.
"Yeah, swimming was totally worth it." She smirks and pushes me out the door. We meet Alex on the stairs. "Tobin, what the hell, your shirt is on inside out you idiot." She gently smacks the back of my head. "I'm sorry I was rushed!" We enter the room completely out of breath and land in our seats just as Jill walks in.

Christen's POV
"Hey, you guys mind if I crash in your room tonight? Kelley and Hope are watching some horror movie in
me and Kelley's room, and I am definitely not staying in there." Alex explains.
"Yeah that's fine." I say with a shrug, knowing she must miss her best friend. We head upstairs and Alex suggests we play video games. We set up the PlayStation and bring out a load of video games. After losing to Alex for the millionth time in Fifa, I sigh and hand the controller to Tobin."that's it I'm watching the rest of the time."
Alex laughs and sits up straighter on my bed. "Yay, I'm playing Tobin now, I'm finally gonna be playing a close game."
I stick my tongue out at Alex before grabbing a blanket and laying down on Tobin's bed beside her. She rests her head against the wall and stares at the screen. After watching her lose three times, I fall asleep.

Tobin's POV
After playing with Alex for an hour, christen turns around and scoots closer to me, gently placing her hand on my stomach. Alex glances over at us and raises an eyebrow. I just roll my eyes at her and finally manage to score against her while she is distracted. 
After a little while longer, we decide to go to sleep. Alex lifts Christen off of me for a few seconds and we place her under the covers.
Alex leads me over to Christen's bed. "So do you like her?" Alex asks.
"Alex...I already told you, we aren't d-"
"That doesn't mean you don't like her, answer."
I slightly nod, looking down, waiting for Alex to give me a speech about Christen's attitude and how I should find someone else.
"Aw, you finally like someone. And she's totally cute! I'm so happy for you!" She hugs me.
I blush and gently push her. "Stop Alex!" I say sheepishly.
"How long have you liked her?" She asks.
"I don't know, like a week? Why does it matter anyways, she doesn't like me."
"Are you kidding me, Tobin? She obviously likes you too! Didn't you see her checking you out in the locker room? And she's always cuddling with you! Christen doesn't act like that and you know it. Now, go over there. I'm exhausted, see you in the morning."
I lay beside Christen and stare at the ceiling. Both Alex and Julie think Christen likes me, does that mean she really does?
After a few seconds Christen stretches and then scoots closer to me. She moves her leg over mine and places her head on my shoulder. She moves a few strands of hair out of her face and then placed her hand on top of me, accidentally placing it over my boob. I bite my lip. Alex comes out of the bathroom in her pajamas and smirks when she notices her hand. "Can you move her hand?" I whisper pleadingly.
"Why? Won't be able to sleep if I don't?"
I blush and look away. She laughs and moves her hand carefully, placing it over my hand. "There now you can sleep. No inappropriate dreams!"
I glare at her and she puts her hands up. "Alright alright I'm done, jeez."
She turns off the light and crawls into Christen's bed.

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