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Christen's POV
I wake up early to get ready before Tobin wakes up. I slip out the door and head to a small cafe to buy some breakfast. Jill had texted me last night saying that Tobin could skip breakfast today if she wasn't feeling any better. I quickly pay for the food and am heading back to the hotel when someone stops me. I turn around quickly, coming face to face with the man from the bar. What was his name? Bryan? Ben? Ugh, what does he want from me anyways.
I raise an eyebrow at him. "Look, I gotta be somewhere. I don't have time to talk." He doesn't give up unfortunately. "This'll only take a minute. You're the girl that Tobin took home from the bar, right? So I'm assuming you guys are friends. Do you know why she isn't answering any of my texts or calls?"
I roll my eyes. "I don't know. She doesn't like you I guess. It's not my problem." I turn around and walk back to the hotel. I enter the room and Tobin is sitting on the bed stretching. She smiles when she sees me, still looking tired. I place the food down beside her and continue to stand by her bed. She tilts her head. "I brought you breakfast" I mumble. "Thanks, here I'll pay you back." She quickly stands up and searches through her suitcase for money. "No it's fine, really."
Tobin shakes her head. "No, here take it." She waves the money in front of my hand but I just shake my head. "You don't need to spend your money on breakfast. I got it."
She steps closer. "You're taking my money anyways." She grabs my hips gently and pulls me closer, slipping the money into my back pocket. Tobin smirks, noticing me start to squirm. She sits back down and starts to eat. I still stand by the bed, upset by my encounter with the man from the bar. Tobin notices. "What's the matter?" I shake my head. "Nothing, I'm fine."
"Shit, did I make you uncomfortable when I put the money in your pocket?" Tobin asks worriedly.
"What? Of course not." She nods but still stares at me, waiting for me to tell her what upset me. I sigh and walk over to her, sitting beside her. She pulls me into her lap and I play with the strings of her sweatshirt. "I saw that guy from the bar, he talked to me." I mumble.  She rubs my back. "Oh yeah? what'd he want?" "To know why you weren't answering his texts and calls."
She laughs. "Are you upset he has my number? Because just so you know, I gave him my sister's number, I would never give a stranger mine. Besides, I like someone else. Like a lot."
Tobin's POV
Christen lifts her head up and slightly tilts it. "Who?" I smile. "You're gonna make me say it? I know you know who it is." She smiles and nods. "Describe them." I think for a second before speaking. "Okay well, she's very smart and independent. And she's an amazing soccer player. And she's really cute and funny. She gets moody sometimes but that's okay because then she likes to cuddle so that's a plus."
She blushes and kisses my cheek. I rub her back. "Still upset?" I ask. "No" she mumbles.
Someone knocks on the door and Christen groans before getting up and opening the door.  Ali walks through the door. Christen walks back to me and sits in my lap, resting her head against my chest and yawning. Ali smiles and then looks at me. "hey you guys weren't answering your phones so we just wanted to know if you guys were gonna play soccer tennis with us at eleven. We were planning on playing till lunch and then after lunch we have to go watch film. Like all the girls are coming."
Christen nods quickly. "Yeah! I wanna come!" Ali smiles and looks at me. I nod too and Ali claps her hands. "Great! Bye guys!" Ali quickly turns around and almost trips over my suitcase. I laugh as she scolds me for not unpacking yet. When she leaves Christen pulls out her phone. She plays with the filters and quietly giggles. After we spam Alex with about fifty pictures and videos using the filters and voice changers, christen closes her eyes and falls asleep with her head resting against my chest and her phone slipping out of her hand.

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