Recruitment process Part 2

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 Valentine POV

I stood on the stage and welcome the new people, willing to join the circle "Welcome everyone. Today you will hopefully be chosen to become a member of the circle. This membership isn't for the weaklings. You have to be strong, but not cocky. Smart, but not intelligent. Please welcome my two children Clarissa and Jonathon Morgenstern" The crowd burst into applause and I watched my two children walk up on stage. I felt so proud that I have raised them to be the best and most fearful shadow hunters of their generation. My daughter walked up to the center of the stage and started telling the crowd what the circle expects and other guidelines. When she started to speak, the confidence and willingness in her voice reminded me so much of her mother Jocelyn. The women I had loved the most.

Clary POV

As soon as father had welcomed Sebastian, and myself I felt triumph and confidence. I took my place center stage and started to talk. "Thank you to all of you who have made it today. As you know, my name is Clarissa and this is Jonathon. You are not to call us anything but that. We want as many of you as we can get to join the circle, but only the fiercest, most devoted and loyal followers will be accepted" I gestured towards Jonathon to hand me the cup. I nodded my head in thanks to my brother "In this cup, the blood of the angle and the devil have been combined. You will line up and take a sip from the cup. Those of you who are strong enough, will walk over to my brother to receive the circle rune. Those of you who aren't strong enough... Will find out what happens" A slight smile had plastered itself over my lips. Jonathon and I yelled, "Let the recruitment begin!" People lined up and drank from the cup. At the end of the process, we had over 300 new circle members and 100 dead mundanes gifted with the sight. We then proceeded to burn the bodies, letting members who knew the fallen, to worship and say their prayers. After the burning, we gathered up the new circle members and told them what we would expect of them. 

Jonathon POV

I stood next to my sister and went through the guidelines of what we expect from the new members. "Congratulations, you are now circle members" a roar of cheers and applauses struck amongst the members. Once everybody settled down I went through with what our expectations are of the new members "Clarissa and I are going to be your trainers. If you oblige to any of our rules, you will be stripped of your circle mark and shoved back into the mundane world and most likely to be eaten by a demon" After the speech was made, we sent everyone to their sleeping quarters and Valentine, Clarissa and I walked back into our home to get ready for bed.

Once I had gotten ready for bed, I walked over to my sister's room to wish her good night and tell her what a great job she did today. "Hey Rissa" "Hey john" she replied "what's up?" "I just wanted to tell you what a great job you did today" I said. "She replied back with "Thanks you too" and I left her for bed. What a day it has been for the Morgenstern's. We are one day closer to seeking revenge on what they did to our mother.

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