Old enemies Part 6

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Jace POV

We walked back in silence until we neared the institute and Izzy spoke. "Is it true that she is Valentine's daughter?" she said. "Yeah, she has the circle rune and she knew what she was saying back at Pandemonium" I replied back. "It just seems a bit odd that she magically arrives in New York, just to kill demons and a rouge shadow hunter and then not hesitate to kill us" Izzy said. "She defiantly isn't an ordinary shadow hunter... besides being Valentines Daughter of course" I said. When we arrived at the institute, Alec and Izzy went straight up to bed and I was left with a sleepy Clary. I put her in one of the beds in the infirmary and I slept in a bed a few meters away from hers. I was trying to collect my thoughts on how I'm going to tell Maryse this in the morning, and why she is here. I decided to give up and just go to sleep.

Clary POV

As soon as Alec hit the bottom of the blade across the back of my head, I fell down and pretended to be unconscious. Jace then went and attempted to apply a sleeping rune on me, but since I'm 75% angle and I have the circle rune, I am near immune to those runes. I don't fall into a deep sleep like most shadow hunters; I just feel a tad more tired. Jace then proceeds to pick me up and carry me to the New York Institute. I over hear Jace's and Izzy's conversations on how I'm not like most shadow hunters and how I magically appeared and tried to kill them. If that's what they think I'm here for, they are way off. Once we enter the institute, Jace puts me in an infirmary bed. He then takes one a few meters away from me. I thought that, that was kinda sweet. Wait, what am I thinking, the only thing that I think is 'sweet' is getting new weapons. What is this Herondale doing to me? I touch my ring and tell my father what has happened. He tells me that this is what he wants. I question him and he just says that he promises to tell me later. I leave it at that and proceed to fall into a real sleep.

Jace POV

I wake up and find that I feel asleep in the infirmary. I sit and look around to see a girl with red hair sprawled out in bed a few meters away from me. Clary. I then proceed to think about last night and how Clary tried to Kill Izzy and I without hesitation. It was really weird. Thank the angle that Alec was there; otherwise we would have been goners. I get up, grab my stele and put a special locking rune on her bed. The rune acts like an invisible barrier and the person inside can't get out unless I unlock it. They can get out but they will burn. The further away from the bed, the faster and harder they burn. In 2 meters of the barrier that person will be dead because of the burning. Looking pleased with my work, I head out and down to my room to take a shower.

Izzy POV

I wake up with sore muscles and some minor bruises on me. The memories of last night's events started flowing to me. I remember that Clary-bitch breaking my arm and ribs. I remember she knocked out Jace and then Alec knocked her out. I then got up out of bed and went into my bathroom to have a shower. It felt so nice to feel the hot water roll down my back and wash away last night's events. I got out and put on a Black sports bra with a mesh crop top over the top, my Lulu lemon 7/8 leggings and my black Nike shoes. I put my hair in two braids and went down to alert my mum on last night's events.

I headed down the stairs to my mum's study. I walked in to find my mum head down working – like always. I knocked 3 time on the door, she looked up and gestured me to come in. I sat down and proceeded to talk to her. "Last night, we ran into Valentines Daughter Clary" I said. "You what" my mum said in a serious tone. I then talked about how she knocked Jace out, broke my arm and ribs and Alec snuck up behind her and knocked her out. "Well where is she know?!" My mother said. "We put her in the infirmary and Jace is watching her" I replied back. "If she knocked Jace out, HE WON'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST HER AGAIN" she yelled. "SHE AND HER BROTHER ARE THE BEST SHADOWHUNTERS OF THIS GENERATION, Jace may be second but he is no match to them" My mother said. I looked at her, astonished, and replied "Wait... She's got a brother?" "Yes" my mother said without looking up from her papers. My Mother stood up and walked down to the infirmary to see Clary. I quickened my pace to catch up with her.

Jace POV

I get out from my shower and put on my black V-neck top and blacked ripped jeans. I walked down the hall to the infirmary to check up on Clary. As I walk in, I sit on a chair 2 meters away from her bed. As I go to sit, she starts to stir and wake up. I brace myself for whatever she throws at me.

Clary POV

I start to stir and slowly wake up. I open my eyes, finding myself in an infirmary. Oh God, last night wasn't a dream. I sit up and look around. My eyes land on a gold hair and eyed angle. Him. "You" I spat "Where and why the fuck am I here?" I yelled. I go push off the covers and I jump off my bed. "Who do you think you are, holding me in some stupid institute?" I yell at him. All of a sudden I scream and cry out in pain. It burns; my skin is burning and steaming. The pain is unbearable. I manage to pull myself back onto the bed and the pain goes away. "What the fuck was that?" I ask him. Jace has got this smug smile plastered over his face. 

Just as he's about to answer, a tall, slim-figured women with raven black hair done up in a crown-twist hairstyle walks in. I immediately recognize her as Maryse Lightwood. The bitch who killed my mother. She is followed by her daughter Isabelle. "It's called a locking rune" Maryse says. "Not even Valentines daughter can escape from it" I look at her completely stunned. "Only we can unlock it" Jace added. I look at them, for the first time I am speechless. "It's a pleasure to see you again Clary" Maryse says. "Its Clarissa, thank you very much" I spat. "Pleasant as always" Maryse mumbles under her breath. I don't like this situation of these morons being in control. I like to switch things up a bit and be a real pain in the ass. "Wow" I say "I lovvveee your hair Maryse, it looks so familiar" I say sarcastically. I look at Maryse and she is shooting daggers in my direction. From the looks of Jace's and Isabelle's face's, I don't think they knew that Maryse and Robert were apart of the circle. " I just can't seem to wrap my finger around where I've seen your hairstyle before?...Oh that's right, it's the official..." Maryse cut me off by death staring me. I decided to stop and I would torment her one-day at a time. "We will escort you to a room in the institute. You will have a guard 24/7 next to you. You will also be trialed against the mortal sword tomorrow" said Maryse. 

Just as she was about to continue, I cut her off. "Oh maryse, haven't you learnt anything?" I say "Let me ask you something... Am I a shadow hunter?" Maryse scoffs "You a shadow hunter? You're a disgrace to all Nephilim" "Do I kill demons?" I say "Well" Maryse said "you kill our kind, your started the..." "Just yes or no Maryse" I say, starting to get impatient. "Do I kill Demons?" "Yes" she said. "Well, that makes me a shadow hunter Maryse. And all shadowhunters that have been injured out on the field get at least 1 week of recovery before being trialed against with the mortal sword" I say. I sit back and look at their faces. "Show her to a room" Maryse says to Jace. Jace gets up, puts a locking rune on my wrist, unlocks the rune from the bed and leads me down the hall into a spare room. 

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