Look at her go Part 7

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Jace POV

I was watching Maryse and Clary go at it and wow, I never knew some of the things Clary said. I was watching her every move, from the way she burrowed her brows together in concentration to the way her eyes glistened in amusement and satisfactory when she proved a point that couldn't be provoked. Her eyes did that glistening thing and I looked over to Maryse and saw her death glaring Clary. "Jace, take Clary to a room" she said. I walked over to the edge of Clary's bed and unlocked the locking rune from her bed and put a locking rune on her wrist. I leaded her out of the infirmary and into the housing dorms. I stopped outside of her new room and opened the door. "This is your new room" I said, "my room is across the hall, Isabelle's and Alec's are either side of you." "I have placed the same locking rune as the one from your bed in the infirmary on your room and all over the institute" She gave me a single nod and proceeded into her room. Just before I went to close the door Clary said "Please get someone to get my bags from Skyline apartments New York. I'm in the penthouse, here is the key" she took the key from her back pocket to give me, and when I reached out to take them, our hands touched and I swear I felt a jolt of electricity go through us and from the look she gave me, she felt it too. I quickly grabbed the keys and was out the door.

I grabbed my weapons belt that had my daggers and

stele in it and headed out the door. I looked up Skyline Apartments on my phone and was on my way. I glamoured myself and went into the apartment block. I arrived at the penthouse door, unlocked it, and headed in to get her bags. Wow. I knew Clary has style, but class? The apartment gives off 280 degree views of the city. It's amazing. I walked through the apartment until I found what look like her room. I grabbed her bags and headed out.

By the time I got back to the institute, it was dusk. I waddled in with all of Clary's bags. She had 3 large suitcases, 2 small ones and a duffel bag. I got into the elevator and rode it up to the housing dorms. Once I got there I walked down the hall and knocked on Clary's door. She said "Come In" I opened the door and found her reading a book on her bed. She looked up from her book and said "You can leave them over in the corner" I nodded my head and plonked all of the bags down in the corner near the wardrobe. Just as I was about to walk out of the door clary said "Thanks... you know, for picking up my bags" I turned around and said "It's alright, it's the least I could do" I winked and slipped out the door. "Clarissa Morgenstern " I muttered "You'll be the death of me". 

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