Training Part 3

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Clary POV

I woke up this morning with an urge to train. I got out of bed and put on a black sports bra, sport leggings and my black and white joggers. I swept my long red hair into a messy ponytail and left. I headed down to the training room and saw a girl around the age of 12 training alone. She was throwing knives at a target and hitting the heart each time. I walked up to her and said "Wow, your really good at throwing knives" She turned around and stared in awe. "Oh my gosh your Clarissa Morgenstern. This is such an honor, thank you." She was blushing like crazy but then she stopped. I looked down at her confused and she said "The older boys would tease me, saying that I'm so small and I can't spare. I would get upset and run off to the training room and practice knife throwing." I bent down so I was her height and told her "Size and age doesn't matter. Fully grown men died drinking out of the cup, yet you survived. That shows a lot of loyalty and courage. You should be proud of your self." She looked up at me and smiles. I told her "You have a lot of potential, keep it up" and walked out of the room.

I walked sown to the kitchen and my father called out my name from his study "Clarissa! Come in here please!" "Coming father!" I replied. Argh, will I ever get a break in this house. I walked into my fathers study and asked "Is everything alright father?" He told me to take a seat. I walked over to the chair in front of him, feeling a little concerned. He says "I'm sending you to New York to take care of some demon problems. They are only minor, but they slightly interrupt my plans" I just sat there and looked at him. "What?" I said shocked. "Pack your bags, your going there tonight and staying in this penthouse for a week" he said "Oh, I almost forgot" Valentine pulled out a gold ring from his desk draw. "You will wear this Faerie ring so we can communicate with each other." I took it and slid it onto my right thumb. "Thanks" I replied. I took the information from his desk and left. I walked up to my room slowly and started to pack my things. I haven't been to New York since I was 8. The year my mother died. I always hated New York for what happened. I swore that I would never return, but in situations like these, I guess I have to man up and go. My father warned me that the Lightwoods would be around and to look out and steer clear of them. I walked into my closet and put on a black crop top, ripped jeans, my black knee high boots and my leather jacket. I applied a coat of mascara and red lipstick. I let my fiery red hair flow down my back. I grabbed my bags, one full of clothes and toiletries, and the other full of weapons, drew a portal on the wall and stepped through to New York.

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