You lied Part 8

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Hey Guys! sorry i haven't updated in a long time, here it is though!!!!!!!


Clary's POV

3 days passed and I swear I was going to die of Boredom here. I was only allowed out of my room 4 times a day. I've only been able to train once and I haven't heard anything from my father or brother. I was sitting on my bed, sketching a Parisian café when I hear my fathers voice, piercing through my mind, interrupting my concentration of the café. 

"Clarissa... Are you there?" I touched my ring "Yes father, what is it" "Jonathon will be coming to the institute this afternoon and he will be naming himself 'Sebastian'. Don't blow his cover" he said. "Oh yes father thank you" I said. And With that, he disconnected and I sat back on the headboard of my bed, smugly smiling to myself. I started to playing with the Morgenstern ring around my neck. I muttered. "Just when you thought there was only me, think again lightworms"

It was around 3pm when Jace came into my room. "We have a visitor joining us at the institute, he'll be arriving in a few minutes". I looked up from my drawing "why didn't you knock" I asked, clearly annoyed. "I could have been naked" He looked me directly in the eyes. Molten Gold clashing with Emerald green. "Well" He said "I guess I was willing that take that chance" He started walking towards me. I put my sketching pad next to me and sat up. He sat on the corner of the bed, never breaking eye contact. I sat up and shuffled towards him. I put my hands on his shoulders, turning him around to face me. I leaned into him, luring him into my trap. He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him and he put his hands on my waist. Perfect. I lightly brushed my lips on his and proceed to grab his stele. 

He was about to go in for a kiss, but last minute I dodged his lips and whispered in his ears "I don't think mommy lightworm would approve of this, A Morgenstern with a Herondale, Hmmm I don't think so" He pulled back and looked my directly in the eyes. "What did you just call me?" He asked confused. Well shit, I just gave it away. Gahh. I tried to play it off cool. "I called you a Herondale" I purred "Because you are one" "No" he said taking his hands off my hips. That was my cue to jump off his lap. I started walking to my wardrobe, choosing an outfit to wear. "I'm a Wayland, my dad..." I cut him short "You're not a Wayland, the Waylands are dead, the whole family died in a demon attack. You're a Herondale." He looked at me in disbelief. I continued going through my closet, pulling out dresses, holding them up to myself in the mirror. Too late to turn back now. The stele was firmly hidden in a pocket of my tracksuit pants. "No Jace" I turned to him, putting down my dresses "Your dad Stephan Herondale and Mother Céline Herondale were apart of the circle. Our parents were actually quite close" He looked at me with annoyance "anyway... Your were 5 years old when they died, your father was on a routine demon hunt and he got kill by a pack of shape-shifting demons. When your mother found out, she slit her wrists and died. My father dropped you off out the front of the New York Institute, where you were adopted by the Lightwoods." 

Jace was staring at the floor. Wow, it must be pretty hard hearing that your real parents were dead, your adoptive parents lied to your face and you found all of this out by a sworn enemy. I kind of felt sorry for him. I walked over and sat next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he immediately shrugged it off. He got up and bolted out the door. I muttered to myself "To love is to destroy" and went into the bathroom to get ready for when Jonathon arrives.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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