Pandemonium Part 4

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No-ones POV

Clary portaled to the penthouse apartment that her farther assigned her too. She landed on her feet with her bags in each hand. She put down the bags and started to look around. The apartment was spacious with 270 degree views of New York City. It was late afternoon and the sun was streaming in engulfing her in golden rays of light. She shifted her focus to a majestic church in the distance. 'The New York Institute' she thought. Clary went to put her bags away in her room.

The room had views of Manhattan and it has Bathroom ensuite. "Huh" clary thought to herself "I could defiantly get used to this" She flopped down onto her bed and touched her ring. "Father?" she thought. "Yes Clarissa?" he replied back almost instantly "I made it to New York, what do I do now?" He said "When the sun sets, walk down to a night club called Pandemonium. You will find a group of demons lead by a rouge shadow hunter. Kill them" "Yes father" she replied "Good luck Clarissa, talk soon" he then disconnected and left clary to lay on her bed, trying to gather her thoughts together. Clary looked over at her bedside clock, it read 8:00pm. "Time to kill some demons and an ex-shadow hunter" she thought to herself.

Clary POV

After I finished collecting my thoughts together, I changed into a gold and black sequined dress that had long arm sleeves and ended just above my knees. I pared the outfit with my 4-inch black stiletto shoes. I put a sheath on my upper left thigh and shoved two seraph blades in it and on my right thigh I put eight throwing knives in another sheath. I put another two seraph blades in my bra. I took off my red lipstick and put on a light pink lip gloss. I left my hair flowing down my back, grabbed my stele and made a portal going to Pandemonium.

I portaled to an ally way opposite pandemonium. I walked over to the club and whispered a hyponastic spell to the bouncer. I'm not the average shadow hunter. I'm 75% angle and my Brother is 40% demon and 40% angle. Together we are an unstoppable force. I guess that's why we are the best shadow hunters of our generation. The bouncer let me in and I already spotted the first demon. I walked over to it and whispered in it's ear "meet me in the lounge in 5 mins" he nodded and walked away. As I started to walk to the lounge a person bumped into me. I looked up to see a beautiful looking guy with golden hair and eyes, sharp cheekbones and a tall, muscular physique. Jace Herondale. He stuttered "o oh so-sorry, I didn't mean to b-bump into you like that" I looked back up into those luscious gold eyes and said "It's alright" batting my eye lashes. Disguising how much hate I have for him. "I'm Jace Herondale" he said and grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it. I fake blushed and said "Nice to meet you Jace" Argh what a player, why won't he move along. He's really getting on my nerves now. He stood there looking at me and asked, "well...are you going to tell me your name?" I looked at him stunned and leant up and whispered something in his ear - a temporary memory loss spell. I then walked past him, turned my head over to his direction and gave him a wink before heading off to the lounge.

Jace POV

I was on my way trying to find Alec and Izzy when I accidentally bumped into a girl. I looked down to find this small girl with fiery red curly hair, emerald green eyes and a toned-muscular physique looking up to me. I attempted to apologize but I stuttered my sentence. Since when does Jace Herondale stutter and, to a girl? This girl has got me under some spell. I then brush away those thoughts and picked up her hand and planted a kiss on it. In my most seductive voice I said "I'm Jace Herondale" she looked up at me again and blushed. I asked if she was going to tell me her name but she just whispered something to me... Ah it was a memory loss spell. But how? As she walked away, she peered over her shoulder and winked at me. I need answers. So I slyly started to follow her. She was heading towards the lounge. "Huh" I thought. "What's she doing in here?"

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