Captured Part 5

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Clary POV

After my encounter with 'sunshine boy' I headed over to the lounge. As I opened the door I saw not one but six demons. "great" I though sarcastically. I took out a seraph blade and the light forced them to curl up and shiver. One at a time they lunged at me in in 5 swift movements, they were all gone. I turn around and she a man standing in the door way with his seraph blade out. "he must be the rouge shadow hunter" I though to myself. He lunged forward and the battle begun. I easily blocked his movements and I flipped over him and stabbed him in the back. I then put a fire rune on him and watched him burn. After that encounter I put my hand on Faerie ring and said "I killed the demons and shadow hunter father" "Good" he replied "Keep and eye out for more" and he then disconnected. As I went to exit the lounge sunshine boy was standing in the doorframe, eyes and mouth open in awe. I said "better close your mouth Jace, or you'll catch flies" he shut his mouth and his eye's wondered over the rune on my neck. "Your in the circle?" he asked with a hint of sadness and anger in his voice "Oh this?" I gestured to the rune "nah it's just smudged tomato sauce. Of course I'm in the circle you idiot" I said in an angry sarcastic tone. "You don't really get much choice, when you Valentine's daughter" I said with an evil smirk across my face. He stood speechless in front of me and one brief movement he got out his seraph blade and was ready to fight me.

Jace POV

"Where's this chick going"? I thought as I was slyly following her around the club. I quickly glance up at something and I smell the stench of demons. I try to locate the red head and I see her walking into the lounge. "weird" I thought to myself as the stench of demons was getting stronger. I walk up to the door of the lounge and she the red head slaying a pack of demons and a rouge shadow hunter. She kills the shadow hunter and puts some sort of fire rune on him and watches as he burns up in flames. I stand at the door in awe. As she goes to leave, she turns around and sees me at the door. She tells me to shut my mouth or I'll catch flies. Surprised, I didn't even feel my mouth open. My eyes then wonder down to her neck and I see a circle rune. No way. How could a girl like her be apart of the circle? I asked her and she replied back with some smartass comment. She then told me that she was Valentines Daughter! But how could an amazing girl like her be His Daughter? We have been told by the clave to kill circle members if we see them. I quickly got out my seraph blade and was ready to fight.

Clary and Jace were standing opposite each other with a 10 meter gap between them. Clary turns around and starts to take 3 steps away from Jace. Jace yells "Where are you going?!" Clary slightly turns her head around and says "Nowhere, but you are" Just as those words slipped out her mouth she turned around and threw 2 throwing knifes towards Jace's direction. Jace didn't have time to react and dodge the knives. Before he knew it, he was pinned up against a wall with the knives pinning into his jacket. He had dropped his seraph blade and was unarmed. Clary walked over to him with a glowing blade and put it up against his throat.

Clary POV

As soon as I threw the knives I was holding a seraph blade against Jace's throat. "It's such a shame that a boy so pretty has to die" I said with a sad pouty face. All he managed to get out was "B-but ho-how?" Really? He wanted to know how I threw those knives so swiftly? "I guess it pays being Valentines daughter. You probably don't know this but I'm the no.1 shadow hunter of this generation" I said. His eyes quickly shifted from mine, to behind me and then back to me. I assumed that he was looking for a way out and I pressed the seraph blade further into his neck.

Jace POV

One minute I'm ready to fight, the next I'm being pinned against the wall with knives and Valentines daughter holding a seraph blade against my throat. I'm speechless. I'm supposed to the no. 2 shadow hunter of this generation and this girl is holding me against my will! I manage to stutter a "but how?" and she gives me a pouty face and tells me that She is the no. 1 shadow hunter of our generation. Her. Out of all people its her. I guess it makes sense because she was trained by Valentine, but still! I hear something at the door and I quickly shift my focus from Her luscious green eyes to a slim womanly figure near the doorframe. Isabelle! I shift my focus back to her eyes, praying that she won't notice.

Isabelle POV

It's been over 20mins and there is no sign of Jace. I ask my brother Alec where he is, but he just shrugs and replies "probably getting laid by some blonde" hmm true but he would have told us. I tell Alec to keep a look out for him and I go off and look for him. I go to the lounge and I see a red haired girl holding him up against the wall with a seraph blade and knives. Jace quickly glances at me and I step back. I let my whip slither down from my wrist and get ready to attack.

Clary POV

I hear someone behind me. I'm assume that it's one of Jace's friends coming to save him. I then proceed to turn around, still holding the blade on Jace's neck. At first I though I saw Maryse Lightwood, but then I realize it's her daughter Isabelle. I'm pissed again. I pull Jace from the wall and punch him in the side of the head to knock him for a solid ten minutes or so. Isabella say this and screamed "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" she came charging at me, swing her whip at me. I easily dodged it and caught it mid strike. I pulled it and she fell forward in front of me. I stood above her, grabbed her arm and twisted it till it broke. She screamed out in pain yelling for Alec. I it took me a few seconds to realize who this 'Alec' was, but it's her brother. I then kicked her in the ribs and at least 3 ribs broke. Jace had regained conscious and was crawling to the wall. I took him by the back of the jacket, grabbed his left wrist and proceeded to twist it until I heard a snap.

Jace POV

I woke up after the red head punched me. I saw her break Izzy's arm and some of her ribs. I proceeded to crawl over to the wall, still dizzy, when the red head saw me and pulled me by the jacket. I then heard a snap and a sharp pain in my left wrist. That red haired bitch just broke my wrist. I kicked her in the knee and she stumbled back. I was cradling my wrist when I heard another noise at the door. Alec. The red head didn't hear him and he started to sneak into he room. In order to distract her, I had to think fast. "Hey Valentine's daughter!" She looked over at me with an angry look on her face. "Haven't had enough? I guess it's time for round 3" she said with an evil smile forming on her lips. "You haven't even told me your name yet" I saw Alec move in a little closer. "Oh my, how rude of me.." She said. Izzy suddenly spoke "I don't think you even know the definition of rude you bitch" she spat. Without looking at Isabelle, Valentine's daughter threw a knife into Izzy's left shoulder. "Ah you fucking bitch!" Izzy screamed. "Well" Valentines daughter said "My name is Clarissa Morgenst..." Alec came up behind her and hit her in the back of the head with the bottom of his seraph blade. "Well at least we now know her name" I said. Alec ran over to Isabelle and started to apply Iratze's over her body. I grabbed my stele and applied an Iratze over my wrist and a sleeping rune to Clary's head. I proceeded to pick her up and we walked out the back door of Pandemonium and to the institute.

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