Chapter 1. The Park

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Chapter 1. The Park


I just moved from California to live with my dad. We finished unpacking and he wanted to hang out with some old family friends so I decided to go on a walk. I walked to the park and went over to the swings. To get my mind off of things when I was in California, I would sit and the swings in my backyard. My head was down the whole walk, until I went to the swings. There was four swings on the set, and two were for little kids. The two that I could actually sit on we're taken up by two boys, about my age. They were playing on game boys and talking to each other. They were the only people at the park, besides me. 

"Uhhh... Hi, I was wondering if I could sit on the swings?" I asked, looking at them through my red hair that covered one of my eyes. I looked like a red-headed emo. 

The boy with brown hair didn't say anything, he only stared at me with his mouth hanging wide open. The one with black hair looked up at me and got off the swing and turned his game boy off. 

I smiled back at the brown-haired one. He was cute, and speechless. He didn't get off his swing. So, we were on swings right next to each other. They both weren't talking, so I said something. 

"I'm Kendall. I just moved here," I said, losing my smile. 

"I'm Hayden. And that right there," he said, pointing at the boy who was still on the swing right next to me, "he's Chris. Since your new here you probably don't have any friends here. So, you wanna go play some video games back at Chris's house with us?" he asked, shoving his game boy in his back pocket. 

"Sure, I love video games. Can you show me where he lives so I can meet you guys there? I gotta go ask my dad," I asked him. 

"Umm... Right down the street in that house right there," Chris finally said, pointing to a house that was a little far away. 

"Oh! Really? I live right there," I said grabbing his hand that hand the pointing finger and moving it to the house right next to it. 

"Cool, what school are you going to?" Hayden asked, and I told him. 

Chris said they went to the same one and we walked over to my house first. 

I walked inside my new house with the guys following me. "Dad!" I yelled from the living room because he was in the kitchen with some friends. "I'm gonna be next door hanging out with some friends! I'll be back in-" I stopped yelling and looked at the guys. 

"In like two hours," Chris said with a cute little smile on his cute face. Wait... what did I just say about his smile. 

"In two hours!" I yelled. 

"M'kay Kendall! Have fun!" my dad yelled back. 

We laughed as we walked to Chris's house. We played video games for an hour a a half then his mom made us some dinner, even though I told her I could half dinner at my house. 

We walked into the kitchen and saw his brother, David, and his dad setting the table. His mom was cooking and his sisters were sitting at the table, waiting for food. Chris had two sisters, Hannah and Sarah. One was 10, and one was 8. There was a spot at the table that was set for Hayden, and one set for me right next to him. 

Hayden sat down and Chris sat a seat away from him, leaving me a seat right between them. 

"Okay, sweetie! Do you like steak?" Chris's mom asked nicely. 

I suddenly felt everyone's eyes on me. "Umm... Actually I don't eat meat. I feel that it's wrong," I said with a sad smile. His dad and brother started laughing, and Hayden chuckled a bit. Hannah gave me a weird look and Chris's smile grew wider. 

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