Chapter 14. Why People Hate Hospitals

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Chapter 14. Why People Hate Hospitals 


Kendall's hospital room was full. I'm serious; it would be easier to make a list of the people that weren't in the room instead of it being the other way around.

The people in the hospital room were: her parents, her siblings, Hayden, Stevie, and me. 

She had to get surgery last night. The doctors still haven't told us anything about our baby. All we know is that she can't walk upstairs for two weeks, she needs to eat lightly for a few weeks, and she will be in a lot of pain for the next few days. 

The doctor finally walked in the room and told all of us to leave. 

"Wait, can I stay? I'm her boyfriend." I told the doctor as everyone was leaving. 

"So you are the father of her baby?" he asked, looking at his clipboard then me. 

I nodded in response. "Okay, you can stay." he motioned for me to sit down in the chair next to Kendall. I grabbed her hand and gave it a very gentle and sincere squeeze. She looked at our hands and smiled. I smiled back at her. 

"Well, I don't know where to begin. Would you guys mind telling me what happened last night?" he asked. 

"Okay. Well last night we went to the park and while walking back to my place we stopped for a second. Some guy came up to us and tried to mug us. He had Kendall up against the wall threatening to cut her. He started taking her clothes off. When I tried to pull him off of her he kind of…" I couldn't go on. 

"He jabbed me in my stomach." Kendall finished. 

"Yes, well apparently the man punctured the fetus and we couldn't save her. I'm sorry. I have more to tell you, but I'll give you two a moment first." The doctor left the room to give us a moment. 

"Wow…" I sighed. I lost my child. That fact that I was going to be a father made me so happy. Now, I don't know what to feel. 

Kendall sniffled. "I kind of figured. Hope for the best and expect the worst, right? I just… wish we could have gotten to have the chance to know our own child." Kendall started sobbing. 

I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. "Kendall, things will only get better. I miss her too. I was gonna be a daddy," I chuckled sadly. "Kendall. I love you. Don't ever forget that. And I'll always love Indi. We will get over this. I promise." I assured her. 

"Yeah. We're strong. I love you too Chris…" she whimpered. 

The doctor came back shortly with even more depressing news. Kendall can't conceive. There is too much scar tissue. 

I honestly didn't know what to do after we found that out. So if Kendall and I ever get married we won't be able to have kids unless we adopt. Great. 


Stevie, Hayden, and I carefully brought Kendall to Stevie's place. "You okay?" Hayden asked her. 

She nodded as we set her on the couch. "I feel so helpless!" she whined cutely.  

"Aww! Baby, you aren't helpless! You just had surgery!" I explained as I sat next to her. I chuckled. She makes the worst situations cute. Is that wrong to say?

She smiled at me. "Thanks guys. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Done what?" Stevie wondered. 

"Gotten from the hospital to here safely." Kendall joked. I could see that she was depressed though. 

Kendall, please get better.


A/N: I'm sorry it is so short. Please vote, comment, and fan me! Big surprises coming soon, I promise. Thank you!


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