Chapter 9. Sorry For Party Rocking

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Chapter 9. Sorry For Party Rocking 

A/N: The POV changes a lot in this chapter. Oh, and Sorry For Party Rocking is the tidal. I love that song! 


*About a week later*

I spent the whole week thinking. Around noon today I went over to Kendall's place so we could talk, but she wasn't there. She wouldn't pick up any of my calls- home phone or cell. Even her car was gone. What was she doing. I hope she wasn't out with any guys. That would kill me. 

Why did I cheat? Why did I ruin something so beautiful? All I could ask myself was why. I never answer my questions. I couldn't. 

It nighttime right now, about 7 or 8 pm. I was going to a house party in about an hour. I'm currently in my room, alone. I hated it. The only light was coming from my bathroom, because I tried to take a shower to take my mind off of things. The shower didn't help. My guitar was laying on the floor next to the wall. The wall I punched in my own frustration. I'm lucky I didn't punch a hole in it. My hairs even messier than usual because I'd been running my hands though it all day. My phones in my hand and I was reading over my texts. The ones I sent to Hayden for advice on Kendall. The ones I sent to Kendall when she was in California. I would text her 'Good morning Beautiful' and 'Goodnight Love' while she was gone. 

Will we ever get back together?

~Kendall's POV~

New Years is in one day. Tomorrow is New Years Eve! Ya know that saying 'New year, new me' or something like that? That is exactly how I feel. 

"Come on," my friend, Justin, said. 

"Yeah, let's go," Chase said. Chase as in the guy I met at Studio 66. Yeah, we were hanging out. What about it?

I was wearing neon green shoes and black skinny jeans. I had a LMFAO shirt on that I got from Hot Topic. It said 'Sorry For Party Rocking' on it. My hair had pink tips in it, but it was still a shiny brown. My nails had neon orange on them. I had a hot pink bra on and the straps were showing.

"I'm coming," I said as I got out of the car and put my phone in my bra. Stevie, Justin, Chase, and I were going to a party at a friends house. 

We walked into the house and I saw some familiar faces. Two in particular that I didn't like. 

~Chris's POV~ 

I was hanging out and smoking on the couch with a few friends while other people were drinking or dancing. More and more people were coming. I saw two faces in particular that I didn't like. 

~Third person POV~

Chris was sitting on the couch with some friends. Kendall just walked into the house. They both noticed two people at the same time. 

Jessica and Garrett were walking down the stairs and caught eye contact with Chris and Kendall. Chris and Jessica were looking at each other and Kendall and Garrett were looking at each other. 

Jessica shot a glare at Chris and then Chris trailed his eyes to who Garrett was looking at. 

Garrett walked over to Kendall. 

~Chris's POV~

I can't believe that they're here. Garrett moved quickly over to Kendall, which pissed me way off. 

I quickly got up and followed Garrett. Jessica followed me.  

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kendall asked Garrett. Her eyes moved to mine. Then from mine to Jessica's.  She glared at her.

Us four moved outside where nobody else was. 

Garrett and Kendall started talking. Well, arguing. Jessica and I started arguing too. 

"What are you two doing here?" I asked her loudly. 

"What do you think?" she asked. "Chris, I'm really sorry about what happened."

"I'm not," I said to her. "Fucking slut," I said under my breathe. 

She didn't hear me. She walked towards me. 

~Kendall's POV~

"I swear I've changed," Garrett said. 

"Yeah right, I bet your still an asshole!" I yelled at him. I had no clue what was going on with Chris and Jessica. 

Garrett walked towards me but before he could touch me we heard Chris and Jessica talking. 

"You took my virginity!" Chris yelled at her. 

"It's your fault, you let me!" she yelled back at him. 

"Jessica, leave him alone!" I yelled at her without thinking. Her, Garrett, and Chris looked at me. Jessica glared at me, Garrett had one eyebrow raised, and Chris smiled. 

I slowly walked towards Chris and wrapped my arms around his waist. "He's my boyfriend," I said as I hugged him. 

"Kendall. I can't believe you would ever date this guy!" Garrett said as he walked back into the house. Jessica stood dead in her tracks with her mouth hanging wide open. Chris grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. Jessica stomped back into the house while Chris picked me up. 

"I'm so sorry Kendall," he mumbled through the kiss. 

"It's okay. I forgive you. Let's just forget about it," I mumbled through the kiss. The passionate kiss that made me realize he was truly sorry and I needed to forgive him. 

~Third person POV~

They walked back in the house, hand-in-hand. 

"I need to use the bathroom, but after that we can talk. I'll be right back." Chris said as he went into the direction of the bathroom. They were on the second floor, which was filled with people smoking pot and doing drugs. The house was, surprisingly, three stories. The third story was off limits. Anyone who went upstairs to the third floor would get kicked out of the party, so no one went up there. 

Kendall was leaning against the wall outside of some room while she waited for Chris to get back. The bathroom upstairs had a long line so he went to go use the one downstairs. Out of nowhere Kendall felt an arm pull on her and a hand flew over her mouth. She couldn't scream, which wouldn't help because no one would be able to hear it over the loud music. She was never the one to be able to scream loudly anyways. 

No one was out in the hallway and all of the room doors were shut so no one saw what had happened. Kendall tried to struggle out of the guys grasp, but she wasn't strong enough. 

All of a sudden footsteps were heard. The man pulled Kendall upstairs before anyone saw.

Chris made his way up the stairs only to see an empty hallway. He sighed and went downstairs. He left the party shaking his head and thinking that she ditched him. 

Meanwhile, Kendall was starting to pass out. She was loosing her breathe and couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She was brought into a empty room on the third floor and was thrown on the bed. The last things she heard was the door being shut and locked. The last things she saw was a black figure shutting the door, throwing her on the bed, and getting on top of her. The last things she felt was a bed under her, a body on top of her, and her heart, that belonged to Christofer Drew, breaking. 

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