Chapter 16. The Final Episode

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Chapter 16. The Final Episode


"What?" I was shaking. 

"Son, I'm sorry. We tried but we can't do anything else." Dr. Mett, the doctor who spent the night trying to keep Kendall alive, replied. 

"If you tried she wouldn't be dead!" I shouted. I felt so many emotions. I was furious at the doctor, upset with myself, heartbroken about Kendall, and depressed about everything else. 

Why would she do this to herself?

"Sir, please lower your voice. You are upsetting the other patients." some nurse ordered. 

I sat down next to Hayden and Stevie. I rested my head in my hands. "Fuck." I mumbled. 

Hayden was shaking his head at everything. Stevie was balling her eyes out. She was saying it’s her fault because she went out. She was saying that she should have stayed home. 

I felt a tear run down my cheek. I also sniffled. I haven't cried in forever. I have never been this hurt before. I know Kendall would hate me thinking this, but this is my fault. I didn't stay with her, I didn't protect her when she was getting cut my some douche bag, I cheated on her like five seconds after we got together, and I got her freaking pregnant! 

Her dad was here earlier. He heard the news about her before I did. He looked pissed with me when I saw him. 

"I was such a terrible friend, leaving her alone after she had surgery!" Stevie cried. 

"I never thought she was that depressed. I should have stayed with her too." Hayden muttered. 

I grunted and wiped away tears before anyone saw. Although I'm pretty sure Hayden know I was crying. I stood up, as did Hayden and Stevie. We walked out of the hospital, not being able to believe this happened. 


Everyone was dressed nicely. Everyone wore frowns. Everyone broke down when they went to see the open casket. 

I sat still in my seat at the front of the church with Hayden. I looked around and saw Kendall's fourteen-year-old brother looking into the casket. He sniffled and shook his head. 

I saw Kendall's step-mother holding Kendall's baby step-sister. 

I saw her mom balling her eyes out. The boy next to her, Kendall's twelve-year-old brother, was crying to. 

I got up and walked to a table by the casket. I saw pictures of her and me, her, me, Hayden, and Stevie, her and Stevie, her and Hayden, and then her formal pictures. 

I looked through the formal pictures first. I saw a prom picture of her and Garrett. I didn't really focus on Garrett. I focused on her and how beautiful she looked. This was during her junior year, before I dropped out. I also saw a few of her graduation pictures. Yes, I went to the graduation after I dropped out. And yes, I did see her there. But that was there. These are just pictures. 

I then looked at the pictures of me and her alone. There were nine pictures of us alone total. They were all in order from the oldest pictures to the newest.

The first one was when we were thirteen. We had only been friends for about six months, but we were already insanely close. Kendall and I were sitting on my couch with my brother and father on the other couch. My mom took the picture while Kendall and I were caught off guard…

~ Kendall and I were at my house watching a new movie and eating popcorn. My brother and dad were on the other couch in my living room. We were watching the new Sponge Bob Square Pants film. Yes, I know…

"I don't like this show!" Kendall whined out of nowhere. 

I laughed. "Too bad!"

She shoved some popcorn in my face before I could add to what I said. "This movie is confusing me! I don't get it. They drive a giant hamburger, then lose it, then find it, then lose it AGAIN, and then they get seaweed mustaches?" 

I nodded. "Yes, that is how this works." I joked. This time I shoved popcorn in her face. 

She made a mad face, but I knew it was fake. 

I leaned into her and kissed her cheek to piss her off even more. When I heard a camera click I pulled away. 

My mom showed us the picture. Kendall had a stupid grin on her face and her eyes were closed. My eyes were closed too and my lips were right on her cheek. It kind of looked like I was smiling. Hell, I was. ~

I chuckled a bit; remembering that day like it was the best day of my life. 

The second one was when we were fifteen. It was right after our first day of our sophomore year. She still had her red hair at the time, but she dyed it black about a week after that day. I had just dyed my hair blonde. That day was the day the nickname 'Blondie' was born. 

The third picture was when we were sixteen. It was during summer and we were swimming. My mom took the picture when we were caught off guard again. She was on my shoulders trying to splash at Stevie, who was on Hayden's shoulders. Hayden and Stevie weren't in the picture because my mom took the picture vertically. It only had my and Kendall on top of me. 

The fourth one was us at her graduation. She was very happy that I took time off of touring to see her graduate. She hugged me and was crying. When her dad took the picture I had my arm around her and she had hers around me. She was just in a cap and gown… and crying. 

The fifth picture was us a few days before Christmas 2011. We were standing by the Christmas tree at my mom's place. She had her head resting on my shoulder and my head was resting on hers. Hayden took the picture. 

The next photo was taken a few hours before my birthday rave. I had Taylor take it. We were already dressed up. I had my robot getup on and my face paint was good and ready. Kendall was wearing rainbow colors. Her tutu was all kinds of bright colors, her arms were filled with kandi, her top was a tube top belly shirt. It again had bright colors. Her hair and makeup wasn't done yet, but she still looked great. 

~ "Chris! My hair and makeup isn't done. I don't want to take any pics yet!" Kendall whined. I never noticed this before, but she whines a lot. 

I pulled her into a room that some of my other friends. I asked Taylor to take a picture of us. I really wanted to remember this moment. 

"Fine, one picture. But that's all." Kendall ordered. But I could tell she was happy. A slow smile crept up upon her face. 

"Yay!" I cheered. We got together and Taylor took the picture. He handed me my camera back and we looked at the picture. 

"Ugh! I don't look good in it!" Kendall complained. 

I leaned down to we height and kissed her cheek, trying not to make her feel uncomfortable. "You look beautiful. I love you Kendall." I whispered in her ear. 

She smiled. "I love you back."~

The seventh was taken back in March at some tattoo shop in Springfield, MO. She had just gotten a very colorful hummingbird tattoo on her right arm. The eyes of the bird were peace signs and on the chest of the bird was a red heart. She said that the hummingbird was her sprit animal. I asked her why, and she replied by saying that I should know since I wrote a song for her and named it hummingbird. 

The eighth was taken back in April and it was us sleeping. We were hanging out at my friend Ben's house and after having a few sips of wine we feel asleep on the couch. We were cuddled up together, with her head on my shoulder and my head resting on hers. 

The last one was taken be me. It was right after her surgery. She was on her bed at the hospital and I was leaning down so we could both get in the picture. We both smiled and gave the camera thumbs up. Later that day I had gotten the picture developed and gave copies to her, her dad, my mom, Stevie, Hayden, and I kept one. I currently have the picture in a frame that is sitting on my nightstand. 

I set down the pictures. Her father came over to me while I was looking at the pictures of Kendall and Stevie. 

"Chris. You can keep these pictures, you know?" he said, pointing to the ones of me and her. 

I nodded. "I didn't know that. Thanks sir." I felt a lump in my throat with every word I said. I bet he could tell I was about to cry. "I'm sorry about all of this," I sniffled. "I am so sorry. This is my entire fault." I whispered. 

"No it's not. It's not anyone's fault." Mr. Sanford tried to convince me. 

I shook my head and walked back to my seat. So did he. The memorial started. 

Hayden was trying to hold back tears, I could tell. He hadn't cried once over this. At least, not in front of us. I think he was about to lose it though. 

Taylor was holding back tears as well. I had seen him cry though. He was close to Kendall too. Not too close, sometimes they acted like strangers to each other. Other times he and she acted like brother and sister. 

Of course Stevie was sobbing. I have yet to see her not crying at least once. Although I understand why she can't stop. 

I haven't cried in front of anyone but my mom and dad yet. Earlier I was sitting outside and smoking. That's when my dad got here. We started talking, and I started crying. And when I went back inside the church I sat down next to my mom. Then we started talking. Guess what happened next. Yep…

None of us could build enough courage to get up and talk about Kendall no matter how much we wanted to. Stevie's crying would have gotten in the way, Hayden's lump in his throat caused him to be mute, and if I got up there I would break down in tears. 

After her parents and siblings spoke, my mom spoke. She sniffled and started speaking. "Hello, I'm Nancy. Umm… I don't even know where to begin. I loved Kendall. Not only was she a smart, funny, and beautiful person, but she was inspiration to a few of us here. She was different. A once in a life time kind of person. That's one of the reasons my family and I loved her and just having her around. Oh, I remember when we used to take her to this church with us every Sunday. And every Saturday night she would come over and help cook food for the homeless with us. She was so sweet." She started crying a bit. "I'm sorry. I would continue, but I just can't. We love you Kendall." she said before hurrying off the church stage. 

We soon all built up the courage to talk. Stevie talked about how they shared everything together. Hayden talked about how he lost a sister, and that he still can't believe it. I just talked out how much I loved her. How much I love her, I should say. Just because she… isn't with us anymore doesn't mean I don't still love her. 

After the memorial everybody left except for me, Hayden, and Stevie. Being the closest people to her, we had some stuff to put in the casket. Actually, it wasn't just us in the church. There were people in there waiting for us to get done so they could close the casket. But we didn't notice them or care that they were there. 

Stevie wrapped a red braided friendship bracelet around her right wrist. Stevie was wearing one on her wrist just like it, except hers was blue. They made those when they were fourteen, I remember because they made me a pink one and Hayden a light purple one. 

Hayden put a picture in the casket. It was one taken almost a year after she moved her. It was Valentines Day and Kendall was apparently his valentine. He told me that she was going to ask me, but another girl asked me before she did. I didn't want to hurt the girl’s feelings, so I said yes. So they went to the Valentines Day dance as friends and they took that picture. 

Now it was my turn to put something in the casket. I took a folded paper out of my suit pocket. It had the lyrics to She's Got Style on it. The paper was really old. I've had it for years now, and now Kendall will have it. I set the paper in the casket and then dug into my pocket to find a ring. I felt the ring and got it out. I slid it on her left ring finger and took a step back so Hayden and Stevie could look at it. It was a silver band with the word 'promise' engraved on it. The word was in between two square shaped diamonds that were on each side. I was going to give it to her before all this happened, and I still wanted to give it to her. 

"Aww!" Stevie said through all her crying. 

"That's sweet man." Hayden said and smiled. 

They walked outside the church so I could say goodbye alone. I walked up to the casket and looked at her. She had a band around her wrist where she cut it. On the other wrist was her heart tattoo and another cut. But that cut was from when she was fifteen. Her cell phone charger fell behind my nightstand and when she reached behind it to get it the edge of my nightstand cut her arm. I had to take her to the hospital, and she bled all over my passenger seat. She also cried the whole way there, saying it hurt like hell. 

I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Yes, I kissed a 'dead girl', I know. She's not dead to me though. "I love you Kendall." I whispered. A tear rolled off my cheek and onto hers. I wiped it off with my thumb and I kissed her forehead again. This is the last time I'll ever see her again…

I started crying. Badly. Once the tears stopped for a minute I said goodbye and grabbed the pictures of me and her. I began to walk out of the church. I turned around once more before leaving, and I saw the people closing her casket. 

I walked outside to see Hayden and Stevie sitting on the curb, not ready to leave. I sat down too. They turned to me, only to see my tear-stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. 

"You okay dude?" Hayden asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded. 

"Chris, if you need to cry or tell us anything then let it out." Stevie said. 

I nodded once more. "I just…" I just couldn't speak. 

"I can't believe that all this has happened." Hayden mumbled. 

"Yeah. I'm gonna be missing her forever." Stevie mumbled back. 

I nodded in response to what they said. "Yeah. We'll always love her and not a day will go bye when I don't think about her. But someday we will find closer. Just not now. Now we need to take things in." I said looking down at my bare feet. Kendall always loved how I never wore shoes…

They nodded. 

We sat there in comfortable silence, all of us thinking. Probably about the same thing. 

"Kendall once told me a really inspirational thing." Stevie said quietly, breaking the silence. 

"What?" Hayden and I asked. 

"She always said to not get too attached. Of you get attached then you will only get hurt. But, is it so wrong to be in love?"


A/N: Sad to say this guys, but that was the last chapter! :( I cried while writing it, it was so sad! I know that you all hate me right now for ending the story sadly, but wait! There happens to be good news! I am writing another story that is kind of a sequel to this. It will be connected to this and it's about Chris's life after Kendall's death. I think it's going to be a really good story and I hope you all read it! I love you all and please continue reading to the next page. -------->>>>>

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