Chapter 7. Thanksgiving and Birthday Raves

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Chapter 7. Thanksgiving and Birthday Raves


Kendall, Stevie, Hayden, and I were at the airport. Kendall was leaving for California for a few days, and Stevie was coming with her. Stevie and Hayden gave me and Kendall a second alone together so we could say goodbye. 

We were kissing passionately. Well, as passionate as we can in an airport. 

She broke the kiss. "I'm gonna be gone for only three days," she said, "so it's kinda silly that we're making a huge deal out of this."

I kissed her again. "This is our first holiday as boyfriend and girlfriend. It sucks that we'll be away from each other."

"I know. I love you Blondy," she said with an apologetic smile. 

"I love you too Legs," I said. I winked at her, which made her laugh. She had the prettiest laugh.   

"I gotta go, bye."

I hugged her. "Bye Kendall," I whispered in her ear. 

Her and Stevie started walking away from Hayden and me. 

"I'm happy she'll be back for her birthday," Hayden said. 

"Yeah," I said as we walked out of the airport. 


'hey sexy ;)' ~Shelby

'u need to stop texting me' ~Chris

'why, i thought u liked me :(' ~S

'im in the middle of dinner w/ my fam. i cant talk rite now' ~C

'well, ur gf is gone. i was thinkin we could hang out' ~S

'no, im not a cheater' ~C

'i think u r' ~S

I couldn't stand to text that girl anymore. I also couldn't stand lying to Kendall. I wish I could call her, but she's on a plane. I had to pick her and Stevie up in 3 hours. Too long. 

"Thanks for the food mama," I said to my mom and hugged her. "I gotta go. See you later," I told her. I hugged the rest of my family goodbye and I left. 

It was finally time to go pick up Kendall and Stevie. I couldn't wait to see her. I missed her so much. 

*Hours later*

"So, it's midnight," I said, breaking the kiss I had with Kendall. 

"Yeah, what about it?" she asked sarcastically. 

"It's the 25. Your finally 21! Aren't you happy?" I asked, pulling her close to me. 

"Realizing that I can now drink legally, yeah. I guess I am. So... what's my present?" she asked sarcastically again. 

"Well... I'm kinda still working on it," I said with a worried smile. I was hoping she wouldn't care. 

"It's okay," she said with a smile that reassured mine. 

"I am taking you to a rave, though. My buddy, Ben, is having one. We can get you drunk, legally!" I said. I don't know if she's ever been to a rave or not, but I know she knows how to dance at one. I don't want to talk about how I know that. 

She pretended to think about it for a second. She didn't say anything for awhile. 

I decided to speak. "Hayden won't be there, he's going somewhere with his girlfriend. So, it would just be you and me... and a few of my other friend... and a lot of people you've never met before," I said with an innocent laugh. 

"Fine, whatever you wanna do for me for my birthday is okay with me," she said, then she kissed me lightly. I figured she was sleeping over so after that kiss I brought her up to my room. She quickly jumped onto my bed. She started jumping like it was a trampoline. 

"Having fun there?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Totally," she said back with a grin. She stopped jumping and she stripped down to her bra and underwear. I figured she wouldn't sleep in her jeans and shirt. She got under the covers and motioned for me to do the same. 

I got under the covers with her and quickly pulled her to me. I kissed her cheek and then her head.

"Your clothes are annoying. You should get into your underwear, like how I did," she said with a devious grin. This girl used to be so innocent. I'm not going to question it thought. 

I didn't make a comment about what she had said. "I love you baby," I said with a smile. 

She buried her head in my head. "I love you too baby," she kissed my neck. 

I realized I had to tell her about what had happened with that girl. "Kendall... I-" I was cut off by her kissing me. 

"You what?" she whispered against my lips. 

I kissed her gently on her lips. She loved it when I did that. "Nothing, I just really, really love you. More than you know."

After that little talk we had, she feel asleep on top of me. We spent the day at her dad's house, celebrating her new age. At around 9 I drove her to a little club-like place. 

We were sitting in my car outside the place and talking a bit. I started putting glow sticks on her and myself. Then, I spoke. "Is this your first rave?" I asked. 

"Hell no, I've been to like a billion with Stevie and a couple of my other friends. They're fun, I like them," she said with a cute smile. 

"Good. Great, actually. So does that mean you've gotten high before?" I asked. 

"That only happens half of the time. I get drunk like, 75% of the time," she said innocently. I can't believe that this girl is mine. 

"M'kay, let's go then," I said. We both hopped out of the car swiftly and she grabbed my hand as I lead her through the doors.

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