Chapter 8

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Gosh dang it Paytah, Is all I can think as I hear a man talking through a walkie-talkie.

"They are putting the dome under alert; everyone is being guided into their rooms and will remain in quartentin until we figure things out."

I'm guided back into the van. Nobody talks to me, but I'm aware of what's on. Back to the dome. Something happened, and I'm a thousand percent sure Paytah is the reason for this. I'm not nervous; I knew some people were against us four, my parents warned me, and I knew myself already.

I just hope Paytah wasn't the one who caused the ruckus.

They drive fast. I can tell everyone's nervous, because if you think about it, elements could kill people, easily.

If only they knew that we're the ones afraid of them.

We arrive back at the dome. As I walk in, people are being guided back to their rooms, most people gone. I spot Hanson, walking around frantically, talking to people. But I look over to my right and see a woman, and sitting on a bench is Paytah. I walk over to him, but Hanson appears in my way.

"Lana, I'm sorry you had to come back so early." Hanson says. I feel the urge to roll my eyes, but I try to look past him, and see the women putting her hands around Paytah's neck.

"Hey!" I push Hanson away and start walking to the woman, about to splat water down her fucking throat. Paytah stands up though, and he holds me back. I stand there, looking at Paytah's neck, and I see bruises around his entire neck.

"Are you okay? What did she-"

"She's a doctor." Paytah says, his voice horribly raspy. I stare at the purple surrounding his neck.

"It was some guy." He says, and I nod. Again I'm not surprised, but I am surprised that Paytah was the victim.

"He and a few others made a little attack in the dome. Others tried to beat people up, while this man, well, went a little overboard." Hanson says, looking at Paytah's neck too. The doctor brings Paytah back to the bench, and I watch as she carefully places her hands around his neck.

"This hurt?"



"No, wait. Yes-shit."

I cringe at Paytah's pain. I notice the scars on his arms and the rest of this body. He was beaten and starved only a few weeks ago by his own mother. And now this.

"Is everyone okay?" I turn around and see Juris and Aira walking to us. They look at Paytah and then at me.

"Some guy choked him." I say.

Juris's eyes go big. "Straight up aren't we Lana." I shrug, but look over and see Paytah smile.

"Nothing else to it." He says.

"Is everyone else okay?" Aira asks Hanson.

"We believe so. Right now we are trying to figure out what to do with the men who've done this. We can't leave them here, but people don't want them leaving this dome. We are in a tough spot."

"Can't you just put them in a jail or something? Paytah asks, and Hanson shakes his head.

"Like I said, people don't want them out in the world with them-"

"So you're going to leave them in here where they want to kill us? If it weren't for my-" Paytah stumbles for a moment. I stare at him weirdly.

"For who?" I ask.

"I could've died, that's all. What if those men did kill people? They are dangerous." He says.

"Paytah, people want you guys dead. I am trying my best."

"He's trying, Paytah. He can't help that everyone hates us." Aira says, and I almost choke.

"Hanson is trying? Aira, who put us through is hell in the first place?" Paytah says angrily.

"What's done is done. We have to deal with the present-"

"Yes, and the present is figuring out what to do with these madmen who want to kill the elements when they are elements themselves."

"And that is leaving them in the dome." Aira says. Im surprised how confident she is right now.

"Do you want to be killed? Do you want bruises around your fucking neck too?" Paytah is angry now, but Aira does not seem aware, or cares.

"I want to live, and that means we have to be on Hanson's side. Why can't you trust anyone?What is wrong with you?"

"I can't. I just can't." Paytah says, breathing heavily. He winces, probably because of his neck.

"Calm down guys," Juris says. "I think they should keep those guys in the dome, but keep them in their rooms and be on high watch or something. So they aren't out in the world, but not harming us either."

"Good thinking, Juris. That is the best option we have." Hanson says. "I am going to have to ask you all to go to your rooms until further notice."

We all start walking slowly back to the building. It's silent, I can tell Paytah and Aira are pissed at each other, and Juris and I have no clue what to do. We stop by Juris's room first, then my room. I look at Paytah and Aira, and say bye. They don't answer.

I'm about to close my door till I hear Aira speak up.

"Paytah, we need to talk."

"No thanks."

"I'm serious."

I keep my door open just a tad to hear the conversation.

"You hate me right now, I get it. Just please, can we talk it out?"

I can almost picture Paytah's angry face, but I'm surprised what he says.

"There's nothing you can do to persuade me. What do you need to talk about?" He asks.

"Everything." She says, and I'm confused. A minute ago they were pissed at each other, and now they are okay?

"Aira, I've had a rough day. I just want some sleep-"

"Five minutes, that's all I ask. Please, Paytah." Aira asks. I can hear Paytah sigh. "Okay."

"Let's go to my room."

I hear their footsteps, and I look out the door and see them walking together. I want to follow, to hear what the heck Aira would have to tell Paytah that's so important.

I have to find out.

Something fills me in the inside. It goes right to the pit of my stomach, making me wince. Watching Aira and Paytah have a talk without Juris and me? Something is up.

I am not jealous.

I don't think.

Whatever I feel, I have to hear in on it. I don't like being left out, anyway.

I take a step out of my room and close the door. Taking a deep breath, I trail behind, praying whatever Aira is going to tell Paytah won't break the four of us apart.



Sorry it ended so abruptly, but next chapter will pick up from here :)

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