Chapter 13

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"How are we going to convince these people." I mutter under my breath as I watch them surrounding the van as we start to drive. The vehicle can barely move without the possibility of running someone over.

"Good question." I didn't know Paytah heard that, but he's just as clueless as I am. Aira and Lana must've got into a different vehicle, because it's only Paytah, me, and two men in the front. I look at him and smile. "No plan, huh?"

"Besides stay alive? Nope."

"That's been our plan since the beginning, anyway."

"And it's worked, right?"

"Barely." I say, and he nods. "There's been some close calls."

I laugh a little, but he's right. Ever since I was captured it's been a 'fight for my life' kind of thing.

I lean a little closer to him, making sure the men up front can't hear us. "If you got to choose what to do, if nobody would kill you for your actions, what would you do?"

"First, kill Hanson. That's a priority." He says, and I laugh a little. "And then what?"

"Kill my mother."

"Hanson is the reason why your mother was like that," I say.

"That's why I killed him first."

Again, I can't help but laugh a little. "And then?"

He pauses, pondering what he would do next.

"Get my father."

For a moment I think he's having some sort of flashback, like he's back at the government. But he's being serious.

"Paytah, your dad is-"

"Alive. I saw him. He saved my life, actually. Which is why I'm confused. I think he might actually be good, and not like my mother." He says.

"That's good, then, right? I mean, you have..."

"Someone? Yeah, it's nice to have at least one person." He laughs a bit. "That's why we have to win."

"To keep everyone alive." I say, and he nods.

"I don't give a fuck about what happens to me, but when you guys and innocent people's lives are at stake? It changes the game," Paytah says, looking out the window.

I pause for a moment..

"A sacrifice." I say, and Paytah looks back at me and nods. "Guess that's what it'd be, yeah."

"Hanson didn't say anything about how that couldn't happen." I say, and now Paytah realizes where I'm going with this.

"You're saying the people would be okay with one element dying? They want all elements gone."

"Well, my guess is they'd-" I pause, not wanting to say it, but it comes out, "they'd want the four dead."

But I should've known Paytah wouldn't think that was a terrible thing to say. He nods, and thinks it through. "I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Us four were on that TV, us four where the ones who did all this. They might be okay with us four dying in order to have the innocent live."


It's like he read my mind. "They don't deserve to die, and neither do you."

Of course. Lana and Aira. I don't want them to be a sacrifice, and I don't Paytah to be one either.

"We all don't deserve it."

"Think they would just kill the two of us?" Paytah asks. I shrug. "Worth a try. If it seems like we're losing, we should bring it up somehow."

"I'll try first. If they aren't okay with one gone-"

"No, I'll go first," I say, but Paytah just shakes his head.

"We all know Hanson would love to have me gone. I may just be enough for him. Let me go first, and if it's not enough, don't let Aira or Lana volunteer. We can't tell them." He says, and I nod. "This has to be a last resort, though."

"Of course," Paytah says, "I'm the one who wants Hanson dead, not him killing me."

"How do we not make Lana or Aira volunteer?" I ask, and Paytah shrugs. "Hopefully they'll be so confused and shocked that they'll have no time to."

I look out the window. I'm going to volunteer to die. I didn't think it would end up like this. Sure, it's something that will probably happen, but I didn't imagine it being me. I'm one of the four, I'm going to die. It hasn't processed yet, and I hope it never will. One good thing is that maybe Hanson and the rest of the world will let it just be Paytah and I. We would save our whole kind.

I'm no expert on dying, but I think that's something worth dying for.

We finally arrive. There's more people outside here than there was outside our dome. Anxiety kicks in, and I start to breath heavily.

"Hey Juris." I look over and stare at Paytah. My breathing is still heavy, and I can't seem to calm down. He's looks into my eyes, a serious look on his face. He opens his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up."

I hold in a laugh. I should've known I wouldn't of gotten some sort of inspirational pep talk from him.

"Dick." I say, and I hop out of the vehicle.


The four of us stand in a line, all staring at the judge. He's old, maybe in his late sixties, with thin white hair that sticks up and glasses too small for his head.

Everyone has finally quieted down. This place is packed. And if everyone isn't here, they can watch it on tv. There are people with cameras from all angles, making sure they capture every word, every movement.

Hanson is standing next to us, too. He's in a tuxedo, and already sweating like crazy.

"Let's get started." The judge says. He doesn't seem too pleased to be here. But of course, it's not his life that's on the line.

As I take in a big breath, I realize this is it. After being captured and used, it all comes down to this. One chance, I tell myself. This is your final chance to convince them on why you should live another day. This is it.

Hanson break the silence. "Let's start then, your honor."



Finally another chapter :)

Yo so I just realized that this book is sort offffff getting to the END!! LIKE WHAT?!?!?!!!!! There still are a number of chapters left though :)

But trust me this ending is going to be....CRAZY! Hope everyone stays around for it! :)

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