Chapter 10

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Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. I think as Paytah pulls away from the kiss too quickly. I wasn't planning this, on kissing him, but it just felt right. He's beautiful. Orange eyes that can burn you by just a glance, dark brown hair shining some color of gold under the light, his long lashes, tan skin- I start to wonder how many girlfriends he must of had back at his home. He's had a bad life being switched to different foster parents, but he never said anything about a girlfriend. But he's one to not notice things like that; he probably didn't notice girls trying to get with him, or notice that he's even good looking at all.

Like he didn't notice how Lana liked him.

Lana. I watched as she took a chance and kissed him, and I also watched as Paytah pulled away so fast.

He did the same to me.

But even though he did pull away, somehow I'm glad I did it. Even though I betrayed Lana in a way, I'm glad I did it. She got to do it once.

But when Lana kissed him, he flipped out.

All he's doing now is staring me straight in the eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." I say, preparing for him to start swearing at me, and maybe even storm out from room.

But he does nothing.

It's awkward. I just kissed him, he pulled away, and now we're staring right into each other's souls.

"Do you trust me?" I finally say. I'm surprised at how he nods yes right away. It makes me relieved, and I can't help but smile. But he's not smiling, not one bit.

"Twice." He says.

"What?" I ask. He stands up and heads for the door. He's about to walk out until he looks back one last time.

"She got to do it twice."

And he leaves.


It's been a few days.

We've been stuck in our rooms the entire time, nobody has come let us out. They've got all the doors locked.

It's been horrible. Sitting here, alone, except when guards come to give me food. Other than that, I'm all alone. Did Hanson already lose? Are they planning our deaths right now? Anxiety consumes me, and I can't help but pace around my room constantly.

It reminds me of when Hanson kept us in those white rooms, when I was first taken.

Hanson did this. Paytah always said, and still says.

He did do this. But he is also trying to keep us alive. I hope I convinced Paytah.

Cause if not, Hanson might lose.

I hear jingling at the door, and a guard comes in, grabbing me gently. I follow, just happy to finally get out of my room. We walk all the way outside to the end of the dome. Like always, there are a group of people outside the dome, taking pictures and trying to get my attention. I look down the whole time, outside, in the vehicle, all the way to different building. I look up and see Juris. We are back to the small glass cubes, when the crowd of people wanted to see us.

I see Lana being guided in. She looks at me with a blank stare. Then I see Paytah go in. The bruises around his neck have faded. He looks somewhat calm, which is odd since we were locked in our rooms for a few days.

Hanson walks in, a serious look on his face.

"We are testing this again, to see if people are still interested in your or not. Everyone has heard about the accident with those men beating their own kind up. I would suggest you all to look as innocent as possible." He then looks at Paytah. "I'll say it again. As innocent as possible." Paytah stares back, but with no glare, just a blank face.

"Okay, here they come." A woman says, and I watch as a group of people walk in. There's a variety; a few grown ups with their kids, a group of friends, a few elderly people, and a middle aged group. They all walk in, some with anger on their faces, others with curiously. I stand their awkwardly, looking at each of them as innocent as I can look.

"Would you all please show your elements?" The woman asks, and I watch as Juris's puts out his hand. People stand right outside his glass as they watch vines run down his hands. They then move to me, and I raise my hand and show them my air element. They go to Lana. She looks annoyed, and I'm afraid she'll do something stupid, but she calmly raises her palm and drops of water fall. They then move to Paytah. I can tell he's trying his hardest to stay calm. He glances over at me, and I shake my head no at him.

Don't do anything stupid.

He holds out his hand.

A little fire shows. Not like last time when he caused so much smoke and sparks.

"That's it? Are you a little wimp?!" I look at a middle aged man shouting. He knocks on Paytah's glass. "Are you awake in there?"

Shit. I think. He's pushing it; it will only be a second until Paytah loses it.

But no. Paytah leans back, blankly staring at the man. He takes a deep breath.

"Please don't encourage the elements," the woman says, and the man steps back.

I notice Hanson smiling at Paytah. Then he looks at me, smiles, and nods. Hanson knows. He knows I talked to Paytah, and he knows that Paytah listened to me.

They continue to looks at us until the time is up. The next group is already going to come in in just a few minutes.

"I'm impressed." Hanson says, smiling, looking at all of us. "This may just be the thing that saves your lives."

I look at the others, but Lana has caught my attention. She looks pissed, glaring at Hanson. Now that Paytah is with Hanson, Lana has decided to be against him.

She got to do it twice.

It didn't take me long to figure out what Paytah meant when he told me that. Lana kissed him again. When? I don't know, I'm guessing when she went to get him at the government.

But right now, Lana is not happy with him, or with Hanson.

And if she's mad, it could cost everyone's life.



It's been a long time!!

I'm sorry, this chapter was like the most BORING chapter I've written :( thanks for hanging in there and reading it though!!

How do you like this story so far? Please comment what you think will happen!! I will say the ending will be...crazy!

Thank you!!

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