Chapter 14

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"Tell us, Doctor Hanson, why did you want elements in the first place?"

Hanson stands in front of the judge, while us four sit on the side. The crowd of people is surreal, and much more are outside, trying to get a small peek.

"Well, you've all seen our world. Disaster. No grass, old buildings that need to be gone, no life. It would take a miracle to fix this. But I thought; water could restore life again, trees and grass could come back, fire can burn down old buildings, and air can clean it all up. Hence, the elements. I thought that if every human had one of these so called powers, we could make our world how it was. And it was working. Where we put those elements, it was all dirt and garbage. But now that area is full of life. It works, these elements can do wonders for us."

People all around are nodding yes, while others are shaking their head no. I bite my lip.

"So, what made 'the four' happen?" The judge asks.

"Ah, yes. So, when we first put these elements together, they all got along. We wanted them to get along. But as time went on, they started to plot against each other. We thought that it was out of our control, but as people were starting to care less and less about these elements, we decided to make it a little interesting. We decided to pick four people, teens, as you will, and see what would happen when we put them together."

"So, the only reason why you did that was to get the people watching." The judge says simply.

"Yes, but also to get the people interested. Get them interested that these elements are strong, and could fix our world. But yes, we could have left them alone, but what good would that do?"

I feel Paytah tense up. He sits next to me, clenching his fists. I look at him and shake my head.

"Your honor, may I speak." I look over at a middle aged man. He's on the other side, not supporting the elements. The judge nods at him.

"So, you figured out that elements could help us, but you continued capturing teenagers anyway? Just for pleasure?"

Hanson pauses. The man made a good point.

"Well, we weren't entirely sure it was still doing good. But like I said, half of it was entertainment, and to get the people interested. Plus we didn't want to keep elements separated and hating each other, because here we would want them to work together." Hanson says.

"I would like to hear one of the four speak, please." The judge says. Hanson looks over at us, waiting for one of us to volunteer.

"I will." I watch as Lana stands up. She walks over by Hanson, and Hanson goes back and sits down.

"Tell me, miss Lana, we've seen it on TV, but what was going through your mind when you were captured and stuck in that white room?" The judge asks.

Lana takes a breath. "I didn't know why I was captured. I knew I didn't do anything wrong, or that I was different. When I woke up in that white room, I was clueless. I was annoyed nobody told me why I was there, but it did not cross my mind once that there was an elements other than my element, water, there. I had no clue on why I was there at all until I was in that dome and saw Paytah-" Lana looks over at him, "that's when I know there was a reason why I was captured, when all different elements were trapped together:"

"Do you think that you and the others could do good for our world?"

"Of course. Like Hanson said, we apparently made our own little world lively, so why couldn't we do it for the rest of the world?" Lana says.

People all around nod, agreeing with her.

"Tell me, what good will it do keeping you all alive, besides helping our world? People are afraid of you guys." The judge says.

"I understand why people are afraid. I'm sure I would be too if people had water or vines coming out of their hands. Hell, I was afraid of Paytah when I first saw his element, and I had one myself. But what I'm trying to say is, besides the element, we are all humans. I'm sure none of us asked to be tested; none of us wanted any of this. I didn't mean to make people scared, and I don't want to die, because I didn't choose to have an element." Lana says.

It's quiet. People are interested, and actually listening to her.

"That is all. Thank you. May we have one more of the four speak." The judge asks.

Lana sits down while Juris, Paytah and I look at each other. Finally, Paytah stands up. "I'll go." He says, and walks up to the front.

"So, Paytah, same deal. What was your thought about being captured and staying in the white room?"

"I honestly thought I was being taken because I was having a new foster family again. But when I woke up in that white room, I knew that wasn't it, it was something bigger. Obviously you've all seen how I dealt with the white room..." Paytah pauses as some people laugh. My guess is that he fought in the white room, pretty good.

"I was confused, and also didn't even think about being with an element other than fire." He says.

"And you think you and others can fix this world?"

"Yes. They've even tried it with us a few days ago. I think it'll work, theres enough of us to do so." He says.

"And once again, what makes it good to keep you all alive besides saving our world?" The judge asks.

Paytah looks back at all of us for a moment.

"Honesty, after all I've been through with these guys, and even all the other elements, I don't want them to die. Lana is right; we are people, so what if air or water comes out of our hands. I'm sure many of you have watched us on TV and thought we were monsters, but I take that blame. These three-they saved my life. They don't deserve this, none of us do. Hanson did this experiment to have it work, not all go to waste. And because innocent people were forced to join his experiment, the least he could do is have us live through it."

"Thank you, have a seat." The judge says. Paytah sits back down, and I smile at him. He gives me a small smile back.

People are clapping. They liked it. I take a big breath of relief. Is this enough?

I watch as the judge eyes all of us, and then rests his eyes on Hanson.

"I think we are coming towards the end of the trials."

People clap more, but the judges motions everyone to stop.

"But first, Hanson. A few more questions." He says.

I look at Paytah. He looks back nervously. Hanson stands up, and walks over to the front, a little too confident.

This is it, I think. It's all about what Hanson says.

Once again, our life is in Hanson's hands.



So, I have to admit, this may just be the WORST chapter I've ever written. But to be honest, I just want to get to the next few chapter because it's going to be SOOOO crazy!!

Like legit I'm getting so excited for the next up coming chapters! But I guess you all will have to suffer with a bad chapter this time :(

Please continue to vote and comment! And also, WHAT ARE YOUR PREDICTIONS?!?!?!!'

Thank you! :)

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