Chapter 17

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It feels weird roaming around without a guard by my side.

We aren't in the dome. We aren't trapped. But we do still have cameras in our faces and people all around us.

As Lana and Paytah's father and I head back to the dome, people are walking with us, asking us a whole bunch of questions. I try my best to ignore them, because when it come down to it, I hate them.

They cheered at the idea of my friends being executed. Of course I hate them.

After a while figuring out how to get back to the dome, we finally drive. It's almost empty, people walking out for the final time, cheering as run out. Families hug each other tight.

My family. They are free.

But Aira isn't. Paytah isn't.

I have to get them.

Paytah told Lana that someone named Roma would help. We enter the dome, walk in the building, and go all the way to Paytah's floor. Most rooms are open and totally empty, everyone has moved out. We walk down the hall and see Paytah's door, closed.

I twist the handle, open the door, and see a girl cleaning the room. She has caramel skin, and short dark brown curly hair. She looks up, a sad but surprised look on her face.

"Are you Roma?"

"Y-yes." She says.

"You knew Paytah?" Lana asks.

She nods. "Yeah." She looks to the floor, obviously in pain.

"We need your help." I say, and she looks at all of us.

"We are going to get Paytah and Aira back. Paytah told me you would be able to help," Lana says, and Roma looks pleased. "Of course I'll help!"

"Do you know where Hanson would be?" Paytah's father asks, and she nods.

"I know exactly where they are."


"It's only about five minutes from here. Problem is, Hanson's room is deep in the building, we would have to go through a few doors in order to get there."

"Which means a lot of guards." Lana says, and Roma nods. "But, you guys are elements. I'm no expert, but your powers are a pretty big advantage."

"We're going to need that advantage." Paytah's father says, and I nod. "Yes, that and more."

"I think we can do it. I don't think Hanson expects anyone barging in there. Plus, Aira and Paytah are strong. They might even think of a plan before we even get there."

"We can't fail," Lana says, "I promised Paytah I would at least save Aira. But we need to get them both out."

"What happens after this? After they escape?" Paytah's father asks.

"Run." Roma says.

I never really thought about that. How the hell are we going to get out of this? The world is expecting their death's. They're going to be pissed if they see them free. Where do we go? Hopefully they don't really want them dead, maybe if Hanson is dead, Paytah's and Aira's deaths don't have to happen.

"When are we going to do this?" Lana asks.

"I think we should do it tomorrow. Earlier, though." Roma says.  "Can't risk being late."

"We need a plan. One better then just winging it and walking in. Is there anyone guarding the doors?" Lana asks.

"Nobody is outside. There are cameras, but who knows how often they check them. For sure there are people inside, though. I doubt that Hanson will keep Aira and Paytah together, so we'll have to split. Juris, you and I can get Aira, and you guys can get Paytah." Roma nods her head at Lana and Paytah's father.

"But listen, if it gets risky and your lives are on the line, get the hell out of there. I'm sure Hanson won't care who he kills. Aira and Paytah would want you to go if it gets too dangerous." Roma says.

But we have to get them.

I nod, though. It makes sense. Maybe I could get Aira out and replace her with me. I'm sure Hanson wouldn't mind killing me. Why did he want Paytah and Aira, and not Lana and I? Okay, I guess I understand Paytah. Hanson knows he hates his guts. But Aira? She was on his side, she didn't do anything wrong.

But I guess Hanson is just sick in that way.

"Grab something to eat, then sleep good tonight. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a very..tiring day." Roma says, "I'll bring guns. Don't shoot unless you have a gun pointed at your own head. Or unless of course, there's a lot of guards to get rid of."

We all nod, but I can't help but think.

How can I sleep when my best friends are in Hanson's hands? How can I eat when my best friends are going to be killed tomorrow? How can I function?

I can't. Not until Aira and Paytah are free. Not until Hanson dies.

"We should kill Hanson." I spit out. Roma looks at me strangely, and so does Paytah's father. But Lana smiles. "I'm way ahead of you. If I see him and I have time, I'm going to kill him. I think we should all try if we have the time."

"We have to remember our priority though. Get them out," Roma says, but then she smiles. "But if you have a few extra seconds, I'm not stopping you."

We all smile, because I know we would all love to see Hanson gone, just like he wanted Paytah and Aira gone.

He will not win.

Or at least, if everything goes right, he won't.

I'm nervous. So nervous I don't think eating or sleeping will be an option for me tonight. We all separate, but planned to meet by the dome doors in the morning. I find my family. I haven't spent much time with them, but they understand. They also understand that today has been both a joyous but horrible day. We stay in the dome, mostly because we haven't found a house yet, and second I don't want people coming up to me asking me questions. I have to keep a low profile, especially when I'm about to do something deadly.

Very deadly.

But I hope we can convince the world to save us, one last time.



So, I will admit, this chapter is pretty boring :/ but I needed to do Juris's POV so here it is!

Next chapter is actually going to be much longer then the length that I usually do! (There will be a LOT of things happening next chapter, don't miss it!) There is like 600 more words then usual :)

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BY THE WAY THERE ARE ONLY LIKE 4 or 5 CHAPTERS LEFT!! :( but they are going to be CRAZY!!

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