Chapter 16

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This doesn't feel real.

The fact that we won was surreal enough. We did it. After we've been captured, used as subjects, put through a fake war, and stuck in a dome, this was it. Our freedom, our lives, were granted.

And now Hanson wants to wreck it, just like he wrecks everything.

He's going to kill Aira. He's going to kill Paytah.

And the crowd loves it. They cheer, they shout words of joy and excitement.

I feel like screaming.

But I guess I already am.

I didn't even realize Juris was holding me back from Hanson. I'm screaming at him, telling him this isn't fair, that they are supposed to be free. But nothing will change his mind, not when the crowd is this excited.

Why Aira and Paytah? Why them?

I can't breath. The thought of Hanson putting a bullet through their heads is enough to make me go insane. And it is. I'm screaming my head off, tears falling from my eyes.

Let it be me instead.

Aira is the one who never really did anything wrong. She was innocent, pure, kind, and the thought of her being murdered for no apparent reason is horrid. And Paytah, he's my anchor. He's the one who would understand me.

He's the one I loved.

"Where are you taking them?" Juris asks, and Hanson looks over at us.

"With me. All the elements are free now. Find your family, rest, relax." He says. "You don't have to live in the dome anymore."

"We can't even say goodbye?" I ask, wiping my tears.

"The execution will be public, you'll see them then," Hanson says, a smile across his face.

I'm going to kill him.

Aira looks scared shitless, and Paytah's eyes are filled with devastation.

"I won't let you do it." I say, walking up to Hanson. The crowd has died down, many of them leaving. Hanson just smiles again.

"I have the public to please, no can do Lana. You can't stop it." He says.

Men come and grab Aira and Paytah, and I scramble to reach them, but they push me away. I lift up my hands at them, and a rush of water comes out, knocking everyone to the ground. The crowd doesn't seem to care, pretty much all of them have reached the exit by now.

I run and lift Aira to her feet. Paytah stands up, but guards quick grab them both again.

"No!" I scream, kicking the guards. Hanson yells for someone to hold Juris and I, and a pair of arms immediately grab me.

"No!" I cry, trying to reach them, but it's useless.

I won't let him kill them. I won't.

"Lana," Paytah says quietly as he passes by. A guard has his hand pressed firmly on the back of Paytah's head, but he manages to look up at me. We look each other in the eye.

"Listen to me." He says, calmly. Why is he so calm? He's going to die, he's going to be killed by the one man he hates most.

I shake my head no, but his eyes have me mesmerized. His eyes aren't red, but so light they are pale orange. I stare right into them.

"Find a way to get her, you hear me? She doesn't die. You have to promise me that." He says. Aira. He's talking about Aira. I look at him, confused.

"You find a way to get her. You have to."

"What about you?" I ask, and he gives me a small smile. "I'll be fine."

"They are going to kill you-"

"Shh, Lana. Just get her. Promise me? You have to promise me." He says, and I nod.

"Find a way. Roma, talk to her. She's in charge of my floor. She could maybe help. You have to save her. Find a way, like you always do." He says, and with that, the guards drag him down the aisle and out the door. Aira follows behind him, and I can hear her cries.

That's the last time I'll ever see them.

Ever again.

No, Lana. Do what Paytah told you. Get her out, get him out.

I sob, yelling for him and Aira. My mind is racing. Get Aira? How the hell are we going to get her? How can I just find a way? And what about Paytah? He's lying when he said he would be fine. He wants Aira as a priority, he wants her to for sure be saved, and if we aren't able to free Paytah, we forget him.

How does he think I would just leave him?

I can't. I need to get them both. By tomorrow.

The guards keep us in the courtroom until it empties out. Juris looks flustered, tears running down his face. I'm a complete wreck compared to him. I run outside after the guards let us go, and I try to see if I can spot Paytah or Aira, but they are gone.

They are gone.

"What do we do?" Juris asks, a panicked look ok his face.

"I don't kn-"

Wait. Roma. Paytah said to find someone named Roma.

"Paytah said someone named Roma would help. She was in charge of his floor."

"She would bring us to Paytah and Aira?"

"I-I don't know. He just said to find her. We have to find her, we have-"

"Lana, hey." Juris cuts me off and rests a hand on my shoulder. "We'll find her. She'll help us, okay?"

I nod, but I'm filled with so much doubt.

Paytah will be dead tomorrow. Aira will be dead tomorrow. Why? There's no good reason.

Hanson is the reason.

Hatred fills me like no other. Paytah hated him from the start. Aira had gained his trust, only to lose it again.

"We need more than help than just us, it's impossible, who will help us besides Roma-"

"I will." I gasp as I hear an unfamiliar voice behind me. I turn around and see a middle aged man standing there, his eyes watery. He has dark hair and dark blue eyes. Water element.

"Who are you?" Juris asks.

"I'm Paytah's father." He says, and it immediately clicks. He looks just like him except older, and with blue eyes. Paytah told me his father was alive, and saved his life.

"You would risk your life?" I ask, and he nods.

"He risked his life for everyone, he deserves some risking back." His father says. "So, we find a girl named Roma?" He asks, and I nod. "That's what he told me."

"Let's go get my son back. For good." He says, and we start to head back to the dome, to figure out a plan.

To keep Aira and Paytah alive.


Hello!!!!!! ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!!!

So, thoughts on what is going to happen?! Comment!!

I hoped you enjoyed! This book is going to be even crazier as the chapters go on!!!! Sorry this one wasn't too crazy, but just wait!!

Thank you all for reading :)

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