Angie And Mrs. Marshal

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We've haven't got that much to do today, Louis said. This week was a break for us, and we go back to work tomorrow. I'm meeting Angie this afternoon," Liam informed, " And  I think Zayn's going to see Tanya." " Who's  Tanya? " I asked. " Zayn's girlfriend," Niall answered me. " I think she's horrible, but Zayn's all over her." " Interesting," I said, keen to hear a little gossip around the household. "What do you mean?" She has no compassion at all, and she acts like she's the rightful queen and were her servants. Except for Zayn. Personally, I think she's only after Zayn because he is famous and good looking." " Really? I said, "She sounds like a storybook character. I kinda want to see what she is like." " You might meet her someday, but now might not be a good time. I don't want her to say anything hurtful to you." I got where Liam was coming from.     " You can go meet Angie today though.  I have told her about our adoption plans before, She fully supports the idea. She would never tell anyone else."  " Oh, I want to!" I said, excited.       That meant that I would have one female person to talk to, not just the five boys."How old is she?"19." Liam said with a smile. " I'm sure the two of you will become great friends." "I wish that too." I suddenly realized that I didn't know if the other boys had relationships at all. "Do the other three of you have girlfriends?" I asked." "Nope".  Louis and Niall both said. "But Harry does. She's called Bethany." "Is she nice then?" "Yeah. Very, actually. But she and Harry aren't really taking it that seriously. Harry doesn't make much effort." "That's too bad. " I said just as  Harry came down the stairs with an awakened Zayn. "Morning I greeted him. "How long did it take for Harry to wake you up?"  "3 minutes exactly," Harry answered for him. " I guess I broke the record if I am not mistaken ." "Yeah, yeah we know you're awesome." Said Louis carelessly." What're we gonna do now? "I don't mind, what do you guys want to do?" I said, passing a few pancakes to Zayn. "We could just hang around here this morning," Liam said, "But we need to find some time today to go register Passion into school." " Aren't we supposed to register tomorrow, when I go to school?" I asked. "That was the original plan," Liam replied, "But we don't want any of your classmates seeing us, so we'll just go today when no one is at school. "I nodded, once again facing the magnitude of the boys' fame. It still surprised me. "Which school am I going to?" "You're going to Willow Falls School - it's about a fifteen- minute drive from here. It's a great school, don't worry.  You'll love it there." "I'm not worrying" I said, but deep inside my heart, I was. I was anxious as to how the students there would treat me, but I shoved the matter to the back of my head and decided to think about it later. "I'll go up and get changed now," I said, and I went back up to my room. Looking through my closet I picked out a warm blue sweater with tribal print on it that looked so comfortable. Then I put on a pretty red skater skirt to dress up the outfit more since I wanted to look more polished (than I actually was). Even though the only person I would probably meet at Willow Falls would be the secretary. Oh well, whatevs. For shoes, I put on some simple black boots. I'll just do my hair later, I thought and bringing my computer with me, I went to the living room. The boys were sitting on the sofa, talking. " I'm not interrupting you, am I?" I asked. "Of course not, love," Harry said. "I just wanted to try using my computer. Do you mind if I do it in here? Since I don't really understand technology thingies." I asked rather meekly. " Of course not, love," Harry repeated. " That's a cute outfit, by the way." After muttering thanks, I sat down on the sofa, put the computer on my lap, and turned it on. In no time at all, I was already surfing the internet, searching for random things like dogs and ice cream. Then I searched for One Direction. I clicked into  YouTube, which I learned from the boys was a site to watch videos, and clicked on a video about One Direction's X-Factor Journey. And believe it or not, I cried. I cried genuine tears. I was watching this part about how they lost in boot camp, and I started tearing up when I saw Liam, Harry, and Niall crying.  The boys who were playing a game of scrabble with rules they made up themselves, quickly came over when they saw me crying. "Are you alright, Pash?" Niall asked me concernedly. I gave an incomprehensible nod- shake, so it took him by surprise when I threw my arms around him, saying sorry, sorry, sorry continuously. "Sorry for what ?" He asked me bewildered. Finally, the boys were smart enough to look at the computer screen to see what I was crying about. When they saw that I was crying over their younger selves, they started laughing, and the laughter spread to me too. Soon, we were all laughing about Louis' bad hair back then and Niall's adorableness. "I don't know what got over me," I said. It was half an hour later and Louis had made us tea. All six of us were sitting by the kitchen table, sipping tea and chatting. "it was so depressing seeing you cry, even though I knew it was ages ago. I couldn't  help but feel upset for you." I swung my feet under the kitchen table because the seat was a bit too tall for me. "We're all happier about it now, aren't we?" Louis said. "Definitely. How else could I have met you, lads?" Zayn said. "Not to mention Passion. If  we weren't in a band, she wouldn't have gotten adopted." "Yeah." I said, thinking of it that way." Now I'm glad that you didn't make it through as solo artists." After finishing the tea and an entire packet of chocolate Digestives, we went to watch Toy Story, which turned out to be Liam's favorite cartoon. It was the first movie I'd watched in ages, and I enjoyed it really well. For lunch, we ordered takeaway from a nearby Chinese restaurant. After a meal of dim sum and chow mein, Liam drove himself and me to Starbucks, where we would be meeting Angie. When we arrived, Angie wasn't there yet so I sat down to wait while Liam went to buy the drinks. Liam came back with a hot chocolate for me, and a cappuccino each for him and Angie. A few minutes later, Angie arrived. And let me just tell you, she was equally as nice as Liam had convinced me. "Hi, darling." Liam said when Angie arrived, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "it's lovely to see you again, Li!" Angie replied, before turning her attention to me."Hi there, you must be Passion!" "Yeah, I am. Nice to meet you." I said with a timid smile. Angie sat down next to me and, after a brief moment of warming up, we started chatting away. I found out how she and Liam met (on the airplane when the boys were going on tour), what her job was (being a flight attendant)and lots more. Then she taught me how to do my hair, since we were on the topic of my crazy curls, and she gifted me this tiny pot of indigo nail polish. Poor Liam was getting a bit left out, so I let him and Angie talk while I sipped at my hot chocolate. it was delicious. Just a week ago, I never would've thought of going to Starbucks, never mind going to Starbucks with my famous brother and his girlfriend. Angie was super nice too, acting like how I imagined an older sister would act. Kind, chatty and filled with random facts about boys and fashion - I secretly hoped that Liam would marry her one day so that she would actually be my older sister. An hour later, we parted ways. Angie gave me her number and I promised to text her whenever I needed some female advice. When we got back home, Liam urged the boys to get ready to go to my school to register while I got ready. Back to my room, I braided my hair in the way Angie taught and put on the indigo nail polish. After we put on all the disguises, we were ready to go. Liam drove us to the school. Willow Falls was much bigger than I expected, with long, airy corridors and rows and rows of lockers. I felt intimidated. We arrived at the office were the secretary, was called Mrs. Marshal gave us a stack of paperwork to fill in. I took a paper entitled Personal Information and began to write, but I was stuck on the first question. Name (first name, last name): What was my last name? I tugged at Louis' sleeve and asked him. "Tricky question. " Hey guys what's Passion's last name?" "It can be any one of ours, I guess." Said Zayn." We should choose one that sounds the best." I started running the options through my head. Passion Payne. Nope it sounded like a disney character. Passion Malik . Nope, it was like a tounge twister. Passion Horan. Seemed a bit weird. Passion Styles. Even weirder. Passion Tomlinson. Aha, perfect! "I like Passion Tomlinson." I told the boys. "Great choice, babe." Louis said, smilling cheekily. "it sounds great." "Is it OK?" I asked the rest of the boys. "I won't be able to change it later on." "Of course. Passion Tomlinson does sound the best." I filled that in, then printed in all the information as well with my neatest handwriting. "Here, clip these two together," Niall handed me the paperwork which the guardians had to fill in. I looked at it, and smilled inwarldy. There was a part in which they had to mention any good qualities the child possesed, and they wrote smart, imaginative and loveable. "Thanks." I said quietly, my heart warming. "What?" Niall said in mock confusion. "You are loveable!" After we finished signing everything, we handed them in to Mrs. Marshal. she didn't even react when she saw that my parents were five members of a boyband. She simply handed me my schedule and locker combination, then we were free to go. "Do you want to look around first, Pash?" Harry asked me. "Sure." I said. We started looking for Room 520b, which according to the schedule was my homeroom. We walked around the campus for ten minutes before we found it. There was an old-fashioned blackboard at the front of the classroom, and the boys immediately started writing on it. A minute later, the blackboard read: ALIEN INVASION, HUMANS BEWARE . GO IN ONE DIRECTION, OR YOU'LL LOSE YOUR HAIR! We fell about laughing. "Dont rub it off!" I said, my cheeks violently red. "Leave it here, so I'll have something to cheer me up tomorrow when I got to school." "School won't be that bad, you know." Liam conforted, putting his arm around me as we left the classroom."I was always teased during my schooldays, but look at me now!" "I get it,"I said smilling. "Very inspriational." We stopped by the supermarket on the way home, because I needed to buy ingredients for making dinner that night. When we got home, I started cooking dinner, and the boys went upstairs to practice their singing. Well, they praceticed for 5  minutes. The rest of the time was spent by them mucking around, changing lyrics and singing in girly voices. Once, they came into the kitchen to see what I was cooking, but I covered their eyes and told them to wait. Two hours later, dinner was ready. I served lasagna to the boys, along with honey chicken wings and broccoli with cheese. I hadn't made anything this complicated before, but I held my breath and attempted it-they did turn out quite tasty. "This all looks delicious! Thanks a lot, Passionfruit." Louis was already stuffing his mouth. "You're welcome!" I said, and starting eating too. It was really delicious. After dinner, we had nothing to do so we just watched Toy Story 2 . Then the boys helped me make a Twitter and Instagram account, because they said people in my school would probably be on them. Unfortunately the boys couldn't all follow me because it would look suspicious, so I had exactly zero followers."Never mind" Zayn said. "All your classmates at school will probably want to follow you once they meet you." "I wish." I said sighing. "I'm just certain they'll all hurt me. Like in the orphanage, or at my old home." "Why? you're smart and pretty and nice, everyone 'll want to be your friend!" "No,I'm not." I said, shaking my head. I didn't want to eleborate. "Speaking of school," Liam said. " You should go to bed now, because you'll have to wake up early tomorrow." " Ok . I complied with a shy wave at that. "Goodnight, boys." "Night, Passion." They chorused, and I marvelled again at how lucky I was to have five people who seemed to genuinely care about me. It felt unreal. I got back up to my room and started packing my school bag. The boys had gotten me this leather backpack with rhinestones studded all over it, so I put all my school books in there. Afterwards, I changed into my heart-patterned pajamas and went to bed not long after. I woke up an hour later, screaming silently. it was my father again.He found me in school. I was running and running, trying to get away, but my father was catching up...his coarse fingers grasped my hair, pulling me twisting my head back. I woke up when I saw his face looming in front of me, scarred and deformed like a monster. I sat up with a trembling start. My mouth suddenly felt very dry. As I was tiptoeing downstairs to get myself some water, I saw Louis still sitting on the sofa, looking at his phone. "Are you alright, Pash?" He asked when he noticed me. I must have looked like a fright. My hair was messy, there were tear stains all over my face, and I was mildly shivering in the gloom. I pattered over to Louis and curled up beside him, telling him about my dream without all the horryfiying details.He draped his arm around me protectively, pushing my head to the crook of his neck and murmuring to the top of my head. "Shh kiddo, it's just a dream. it won't happen." Louis played some songs on his phone,gradually slowing my heartbeat. He then told me about some of the funny incidents he had at school, making me laugh and forget about the horrors of my nightmares.His feather soft voice soothed me and I rested against his chest, eyes flickering shut and then open again. Sometime later Louis feel asleep and snored lightly with his arm still latched around me. I considered going back up to sleep, but Louis arm  prevented me from budging. Whatever I'll just sleep here, I though drowsily and leaned back onto Louis falling into sleep within minutes.

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