Anger and Sass

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Ok. So I know I've forgiven the boys and everything, but that wasn't it. Now that I had stopped being angry at them, I realised how much I needed them In my life. Not just as guardians, but as friends. I could still remember that night where they had to go to America and I had to stay home with their girlfriends. I had a lot of fun with the girls, but I couldn't be fully happy because I missed the boys too much. And it was only one day! The prospect of not seeing them for an entire month was almost unbearable. "Hey. Liam." I said quietly to the figure sitting next to me. He was the only one awake. It was almost midnight. The popcorn was long finished and the boys had one by one dropped off. "Yeah?" 

"Will I get to talk to you guys when I'm, you know, at boarding school?" "You could call us and text us." Thank god, I though to myself, "But not that often. Just during the night, but not when we're working." "Oh." I said glumly. "We still have the 1D Day!" Liam said in attempt to cheer me up. "It's 7 hours long, so you can see us then!" "Along with millions of other Directioners." I grumbled. Somehow it wouldn't be the same. I was just sharing them with other girls. "Oh, come on. Are you being jealous?" He teased me. "You wish." It won't be that bad, I promise you." He said, "You thought this school would be bad, but you've already made a lovely friend. It'll just be the same in America." 

"But what if I meet Vanessa's twin?" "If there's any real danger then we'll fly to America immediately and save you." "Then I hope there's a lot of danger." "Oh please, you won't miss us that much, will you? I've been apart from my family for years in one go. You can do it!" "I can't." I looked up at him, "You guys are the first real family I've ever had. And I've only been with you for two months. That's so little. And now I'm leaving." "Well just enjoy your time here, OK love? Go to America happily, then in no time at all, you'll be back." "I'll try. I don't think I can, but I'll try." "Good enough for me." Liam said, satisfied. Then he suddenly slipped into Daddy Direction mode. "Oh no I forgot! You still have school tomorrow. Oh my god, you've got to go to bed. Now!" He pointed up at the stairs sternly. I pouted. 

"I can only spend one more week with you guys but I'll get all that good education in boarding school. Who cares if I fall asleep in class tomorrow? I need to stay here, with all of you." He relented. "Ok, but this is a special occasion. No next time." "Thanks, Liam." He pulled me onto his lap and put his chin on top of my head. I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes. We sat there in silence for a while, each thinking that the other was asleep. "Are you still awake?" I asked, when Liam's arms moved suddenly. "Yeah. Are you?" "I'm talking to you. What do you think?" He chuckled. "I can't go to sleep." The two of us said in the same time. I glanced at the new clock on top of the TV. There were One Direction pictures all over it, and the alarm was different 1D songs. Niall had accidentally broken the last clock (Because he just woke up, thought it was a piece of toast and bit into it. Weirdly, the clock broke and not his teeth.), and since no one bothered to go out and buy a new one, we just used one that a fan sent in. Sticking to the main point, it was already 2 o'clock. 

"Can we talk?" Liam asked. "About what?" "Anything. I just want to hear your voice." I smiled. "Once upon a time, there was this little boy called Liam. He was born in Wolverhampton, because he was as fierce as a wolf. One day, when Liam was fourteen years old..." I talked on and on about this little boy Liam, making up a story based on what I know about him. But mostly, I was just making up bits of his life to fit with the picture of what I already know. Liam was listening, transfixed, during the entire story. "And so finally, Liam and his pet turtle called Passion lived happily ever after." Liam was looking at me with a shocked face. "What?" I asked, getting myself a glass of water because talking nonstop for more than an hour really makes your throat parched. "I have to admit that I was mildly fascinated by my incorrect life story. You have a great imagination, Passion." "Thanks." I walked back to where he was and sat next to him, careful not to sit on Zayn's leg.

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