"So he ran away and we didnt see where he went.....that little bastard" masky concludes. I laugh. "I thought you guys were professionals!" I joke. They give me a death glare and i stop laughing.........."hey, we dont have much time left here....only 4 days! We have to catch this guy and enjoy our camping trip!" Toby says to lighten the mood. "Toby, he ran into the forest. Theres no way we'll-" a snap behind a tree interupts hoodie. They all silently stand up and walk to the tree, weapons ready. "HES GETTING AWAY!" masky suddenly yells as footsteps sprint into the forest. They sprint after him. Now im all alone in the middle of the night......"what a nice.....eerie....silence..." i say as i look around. I joke off my fear and head to my tent, just so i feel a little safer. I snuggle with my blankets and feel alot better, like i was in my own little world. SCRAAAAATCH! Something scratches my tent. i open my eyes and look at where is was scratched. Theres a shadow......"h-hello?" I say quietly. It moves towards the tents only door and i pull out my katana, ready to protect myself. The tent zips open slowly.....Ziiiiiiip. someone walks in- its ray? I put my katana down and sigh in relief. "You ok...? I noticed you all alone over here" he asks as he sits next to me. "Im fine....you scared me! I thought i was gonna die" i say. He laughs. "That makes two of us, mrs. Katana" he says. I laugh akwardly. "So-" he gets interupted by running, coming to the tent. He sprints out into the woods a few minutes before the footsteps hit my tent. I expected one of the proxies to run in but a complete stranger did. He had short brown hair and freckles. He was wearing a torn jacket and jeans, holding a gun. He looks at me and i squeak, backing up against the wall of the tent. "H-hey! You have to hide me, there are these guys chasing me! P-please! I dont wanna die!" He says as he carefully walks towards me. "Y-your the murderer....." i say slowly. "What? N-no!! I havent killed anyone! Im a cop! I came here to get a murderer and these guys....they ATTACKED me!" He slowly crouches down to my level. "Im not going to hurt you just.....dont let them kill me, please! My badge is back at camp i can prove my innocence! I dont sleep in uniform" he pleas. Should i trust him? His eyes....they look so honest and scared...."o-ok....i believe you" i say. He smiles and i notice he was about to cry. Footsteps stampede my tent and all the proxies run in. "GET AWAY FROM HER OR ILL SHOOT!" Masky growls. "Please i havent done anything wrong!" The man cries. Hoodie aims at him but i stand infront of the man, making them put their weapons down. "(Y/n) what the hell do you think your doing?!" Hoodie growls. "He didnt kill them! Hes not the guy we're looking for!" I say. They look at eachother amd then at me. I cant tell how their feeling, their masks block their eyes. "How do you know...?" Toby asks. "I...i dont know......i just believe him! Hes an officer of law! He came here to get the guy we're after, he has hus badge back at his camp!" I say in the mans defense. "Please, i can take you to my camp and show you!" The man begs. "Even if hes an officer he cant leave, hes going to have to die for seeing us!" Masky says. Toby grabs me and drags me out of the tent. "W-wait!!! Hes innocent!! DON-" BANG!!! A blood splat hits the tent. Masky and hoodie walk out, blood on them. I feel tears roll down my cheeks, they killed him. An innocent man died and i didnt stop it........toby lets go and i fall to my knees, crying into my hands. Toby puts a hand on my shoulder but i slap it off, too horrified and disgusted to let him near me. Without warning i run into the woods as fast as i can, not looking back. "(Y/n)!!!" I hear them running after me. I hear one fall and the footsteps stop, as if they were helping the other person up. I take the oppurtunity to climb a random tree and hide. They run and look around, calling my name. I move a little and a small branch falls. Oh no.... they all look at me. "(Y/n) get down from there, youll hurt yourself!" Masky yells up at me. "What, so you can KILL me?! NEVER!" I scream. Toby starts climbing the tree and i climb higher, trying to get away. "Come on, we wont hurt you! I swear!" Toby says as he rests in a branch. "NEVER!" i sit on a branch a little higher than his. "(Y/n) there were body parts all over his campsite!" Hoodie hollers. I freeze. ".........he lied to me..?" I ask. Toby nods. I feel guilty and embarrased. "O-oh.........can we just g-go home?" I ask. They sigh and toby carries me out of the tree. I could climb down but i guess that works too...... i feel so tired........i pass out as we walk...
I slowly gain consciousness but i keep my eyes closed, im tired. "SHES DYING SLENDY SHES DYING HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!" I hear offender yell, follwed by sobs. "Shes FINE brother, she just needs rest" slender responds. I feel weight on the bed and someone scoop me up. "Ill take her home" offender says. Im set down on another bed and a blanket is put over me. This feels like my bed.... i hear a creak as if someone sat down. I fall back asleep.....
a poor woman's tale offendermanXreader
Randomyou and your younger brother Alexander are poor, having only a small box for shelter. when you did live with your parents (you were young and Alex wasn't born yet) they paid for your life insurance. after Alex was born your mother died in the hospit...