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And I am back~! :)

As promised, new update is to be posted on the last week, so here it is! :D

Thank you so much for your support in this fan fic! Please write comments so that I know how you feel and it might guide me to where to bring this story so that it can become better. :D

Enjoy! :)


As soon as he double-checked that the door was locked, Hyungwon descended from the stairs, but was surprised to see his father standing in the hallway, as if waiting for him. Hyungwon continued to walk, as if not seeing anyone. He bumped into his father before opening the door. Before he left, he heard his father speak, making him stop on his heels.

"Don't you know how to show respect? What have I ever done to receive this?" his father spoke, his voice crackling, obvious that he was about to break down. Hyungwon laughed, sarcasm evident in the sound he had made.

"Are you even joking?" Hyungwon spoke, emphasizing on every word he has spoken. If words would have killed, his father would have died with its intensity. Without waiting for an answer, Hyungwon left his house, slamming the door shut behind him. While placing headphones on both of his ears, Hyungwon made his way towards the bus stop. He no longer bothered to walk his way to school, as seeing the place where the 'accident' happened sent him the chills.

As soon as the bus had arrived, Hyungwon got in and quickly scanned the place for familiar faces. Sadly, Hoseok wasn't there for him, for which he had made his way towards the seat at the back. He sat at the back and closed his eyes.

On all his trips to school, he usually didn't have anyone sit beside him. Today, however, was different, for as the bus had stopped, one of the faces he had known in school rode the bus he was in, and the only vacant seat left in the bus was beside him.

I'm doomed...

Changkyun was one of the popular kids in school, known for being a troublemaker. He caused a lot of ruckus in school, but not even once was his name involved in any of those that he started. He always had something to do that made him get away with it. Everyone adored him, despite his true nature, which Hyungwon had hated the most.

I hate bisexuals...

Hyungwon didn't hate Changkyun. It was his orientation that made him feel this sense of hatred towards the other. He wanted to make sure that they don't talk, and the least that he'd want to do was to get another offense for hitting someone in the face just because they were people that he hated. He wouldn't want that.

I just have to stay away...

Andfor the rest of the journey, he did.


"Hey, Hyung–oh my gosh, what happened to you?!" Hoseok had shouted as soon as he saw Hyungwon at his usual seat, flashing him an I-haven't-had-enough-sleep kind of look. Well, he really didn't have much sleep.

"It's nothing, don't worry," Hyungwon had responded calmly to signal that he was really fine, but Hoseok was more than worried. Hyungwon had gotten used to it, as this was his 'motherly' side, as he would like to call it.

"But for me, you aren't," Hoseok had answered, still sounding worried. Hyungwon had laughed as he saw the other's facial reaction, but he simply let the other do his usual checks of placing the back of his hand in his neck to check temperature, the 'ah' that he asks the other to do to check if there are signs of illness. Finally, Hoseok sighed, signalling that he had given up and accepted that the other was indeed fine, just lacking sleep. Hoseok went back to his seat, feeling ashamed for being overactive. Hyungwon smiled as he stood up and motioned towards Hoseok's back, giving the other a back hug.

"W-what is t-this f-for?" Hoseok asked, obvious in his tone that he was surprised.

"It's for being caring for me." Hyungwon answered back, "I love you, Hoseok."

However, Hoseok did not respond. He was just looking down. Hyungwon wanted to ask why, but he knew the other had moments such as these. He didn't want to ask further, because he wouldn't get a proper answer.

In all honesty, Hyungwon always wanted to know why the other had mental breakdowns whenever there were times that people were being sweet towards him. Well, he was sweet, that was something Hyungwon was very sure about. However, whenever people had treated him nicely, or when they said nice words to him, he would always change his mood from being jolly to being moody. In rare cases, he would either cry or walk out, or do both. Hyungwon had always wondered why the other would always do this, but the reason why was well-hid by Hoseok.

Heck, Hyungwon wasn't even sure if he had all the right to know. Well, a part of him felt being cheated by his best friend for not telling him about this, even though the other knew almost everything about Hyungwon. It just seemed unfair sometimes...

Another part of Hyungwon told him that it was his fault the other was acting such. Even though Hoseok hadn't opened up this part of him towards Hyungwon, he felt that at some point it was his fault that the other had mental breakdowns. After all, Hoseok was always there for Hyungwon, but when was he there for Hoseok? He couldn't remember any instance that he helped the other. None at all...

Generally, the part of him that Hyungwon had followed was that he was to be the understanding best friend. After all, when Hyungwon was down, Hoseok was there for him and understood all of his burdens and worries. This is the least he can do for Hoseok. The least I can do for my best friend...

For now, Hyungwon understood everything, even though he knew nothing. He understood the fact that one day, Hoseok would be able to tell him the reasons why he was feeling such. Why he was having emotional breakdowns. Why, in the first place, he couldn't tell it to him. For now, he accepted the fact that the story behind it remains as it is.

A secret.

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