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So, I'm back! No longer under the old username, but under a new name - 'cinnamarbean' lol.

So, for those asking why I changed names, this was because of personal and security purposes, as my old username is linked to my personal account. Lol. But anyways, I'm still here and updating, so yeah, don't worry, I won't disappear.

Also, I'm sorry for updating late. T_T Kinda busy at work, so I couldn't quite finish the chapter and I think it's trash, but I hope you like it.

And, OMG, Monsta X is coming back very soon! <3 Let us support our prince charmings and continue to fight with them towards their First Win!

Sorry for all the rants. Here's the chapter. Enjoy! :D

Twitter: @cinnamarbean 


Hoseok hated the moments when he had lied to Hyungwon. He really didn't want to leave Hyungwon's place just yet. He wanted to talk to that person more, speaking his heart out. He wanted to tell him everything of what he felt about Hyungwon, now that he had confessed to him.

Yes, I do, Chae Hyungwon! I like you!

Those words that he had said resonated in his head several times as he walked out of Hyungwon's house. I just told him I like him, he thought. It was still sinking onto him, that those words actually came out of his mouth. Maybe the soju that he drank had brought the extra confidence that made him spill out the beans.

With his phone on his ear, he had answered back to the caller ID for which was actually not his mom, but was someone else, someone he wasn't really expecting. He was pissed off that he had disturbed the only chance that he had, but he also doubted himself whether he could confess further, so he was thankful for the call to some extent.

"What exactly do you want?" Hoseok asked, raising his voice because the irritation had naturally crept onto him, upon finding out who the caller was. He was only able to hear a chuckle before the voice on the other line had spoken.



"I don't have time to play, Changkyun." Hoseok asked sharply, which was returned with another chuckle.

"Well, I don't either," Changkyun responded, his voice getting sharp. "Where are you?"

"In school," Hoseok lied, trying to sound convincing.


Changkyun's voice had a fierce and sharp tone. Hoseok hadn't expected such a tone from Changkyun, knowing that he could have a soft side for him. He likes me, right? He should be at least soft...

"I'm in front of your classroom right now, and I don't even see a hint of you nor of your pesky soon-to-be ex-boyfriend," Changkyun spoke further, his tone still sharp, "Where are you? Are you with him?"

Hoseok was feeling irritated with how Changkyun had been asking him continuously. The tension between them was building up, and with Hoseok's short temper, he couldn't contain his anger anymore. He had harshly responded to the other, his tone sharper than Changkyun's, emphasizing on every word that came out of his mouth.

"Who are you to even ask those questions? You're not a part of my life, Changkyun, and you never will!"

After which, Hoseok dropped the line. He was no longer interested with Changkyun, and he didn't want to talk to him any further. Hoseok wanted to go back to Hyungwon's place, but he knew that he had lied to the other about it. Also, he was still feeling flustered with his confession. Hence, he decided to walk home and think about the consequences of what happened between them with Hyungwon.

However, Hoseok would like to admit that he had liked what Hyungwon had done to him. He liked the kiss. Deep inside him, a glimmer of hope sparkled with the fact that Hyungwon had kissed him back. He was surprised, but at the same time, happy with the other's action.

Hoseok had been too deep in thought that he didn't realize that he had reached home already. He tried to get his spare key from his pocket, but he realized that it was missing. He searched through his pockets again, to make sure, but he really couldn't find it.

And, at that moment, Hoseok had removed all of his doubts from his mind and started running fast. He had to go back to where he came from.

He left his keys at Hyungwon's place."


Hyungwon was still lost in thoughts. He wasn't sober, that was for sure. He knew for himself that he was drunk, but he liked the feeling. It gave him extra confidence and more reason to go over the previous events that had occurred between him and Hoseok. He also knew that he had just overcome his homophobia, not only because he was kissed by his best friend, but because he also kissed back.

And for the record, it feels great...

The feeling for Hyungwon was radical, but at the same time, magical. Radical, in a sense that he knew his beliefs were having a conflict with his actions. He couldn't find any reason why he had kissed Hoseok back, considering that he was homophobic. Also, he wanted to punch himself in the face, because at some extent, he was still disgusted with what he did. It was simply unacceptable at some point.

But, at the same time, the feeling of his best friend's lips on his was pure bliss. It was an indescribable feeling for him, which made his heart flutter, time stopping around them, everything staying still. It was as if nothing else mattered in the world but the presence of Hoseok near him, his warmth reaching Hyungwon's naked body.

Hyungwon didn't know if it was time for him to accept the fact that homosexuality was already accepted in society. He wanted to hug the fact, but his trauma had been the only reason blocking him. He blamed homosexuality for the reason behind his broken family. He blamed the said social status as the reason why he had grown up closed-minded with the belief that society should despise same-sex relationships.

He was disturbed from his thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. Hyungwon had wondered who it was, as it was very unusual for anyone to ring the doorbell. He didn't get guests any time of the year, so he was really wondering who it was.

Hesitating on whether he should open the door, Hyungwon had realized that he was still naked. He took a sweater and wore it, the soft fabric sliding through his thin frame. He went out of his room and down his stairs, still thinking twice on whether he should open the door. Since he was already downstairs, he thought that he should open it to see who it was. There's no harm in it anyway, right?

But the moment Hyungwon opened the door, his jaw dropped, leaving his mouth agape. He was surprised to see his unexpected guest.

"Hello, Hyungwon. How are you?"

Im Changkyun.

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