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And, I'm back! Yay! But not totally back because I'm still busy with a lot of stuff related to work, but I still find time to write things. :3 Yeah, I already have a laptop yay but time is the next thing that I need huhuhu. But I'll try to update more frequently.

For the meantime, here's chapter 16. Enjoy~! I love y'all! <3


"Hyungwon, please open the door."

Hoseok had been knocking on his door for what seemed like forever, but Hyungwon couldn't decide as to whether he should open the door or not. He was still seated on the corner, contemplating if he should stand up and open the door, or just stay there until Hoseok gets tired of waiting for him. On second thought, he had never seen Hoseok get tired of waiting for him. He was always there for him. He never left his side, and he had always supported him every step of the way.

He'd get tired. Eventually...

"Hyungwon, please... Open the door." Hoseok had knocked again, but Hyungwon had noticed that the knock had become weaker, based on sound intensity. He thought that if he had waited a little longer, Hoseok would get tired of waiting and would eventually leave, as he had wished. He really wasn't in the mood to talk to Hoseok right now, and he wasn't sure when he ever would be.

He heard a familiar sound, which he recognized as his ringtone. Hyungwon stood up stood up and went to his bed. He picked up his phone and read the message, which was from the person who was standing outside his room.

Hyungwon, please let me in... - Hoseok

Doing his best to ignore, Hyungwon just put his phone down and went back to where he sat, still contemplating as to whether he should be making any moves of opening the door right now. He really wanted to open the door, but he had a lot of reasons not to.

But among all those reasons that he wanted to, there was one part of his body that urged him to open the door. It was the only part of himself that told him that he should go ahead and open the door.

His heart.

He really wanted to listen. To give Hoseok a chance and lend his ears to him. But every inch of his body, excluding his heart, told him not to open the door. His mind kept on telling him that it should be 'mind over matter', but his heart was telling him otherwise. He was trying to weigh the consequences of opening the door, but he couldn't focus. He didn't know who to listen to.

Out of impulse, Hyungwon stood up and dropped all of his thoughts. He went towards the door and opened it, his heart thumping out of his heart. But, at that moment, he regret opening the door at that moment.

Hoseok wasn't there.


Even with the threat of heavy rain looming over the city, Hoseok continuously ran where his feet would take him. He left Hyungwon's house with a heavy heart. He didn't have the chance to talk to Hyungwon. He didn't even have the chance to see him.

It was too painful...

To top it all off, as if it was from a cliché movie, the rain began to pour heavily. Hoseok laughed sarcastically. It was like the heavens was mocking what fate had done to him. Everything felt painful to Hoseok, and the heavy rain definitely wasn't helping.

Why did this have to happen?

Hoseok wanted to blame Changkyun for everything that had happened. He wanted to blame him that Hyungwon started putting distance between the two of them. He wanted to blame him for brainwashing Hyungwon's attitude towards him. He wanted to blame him for making Hyungwon hate him. He wanted to blame him for the pain that he felt right now. But deep inside, he knew he couldn't.

It was really my fault...

Walking mindlessly, Hoseok thought Hyungwon had every reason to be hated. He had every reason to distance himself. Hyungwon had every reason to feel that way. Hoseok thought how their relationship would be right now if he hadn't let himself get carried away by his feelings.

If not for that kiss...

As if under a trance, Hoseok suddenly stopped walking. He smiled sarcastically as he looked up to the heavens, raindrops washing his face, hiding his tears. He had been unconsciously crying. Everything felt painful. Everything felt gone. He lost his senses. He just appreciated how beautiful the skies were during a rainy day.

And then, from a distance, a car honked loudly before coming to a loud crash.

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