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Hello everyone! I know it hasn't been long since I updated, but I love you all, so I'm dropping this. Please don't hate me.

Thank you! I love you all.


Hyungwon made sure he had locked the door before stepping out of his house. Opening his umbrella, he stepped out into the rain and started walking. He never really had any plans of going out, but Hoseok's sudden disappearance really made him feel worried. He hated to admit it, but he was really worried about Hoseok.

Where is he?

As he walked carefully through the slippery sidewalk, he looked at every person that was passing by, hoping to see if that person was Hoseok. But the more he roamed around, the more he lost hope. Hoseok seemed to have really left.

I should've opened the door...

Hyungwon walked home, with regret filling his mind and heart. He realized that he shouldn't have let Hoseok leave and that he should've just opened the door. It was one of the things that made his heart ache, and he would like to admit that he really wasn't okay right now.

I miss you...

And, at that moment, he realized that it's been days ever since the two of them had talked. It's been so long ever since he opened up to Hoseok. It's been a long time since he leaned on him, and ever since he found out Hoseok's true identity, he hasn't talked to the other, nor contacted him. He felt his heart ache, and it was only then when he realized why he wanted to look for Hoseok, and what he truly felt for the other.

He loved Hoseok...

When the rain started to pour heavily again, his tears also began to fall. He couldn't take it that he had just realized how beautiful his feeling was, yet it was also empty. He couldn't take the fact that he had realized how much he loved the other when he was no longer with him. He couldn't accept the reality that he wasn't able to chase Hoseok and he had let him run out of his sight. It was simply too painful for him.

With a heavy heart, Hyungwon just walked home. He had accepted the fact that he could no longer find Hoseok at this rate. He, however, kept an optimistic mind, with only one thing lingering in his thoughts:

I will see him tomorrow in school. I will confess to him.


Hyungwon didn't exactly want to go to school today. But he knew he had to patiently wait for Hoseok. He knew he had to give the other enough space and time, since he understood that he had Hoseok, and that he was just taking time to heal his wounds. He kept on thinking that one day, Hoseok would be able to come to school smiling and would eventually be able to talk to him.

I would be able to tell him how I feel by that time.

The trip to school had been very usual. Hyungwon got on the bus that would take him to school. His trips had always been quiet, as it had always been. Surprisingly, though, it has already been a few days since he had seen Changkyun. But he heard of a lot of rumors that Changkyun had transferred out the other day after being harassed by Jooheon, who was said to be Yoo Kihyun's cousin. Many said that it was actually Kihyun's revenge through Jooheon, but others said that Kihyun and Hyunwoo already got back together, and that they no longer bothered on to seeking revenge.

Regardless of which, at least Changkyun's gone...

Hyungwon didn't mean anything negative, but he realized that ever since Changkyun entered his life, things got out of hand. He, of course, wanted to clarify things with the other, but he knew that he would no longer have the chance of doing so.

On a brighter side, Changkyun's transfer would benefit him as well, since he knew that there would be no one else left to interfere with their relationship. All that was left was for him and Hoseok to talk about the two of them, once and for all.

Hoseok is the only one left to wait for...

When the bus arrived in school, Hyungwon immediately got off and went to their building. Similar to other days, he was excited to see if Hoseok was there. He hurriedly climbed the stairs and ran towards his classroom and opened the door.

However, similar to the past days, he still wasn't there.

When will you heal, Hoseok?

It has already been the fourth day since Hoseok hasn't gone to school. He was already feeling worried about the other, but he knew that Hoseok had a reason why he needed to avoid him. He was hurt, so it was normal that he would avoid him, and one measure would be going to school.

But until when will he be gone...?

He had tried to call him, but he would not pick up on the first day. On the remaining days, when he tried to call, the operator was the one who answered and told him that the other's mobile phone was turned off. He seemed to have pissed Hoseok off, and that made him sad.

Eventually, he'll talk to me...

As soon as their teacher came in, Hyungwon thought that maybe, it was time that he would be the one to reach out. Maybe it was the time for him to go to Hoseok's place and settle things once and for all. And at that moment, he had made up his mind on his plans after class.

I will go to see him, once and for all.


It seemed to take forever for the lunch bell to ring, but as soon as it did, Hyungwon immediately went to the faculty room to talk to his homeroom teacher. He made up an excuse that he was not feeling very well, and that he was to be dismissed. The teacher, knowing Hyungwon had a very weak body, gave in to his excuse and allowed him to take the remaining day off school.

Hyungwon immediately went to the bus stop where Hoseok usually rides to go home. Since it was in the middle of the day, there wasn't much traffic and he soon arrived to the bus stop near Hoseok's home. He got off and briskly walked his way towards Hoseok's residence. As soon as he arrived, he rang the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to open the door. It did not take long before someone opened the door, and it was his mother, Mrs. Shin.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Shin! I'm here to see Hoseok. Is he inside?" Hyungwon asked politely. It wasn't the first time that he had met Mrs. Shin. As typical best friends, their parents know one another, so Mrs. Shin was a face that he had gotten used to talk to since they were kids.

Hyungwon had noticed, however, that Mrs. Shin looked very pale. Her eye bags looked very prominent on her face, and she seemed to look older than she actually was. Hyungwon thought that this was maybe because she was overworking herself.

But, his ears and his heart has failed him, upon hearing Mrs. Shin speak with a very heavy heart, almost about to break down.

"He's in the hospital, my dear. He's in coma."

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