Its been a month since Bria announced to me that she was pregnant with our second child and I couldn't be happier. But on the inside I was beyond scared. Why would I be scared? I should be happy and I am, but it's just that I don't want to see Bria go through the same heartbreak as last time. If Bria loses this baby I think she'll lose all hope.
As of now Bria and myself are sitting in the examination room, waiiting for the doctor to come in and give us good or bad news. Hopefully, it'll be good.
Bria was laying on the table, while I was sitting in chair next to her, going completely out of my mind.
''Do you think everything is alright?" Bria asked.
''I hope.''
There was a light knock at the and opened up and the doctor walked in, washing her hands and took a seat on a stool across from me. She pulled the ultrasound machine closer to her and lifted up Bria's shirt, squirting the gel on her stomach.
''Well, let's take a look, huh?" She smiled turning on the machine. The doctor put the wand on Bria's stomach looking around, moving it in different places. My eyes quickly went to the screen and all I saw was the same blurry, black and white screen.
''There we go.''
Bria quickly turned her head towards me, smiling and looked back at the screen. I looked up at the screen again and saw the little blurry figure slightly moving on the screen.
''That-that's it?" Bria pointed.
''Yeah, looks like you're about to head into your second trimester. Take good care of it.'''
''But we were told last time if we tried having another baby we'd have another miscarriage because she had a problem with her uterus?" I asked.
''Sometimes things work itself out and it looks like it did this time. Would you like me to print out a picture?"
''Yes please.''
She pushed one of the buttons on the keyboard and waited for the photo to be printed. Once it was done and out, she handed it over to Bria, who pressed her lips to it.
''I don't even know what you are yet and I love you so much already!"
The doctor wiped off Bria's stomach, letting her pull her shirt back down and walked out of the room. Bria got down from the table and took my hand in hers, smiling as we walked out to the lobby making another appointment with the recepitonist. We got into the car, buckling our seatbelts and pulled out of the parking lot, driving onto the main road.
''Zander, we're going to be parents again!" Bria cheered.
''You don't seem so happy about it?"
''I am! I'm just really surprised that's all.''
''I get to be a mommy again and Madison will be a big sister!''
''This also means we have to cancel the wedding until the baby is born. The offer to elope is still there.''
''Zander, I already told you I don't want to elope. Once the baby is born we can get married. Besides we have to tell our families about the newest addition.'' She smiled.
''I'm just saying if we eloped we-''
''So that pretty much says you don't want to marry me too, right?"
''No! Zander, you know how our-
''-nevermind we won't get married then.''
We pulled into the driveway, me shutting the car off and getting out, going inside the house. Luckily, Madison was over Bria's parents today because as soon as Bria walks in, words will fly. I heard the front door slam and pounding footsteps come closer to me.
''What the hell is your problem?! I tell you the reason why we shouldn't elope and you're making a big fuss over it!"
''If we eloped it would be quicker and there would be no drama or stress over all this wedding crap!''
''Crap?! You think this whole wedding idea is crap? Well let me remind you Zander you were the one who proposed to me!''
''Hey, you could've turned it down and said you weren't ready!''
''You know what? You're right I'm not ready. I'm not ready to start my life off like your parents! Especially when you act exactly like your father!''
Bria ran upstairs, me hot on her tail, went into our bedroom and flung open the closet door. She pulled out her luggage bag, tearing down shirts from their hangers and tossed them into the bag.
''Where are you going?!" I asked.
''Getting the hell out of this house and more importantly getting away from you!'' She opened the drawers and threw her jeans and articles of Madison's clothing in as well.
''You'll be back, but I won't be kissing your ass.''
''Don't be so sure of yourself! Here!'' Bria slipped off her engagement ring and tossed it at my feet. ''You can take your ring back. I don't want it nor need it. Now get out of my way.''
She picked up her bags and walked out of the doorway, going down the steps. I heard Bria pick up her keys and the front door close. Bria walked out. Bria just fucking walked out!