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That's all I had to here to start panicking. Yeah I'm at a cafe, but it's not very busy. So the heavy footsteps, were probably coming from the green-eyed stranger I just made eye contact with. 


I don't like talking to people. I'm an introvert, I've always been that way. Social interactions give me anxiety, I just want to get a coffee without interaction with a human being. I hesitantly look up and come face to face with, indeed the green-eyed man. That's when I started staring. Maybe before I was so captivated by his eyes that I didn't look at his face, but my god he was beautiful. He had chocolate brown curls pushed up out of his face and looked stunningly handsome in just a black V-neck and black jeans.

"Hi." I said, well, more like whispered, when I looked up to meet his face. A smirk took over his lips when he realised I was staring. I felt a blush crawl up my neck. Great.

"May I take a seat?" He asked. Why? Why does he want to sit here. He looked perfectly fine before.

"Sure." The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. You idiot, Olivia. He pulls the chair out for himself and takes a seat. Something about this guy, is intimidating. I can feel the confidence pouring out of him, just from this one small interaction I know we are the most opposite people that have ever existed. In no world would I ever walk up to a random stranger and make myself comfortable like he has just now. I steal quick glances at him whilst he situates himself. He has tattoos splattered across his arms and from what I can see of his chest. He has a multitude of silver necklaces around his neck also and some chunky rings on his fingers.

"I'm Harry." He tells me. 

"Olivia." I tell him. Harry nods and stares at me. Like full on, staring contest, stare. I shuffle under his gaze and play with my hands, not entirely sure on what to do when a random stranger is staring at you.

"What part of Australia are you from?" He asks, drumming his fingers on the small table separating us. He must of noticed the accent. It's hard to miss, but he must be very observant, considering I've said barely 5 words to him.

"Brisbane" I reply. Is it just me or is this conversation incredibly awkward? He nods again not breaking his gaze until his phone chimes off signalling he has a text. He looks down at his phone and then back up to me tilting his head, licking his lips before smirking.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. But I will see you soon." He ensures before getting up and striding out of the cafe.

I must sit in the cafe for another half an hour before I can shake Harry out of my mind enough to walk home. What a strange, strange man.


edited 06-04-15

edited (again) 14-03-19

edited again 8-11-2022

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