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I woke up in a strange room, with a strange smell. Smelt like sweat and clothes that haven't been washed in weeks. 

So a gross smell not so much strange. Shit, i got knocked out. I got up from the bed and walked to the door. Idiots for not tying me up. I open the door to see Niall standing there. 

'Shit.' I close the door in his face and lock it. 

'Okay Olive, look for a way out, think of a plan, get back to Harry.' I mumble to myself. I could hear Niall knocking on the door, I know that if I leave it too long he'll get one of the others to knock the door down. 

I have an idea. 

I run up to the door and take a deep breath and open it. Niall acts fast and pins me to the wall. 

'Don't dare do that again.' He says with clenched teeth. I smile and nod, he seems a bit confused about this. 

'I want to see Liam.' I throw up in my mouth. Never in my life would I want to see Liam. Ever, but to get out I have too, I just hope he's gullible. Niall just nods and grabs my arm forcefully causing me to wince. 

'Ow.' I say and try to push his hand off my arm, he just glares at me and loosens his grip. 

Soon enough where at a room that I'm guessing is Liam's. Niall opens the door and shoves me in. I look at the door in confusion but my mind is turned blank when I spot a half naked Liam on the bed. 

Liam's bedroom is like any other guys room would be; messy and smelly. 

'Olive, nice to see you, won't you come on over babe.' I smiled and nodded, putting my game face on. I walked my way over to Liam, when I get to the side of his bed he pulls me onto it so I'm laying with my head on his chest. I look up to Liam and run my hand over his abs. I just thought about the fact that Liam's is my rapist but I shoved t to the back of my mind. 

I needed to get out of here. And maybe the self defence classes I took last year will help. 

'Well, looks like you've had a change of mood sweetheart.' Liam smirks but I can see behind his eyes he was a bit wary. Damn I really have to play this out. Ugh. 

I giggle just to boost my act. 'Yeah, I really missed you, I was thinking about our night-' I paused to wink in suggestiveness, 'the other day and got really turned on.' I whispered the last part in his ear. Liam let out a blown away chuckle and looked proud. 


'Really babe? Well I could recreate that for you, you know?' I faked a smile and hummed leaning down to his lips, I saw Liam close his eyes and pucker. 

Now is my chance. I kneed him in the balls. 

Liam hunched over in pain and I punched him in the face. Liam tried to get up from the bed but I slapped him and punched him multiple times. 

'You can fucking suck my dick you sick cunt.' I said as I kicked him in the stomach. I gave Liam one last punch in the face and for the first time, instead of me, Liam was out. 

One down, three to go. 





I've been like gone for so long and im so mad at myself aand this isnt an excuse but i had no idea whattowriteandimsooooooosorry. 

heres an extra long chapter cuz im a horrible devil. 


i thought id give you a cut gif of hazland doing an excited dance cuz thats how i feel. i love you guys so fucking much.

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