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Niall's P.O.V.

All three of us sat in the back of the van while Liam drove. Liam was livid. Liam was the type of person to go on what me and the boys like to call it a 'blood bath'. Basically he would kill if anyone got in his way. So when he finds Harry and Olive, they arn't having it easy.

'Liam, don't you think your over reacting?' Despite the wide eyes telling Louis to stop Louis asked the question anyway. Louis was new. Liam found Louis on the street, mugging to get by a few weeks back and took his chance to gain a new recruit. So Louis hadn't really seen Liam in full on blood bath mode.

We probably should have warned him.

Liam pulled the van over onto the side of the dirt road we were currently driving on and practically pounced on Louis.

'I am not over reacting.' Liam angrily whispered in Louis ear, 'now shut your dirty rotten mouth before I kill you.' Liam got up and sat back into the drivers seat and sped away.

'You right man?' I asked Louis a bit after we started driving. Louis look at me with wide eyes but nodded anyway.


'Bingo.' Liam grinned a sinister grin as we pulled into the parking lot of a motel about thirty minutes of town, just in time to see Harry and Olive enter the building checking behind them every three seconds.

Liam went to get out of the van when Zayn stopped him.

'What?!' Liam yells.

'If we want to catch them we need a plan, Li. Most likely they will be really jumping and will pounce at anything. Wait til they call down and are off guard til we go in and swoop.' Zayn smiled wickedly as Liam quickly pondered the though and matched Zayn's expression.

'Good thinking Malik.' Liam praised, 'and Harry and Olive better enjoy their last few hours of freedom.'


Oh, hey guys. Fancy seeing you here. O_o

Look, I am so so so so sorry for lack of updates but I actually havent had any motivation. I just finished my school musical (actually finished it 3 weeks ago) and am not over it. I had so many exams its not funny but I will try to update faster.

My promises are always empty so don't hold me to things. :/

Now thanks to AliyahMalik98 for the great idea to keep Obsessed going :) really apreciate it.

Also BIG thanks to MrsWonderwomen for this AMAZING cover! omg I was so happy with it! It looks amazing.

I love it when you guys message me so, please, do! :)

Instagram: sarskia_liddelow

Twitter: mmywideeyegaze

Kik: sarskialiddelow


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