Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 3)

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Love In The Moonlight

By: Stacy Leonhardt Gravely

© All rights Reserved - 2010


A knocking at the door woke Connor up from a dreamless sleep, he shuffled slowly to unlock the door to his apartment. As he started to wrench the door open, Blain busted through it.

"Where the fuck were you?" Blain yelled as he stared down his friend, his face red with anger and eyes filled with worry.

"What do you mean where the fuck was I? I told you exactly what I was doing! Or did you just forget that tid-bit of information?" Connor rolled his eyes and lazily walked over to the kitchen area to start up the coffee maker.

Shrugging off his hasty entrance, Blain followed behind him, "So how did it go?"

"I followed her home." Connor didn't want to offer more than that, he understood the rules of the pack and unfortunately she could never be a part of his life. But something kept pulling him back to her, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Even with all the rules in place he couldn't help the urge to fight against the rules, that he himself had to enforce.

"That's it?" Blain eyed Connor knowing that he was leaving something untold. "Alright, Con, spill it. What's wrong with her???" His eyes searching for a small inkling of information that Connor wasn't willing to give.

Connor could only shake his head he didn't want to talk about it. He knew Blain would never drop it, he would push and push until he finally caved in. He had to fight that urge to spill everything.

"Connor! What is it? You can trust me."

Connor just stood in silence waiting for the coffee to finish and poured himself a cup. His mind reeling over the things he already knew about her, the one he so desperately needed to be near. How could he make him understand. He turned to see Blain watching his every move. Connor simply shook his head and looked down. "I can never have her." He mumbled as he lifted the cup to his lips to sip his hot coffee.

"Why?" Blain was confused, she seemed like a normal human to him.

"She has a child."


Connor's eye became as wide as saucers, "SO? Really Blain! How can I expect this woman to want to bring her human child into our world. How could she possibly explain that to her child?" Connor couldn't believe Blain's nonchalant approach to this after the chewing out he received about human girls.

Blain just chuckled, "Connor you worry way too much! How old is the child?"

"I don't know, I didn't stop and ask! But I would assume about a year old."

"Well that's simple Connor, the child is too young to know any better and questions won't come along until much later!" Blain smiled, he always had a way to make things positive when all there ever was were negatives. Glancing down his watch he looked back up to speak, "Look, I have to go to work but I wanted to come by and check on you, bro. Let me know if you need to talk, you can trust me."

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Connor waved as Blain shut the door behind him.

He knew he needed to see her again, but this time he was going to talk to her. He knew that he couldn't just push these feeling away, what ever they were!



"Ali" Kalee smiled as her baby walked into the small kitchen area. The smallest things her daughter did always amazed her. She quickly scooped Ali into her arms and spun around singing to Ali.

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