Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 26)

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Sadly, this story is drawing to a close, a think a few more chapters will be all. I have had lots of requests for a sequel, I'm not sure or not if I will, but if I do it'll be after the next story I'm going to start. I am planning on posting a teaser to the new story soon. Still trying to get all my thoughts together. Now back to the story!


Once Kalee was finally out of sight, Connor moved on to dole out punishments. For the Sharp family that meant Elliot, the father, and Lauren, the daughter, to lose their lives by Connor's jaws. He edged towards the elderly man, circling him slowly. Connor couldn't take his eyes off of him, he let a low menacing growl rumble in his chest. He instantly lashed out grabbing a hold of Elliot's leg, ripping his head around, like a dog with his favorite chew toy. The elderly man's screams rang threw the open field, his daughter looked on with terror in her eyes, because she knew she'd be next. With a crunching noise, Connor ripped the limb from the old man's body tossing it aside, lounging forward again to rip away another limb quickly. Connor wanted the man to suffer, he had planned to kill his mate and attempted to do so, not to mention he put his unborn child in danger, the thought of Kalee losing his child drove his rage over board again. Finally Connor was going to end the old man's life before he bled out, he stared into his eyes one last time, growled and latched on his head and jerk quickly until he heard a "SNAP". He tossed the rest of the body to the side and lurched toward Lauren, she began squirming out of the way, kicking to get away.

"Connor, please don't" Lauren's voice pleaded as she sobbed uncontrolably.

Just then he snarled loudly moving closer with his teeth bared. Watching her squirm, trying to get away from the punishment she so rightfully deserved pissed Connor off more, he didn't want to delay her death any longer. He lounged for her rib cage clamping down on the sides and began to close his jaws tightly. Multiple snaps and cracks were heard as he crushed all the bones in her chest, she screamed until she couldn't anymore, he had punctured on of her lungs and she was slowly dying. Connor stepped back and shift back. "Enjoy dying." He snarled on last time and walked over toward Blain, who had shifted back as well and was holding clothes.

"You okay?" Blain leaned toward him whispering.

"I'm perfect now, my mate is safe, and hopefully our child is too." Connor's face lit up at the thought of Kalee growing round with his child.

"I heard she shifted." Blain smirked. They had turned and started walking back towards Ian's house.

"Yep." He said making a popping noise with the letter "p". "She sure did, and she was beautiful as a wolf too!"

"Hmm." Blain looked at Connor, who was smiling like a child, he was amazed his friend could smile after he just killed two people. "Do you regret being the one to have to do?" Blain asked quietly.

"No, if I didn't end their lives they wouldn't of stopped until one of us were dead. So I don't regret it at all, it was needed to protect my family and the rest of the pack."

The spent the rest of the walk in silence, reliving what had just happened.


When Kalee entered the house, she had noticed the sun begining to rise and she knew Ali would be awake soon, poor little girl didn't like to miss anything so most days she rose with the sun. She walked into the kitchen to see Ian and Elizabeth in there talking quietly having a cup of coffee.

"Oh dear, do you want some coffee?" Elizabeth asked her softly. Kalee couldn't find words, she simply nodded..

They sat silently for a long time, Kalee enjoyed the silence after the night she had just had. As she was finishing her first mug of coffee, the back door in the kitchen swung open, where Connor stood in sweat pants and shirtless. She couldn't help but to marvel at his perfect body. She was lost in thought over his body as he rushed to her side pulling her up and crushing her to his chest.

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