Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 16)

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The next morning when Kalee woke up Simone and Blain were gone, but she had left a note on the table.

-Thank you for letting me stay over, and helping me understand what's going on. I will see you this evening at work.


Obviously she had given him a ride home, because Connor was still asleep in her bed. Kalee wondered if they had really worked out some issues or if they just had mad passionate sex, which from previous stories, she knew Simone was known to have. Kalee had something good was going to come out of the situation, whether they noticed it or not but they seemed to be good for each other. Kalee wondered how it would be for her and Connor when he claimed her, when would he do it, would he ask her first? So many questions she wanted to ask him but she was afraid it would scare him off or he would change his mind all together about getting involved with someone with a kid. Connor was possibly giving up everything for her, how could he do that for a relationship that was still so new? And now, tomorrow, was her impending doom, "MEETING THE PARENTS". Connor kept reassuring her that they would love her, but something kept nagging her in the pit of her stomach, that they may not care for her and Ali at all.

Just then Kalee jumped at the soft touch to the small of her back, "You okay?" She turned to see Connor, shirtless in his blue boxers, "Where's Blain and Simone?"

Kalee shrugged, "She left a note saying thank you and she'd see me this evening at work, but nothing about her and Blain."

"I'll call him and make sure that everything is okay, but before that, are you okay? You look worried."

"Yeah, just thinking." Kalee didn't feel like weighing him down with her burdens, why not just keep them to herself.

"I know your worried about something, baby, but you just tell me when your ready." Kalee simply nodded.

"Well I hate to leave so early but I have to meet up with client, I put their meeting on hold yesterday when you called, so I promised to meet them for breakfast." Connor went back in Kalee's room to get dressed. "I'll call you later, though okay?" He moved and gave her a light kiss on her lips.

Kalee simply nodded. Once he was gone, Kalee felt alone, and scared more than ever. Why couldn't she just tell him what was wrong with her? All her fears of meeting his parents and the council's decision, to him claiming her, it was all too much for Kalee. She had to get away.

She got dressed quickly grabbing her keys as she ran out the door, she stopped in and told Jake that she'd be back later to get Ali, and ran off before he could question her. She threw her purse in the passenger seat of the car and threw it in reverse.

After driving for about an hour, not going in any particular direction, she pulled over at a gas station to get a drink. She returned to the car with a diet coke in her hand, she looked around and realized where she was, she started back up the road for a mile, then turned on to a long drive way that twisted and turned through a wooded area which opened up to a open field of head stones. Kalee hadn't been here since the day she found out she was pregnant, she parked the car and started the search for her parents final resting spot.


Connor couldn't figure out what was bothering Kalee, she seemed so distant this morning as he kissed her good bye. Connor glanced at the clock, it was 4:30, Kalee should be leaving for work any minute now, maybe he should go to the bar for dinner tonight."

Brrring Brrrrring Brrring

Connor looked at the caller id and he didn't recognize the number, "Hello, Connor Baynes speaking."

The Baynes Legacy- Book 1- Love In The MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now