Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 6)

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Alrighty... Like I promised after I got 20 votes I would post the next chapter! And Like I previously promised I hope to get a bit more "in depth" as well so if you of the faint hearted... don't read it... email me and I will gladly send you a more PG version. As always I love comments and suggestions, so post away! Thanks bunches...



'I can't believe I threw myself at him, what the hell was I thinking? I probably scared the shit out of out him. Though he seemed to like it, I felt how excited he was...' Kalee sighed as she replayed the earlier occurrence. She threw her self at Connor, kissing him like some hormone driven teenager. All she could think about was humping like bunnies with him! There was something about the way that man kissed that drove her wild, the feeling she had when he touched her, she wondered did he feel it too? 'I don't want to rush it, but I don't know if I can go one day with out seeing him again.... is that weird? Does that make me a stalker? Nah.... He said he wanted to see me.'


"Blain!" Connor stood over his sleeping friend screaming his name.

"Huh... What?" Blain turned over quickly freaked out by the late night wake up call. "What the hell man, can't a guy get some damn sleep?"

"I kissed her. Well really she flung herself at me, but HOLY SHIT. She is the one! She is going to be my mate!" Connor couldn't help but to smile, he'd been smiling since she kissed him. This was all new for him and he didn't want it to end.

"And this couldn't wait because..?"

Connor flopped down on the side of Blain's bed, "I'm in love, Blain and you're my best friend, I thought I should let you know!"

"Well thank you for the some of us have to get up and go to work in the morning. I'll call you tomorrow and don't forget to lock the door on your way out." Blain huffed as he rolled over and covered his head with his comforter.

With that Connor got up and headed out the front door making sure it was locked behind him. As he walked to his car his cell phone started ringing. He answered without even looking at the caller i.d.. "Hello?"


"Kalee? You okay?" He was surprised to hear from her so soon.

"Um. Uh.. Yeah I'm fine. I just wanted to invite you over for dinner tomorrow, if you are up for it." He smiled at the uncertainty in her voice, it was always as if she was expecting him to realized he was making a mistake and leave.

"That sounds wonderful. Thanks. What time did you want me there?"

"Is five okay?"

"That's perfect. So did you make it home okay?"

Kalee giggled a bit, "Yeah I was shaking most of the ride home. But I'm okay now."

"Shaking?" Connor wondered if she felt the same thing he did when their skin touched, like a fire was lit under his skin, like a hunger that you can never get over.

"Yeah," She said quietly, "I haven't ever felt something like that before."

"Me either, Kalee. You sure you don't want me to come over there and do it again?"

She laughed then grew quiet for a few seconds, she was actually thinking about inviting me over at 1 am in the morning. "No that wouldn't be a good idea, I don't want to spend a lot of time explaining to my brother who's car is by my place."

The Baynes Legacy- Book 1- Love In The MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now