Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 12)

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I'm so excited to have about 100 votes, of course more wouldn't hurt! LOL And thank you to those who are commenting and letting know you like the story! I am hoping this chapter will be bit longer than the last one but only time will tell. So enjoy and as always please comment and VOTE VOTE VOTE!


Connor spent most of the morning with Kalee and Ali, they went to the park shortly after having breakfast where Connor chase Ali around the play equipment and rode down the slide with her between his legs. Kalee watched in awe of Connor, in two days he has become more of a father to her than any other man she had ever dated. For Ali the closest thing she had to a dad was Kalee's brother, Jake, and he treated her just like his own. Thinking about Jake made her wonder had he finally "claimed" Madi, and if there would be another baby running around the yard soon. After the park they went to the grocery store for a few essentials to get through the next few days, Kalee had to skimp by with what little money she had, when Ali begged for a small treat Kalee agreed putting back something for herself so she could afford it. Connor didn't bring up her actions, though he noticed, he was afraid to make her self conscience. Returning back to the apartment, Ali saw her cousins playing in the back yard and ran to play along, Kalee saw Madison sitting at the picnic table with a glass of water and big book. Once she finished putting the groceries away Kalee excused herself to step out and talk to Madi, while Connor ran off to play with the girls chasing them all around the back yard playing tag.

"So.... Madi, how are things?" Kalee smiled, hinting to what she wanted to say.

Madison looked up from her book with a grin from ear to ear, "Kalee, I feel great! He did it, like Connor said, and I know you can't know if it worked yet but I have this feeling deep within that it did. I never thought that Jake and I would have baby without medical help and now possibly I'm pregnant." Madison sighed looking at the kids contently.

"I'm so happy for you and Jake, I know he always wanted more kids. And now you can!"

"So Kalee, how's it going with you two?" Madi wiggled her eye brows and her gaze moved over to where Connor was catching the girls as they ran by him.

"Its good, Madi. I love him." Madison jaw dropped and she stared dumbly back at her sister in law. "I know, it seems like it is too early but trust me, I know this is right, I know he is made for me!"

"I'm happy for you," Madi reached across the table holding Kalee's hand, "So what about his position in the pack?"

Kalee quietly told her about Connor's status amongst his peers and the plan he and Blain have in place to make the pack council see that she and Ali needed to be apart of the pack. "He loves her like his own, Madi. You should of seen them at the park this morning, it was wonderful to see her that way."

"So Ali could possibly be a shifter too? What about my girls?"

"Oh my God, I didn't even think about that!" Kalee's voice rose loud enough that Connor could sense her alarm. He excused himself from playing with the girls and jogged over to where she and Madi were sitting.

"What's wrong?"

"What about Madi's girls? Couldn't they be shifters too?"

Connor face looked shock, he had forgotten about that too, he was so wrapped up about getting the council to accept Kalee and Ali. "They very well could be, but just like Ali we won't know until they hit puberty."

"Oh geez, if hitting puberty wasn't hard enough on a girl, why not throw in there that they turn fuzzy at the full moon!" Madi rolled her eyes. "Oh that reminds me, Kalee,tonight is the full moon, you want to come over and stay with me while your brother is out running around!"

The Baynes Legacy- Book 1- Love In The MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now