chapter one

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Lilo's POV

I dragged my luggage up towards the entrance of UST, the best university in the sate.

I looked up at the enormous building towering infront of me.The grey and black details made it look architecturally refined ,and just as intimidating.

"University of Science and Technology " I said.

"Are you sure you don't need my help anymore " Nani asked holding another one of my suitcases.

"I'll be fine," I laughed at how worried she "you don't have to worry about a thing."

" I do have to worry about a thing," she frowned, pinching my cheeks " my baby sister is all grown up"

"easy on the cheeks, their not as chubby as they used to be you know " I said removing her hands from my cheeks

" I'll always be you'r little sister ," I held her hands in mine."And I'll visit you all the time,you don't have to worry, plus you have Aloina to worry about now"

I smiled thinking about my three year old niece, who's waiting for her in Hawaii. "not to mention one more bun in the oven " I giggled, tapping her on her growing stomach.

"but you'll always be my baby,
Lilo "she replied , her eyes filling up with tears.

I gave her a big bear hug, which she returned, squeezing the life out of me.

She let go of me and held my shoulders, looking at me seriously "And do not, under any circumstances let Stitch out of your room without you , we don't need another FBI attack on our hands "

"Nope, that won't happen again, I promise "

Did I say I promise? I ment I hope.

"ok , we need to get to our flight, I love you Lilo. Be good ok?" she said kissing my forehead.

"I'll be great" I said waving goodbye as Nani and David walked away.
"I love you more !" I yelled at her as she blew a kiss to me, getting into the cab.

Things were extremely different here than in Hawaii, I guess I need to get used to it.

"You ready stitch?" I asked him unzipping my backpack.

I looked at my adorable blue best friend , who nodded vigorously in return.

"let's do this " I whispered closing my bag again.

I pulled my two suitcases into the busy building, trying to avoid the crowds of people walking in all different directions.

I walked to the banner that said 'Freshman' and waited in line for my turn.

Looking around the university I realised how small I felt compared to everything around me.

"next " the lady at the front desk yelled.

"Good moring" I chirped, "my name is Lilo Pelekai"

"ah yes , Lilo here are your files, it contains your schedule, room assignment and class requirements " she smiled handing me a small portfolio.

"thank you " I said rolling my luggage out of line.

Where to go first,I opened the portfolio and there was a student ID in the front, I took it out and pinned it to my floral dress.

Looking through the piles of papers I finally found my room assignment.

Floor number :6 room 305 B
roommate: Bellan Peteres

I walked towards the elevator and pressed floor number 6.


"300, 301," I mumbled walking through the hallway "302, 303, 304,305!" I excitedly opened the door of my new dorm room.

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