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Piper's POV

When the bell rang, Piper jumped off her bed and ran towards the door. She opened it with a smile on her face until she saw Annabeth. Tears were streaming down her face. Her face was red, and her hair was a tangled mess. Piper's face became solemn and she moved out of the way. Annabeth quickly went inside.

"So, what'd that idiot do? I want to know what I'm killing him for." Piper said, trying very hard to stay calm.

Annabeth laughed before saying, "Remember when I went with him to the cafe with Matt? He went all crazy today about it. Percy was acting like I was going to cheat on him any second and he brought up my dad and I just couldn't take it."

Piper took her friend into a hug. She knew how hard it was for her to talk about her father.

"You know he would never doubt your loyalty. Maybe something else was going on in his life or he was just downright terrified that he might lose you. He loves you, you know that? Whenever I talk to him, he spends the whole time complimenting you or going on and on about you. You're my best friend, Annabeth, but even I can only hear about your 'gorgeous hair' or 'perfect eyes' so many times." Piper said in an effort to comfort her friend.

Annabeth sniffled. Then she replied, "I know he loves me and that's why I don't understand this. I mean, have I ever done something that implied that I liked Matt? I don't want Percy to not trust me if I'm hanging out with my guy friends."

"He trusts you implicitly, Annabeth. He just doesn't trust anyone else with you. He told me that you're the best thing that ever happened to him. He doesn't want to lose that."

"I love him so much. I trust him with anyone. I know that he would never do anything to hurt me or our relationship. I don't understand why I don't get the same amount of trust back."

"Annabeth, have you seen yourself? You're a catch, and every guy in the school knows that. He's just being protective because of how much he loves you."

"Does Leo ever act like this with you? I mean you're drop dead gorgeous. Surely guys have flirted with you too, even when you don't realize it."

"Well yeah, some guys have, but Leo is usually there. He confronts the guy when he's there, and if he isn't, he confronts the guy as soon as he finds out. Leo has only ever implied that he didn't trust me three times. The first time was because his dad was being really hard on him and he just snapped. He took it out on me. The second time was when Sebastian Cole, I think it was, practically grabbed me on the lunch line. I pushed him off and made a scene, but after maybe ten seconds of his hand there. I honestly had not realized. When I did, I reacted. Leo saw the whole thing. He assumed that I 'liked' it and I was cheating on him. Naturally, we had a huge fight. Remember when we weren't talking for about a week seven months ago? This was why. We eventually talked it through and he apologized. The last time was actually my fault. You know Jack Tyler, my old chemistry lab partner? Well he was flirting with me every chemistry class, but we both had significant others so I thought it was harmless and just his personality. Then I saw him with his girlfriend, Jackie, and he wasn't even half as flirty. I felt like a cheater. I talked to Leo about it and he was just quiet before leaving. We didn't talk for a day, then he called me and asked if I felt anything for Jack. I, obviously, told him no and then we quickly made up."

"Did you actually ever feel something for someone else? Whenever I see you with Leo you guys look so in love."

"Honestly, I liked Jack a little bit. It was that kind of 'I like you more than a friend but less than a boyfriend' kind of thing. Nothing in comparison to what I feel for Leo, though."

"Did you get over it? Did it make you doubt your relationship?"

"I got over it after spending a whole day with Leo. We were just walking together, holding hands, in the park and I just knew that Leo was the one for me. That I'd never be happy with anyone else. In that moment, I realized I hadn't thought of Jack romantically the moment that I started to talk to Leo about it. I just am completely besotted with my boyfriend." Piper said, while chuckling. She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face.

"You see, that's what I want with Percy. I want him to say something to the guy if he's flirting with me instead of keeping it bottled up and then blowing up on me. I would rather have those three fights than feel so untrustworthy to him."

"Annabeth, after at least the second and third fight, I'm fairly confident that Leo didn't trust me fully for a good two weeks after. It's natural in a relationship. We're human. Everyone gets jealous and blows things out of proportion. It doesn't mean he doesn't love or trust you. In fact, I am willing to bet that your guy is either sitting on his bed with his head in his hands feeling guilty or he's on his way here."

As soon as Piper said this, the doorbell rang. Piper got up to get the door while Annabeth curled up on the bed. Piper opened the door to see Percy, looking dejected and broken.

"Hey buddy. What's up?" Piper said.

"I know she's here. As soon as she walked out, I called her and the calls stopped going through after 10 minutes. Your house is 10 minutes from mine and Annabeth gets terrible service here. Please just let me talk to her."

"It's not up to me. You really hurt her, Perce. You screwed up. I hope you feel ashamed of yourself."

"Piper, I've been outside this door for five minutes trying to figure out what to say to the love of my life to get her to forgive me for hurting her. I've come up with nothing because I don't deserve her forgiveness. I have the most perfect girl in the world, and what do I do? I insult her loyalty and bring up relationships that I know are hard for her. She deserves someone who can give her everything she wants and treats her like a queen. Not someone who talks in the moment and doesn't appreciate the gift bestowed upon him."

After Percy had said these words, a sound was heard. Annabeth was walking towards the door. Piper gave her an "I'm here for you" look before walking away to give them privacy to talk.

Annabeth's POV

"Did you really mean that?"

"Of course I did. I love you so much and I don't know what came over me. I go insane when it comes to you. I stop thinking and just go mad when a guy smiles at you. I'm so scared that you're going to realize that you deserve better than me."

"Percy, how can I do better than my best friend who treats me like I'm the only reason he's living? How can I do better than the most kind, compassionate, caring man in the world? You're it for me, Perce. I love you. It's either you or no one for me."

"Annabeth, I love you so much that I almost can't breathe if you're not with me. I miss you from the nanosecond that we aren't together. I love you more than I've ever loved a woman, besides my mom, in my life. I just know that you're going to be my heart for the rest of my life. And I wouldn't have it any other way." Percy said. While saying this, Annabeth held her hands to her grinning mouth while happy tears streamed down her face. When he finished, she grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss.

Author's Note
Hey guys. It's been a while. I'm so sorry. I've been working on my scholarship and I completely forgot about the story, to be honest. I just remember when I was updating all my apps and I saw Wattpad. I'm so sorry for the wait, guys!!! I hope this update was worth the VERYYYYYYYYY long wait! I love you!!! Thank you for the endless love and support that you give me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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