I wont give up!

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I sit day after day in a cage, as the others are in there own cage. It's was like a jail cell and it was so horrible especially for me I was in the front which meant i get everything done first. "Unlock block 1" a man yelled as he wiped out his taxer, " no pl-" I pleaded as he taxed me. This is now a normal thing I just like to put up a fight. I wake up in a gurney and I had straps all over me. "Hahahaha" I start laughing, "what's so funny" a guard barked out. "Hahahaha you've seriously got nothing better to do in life then have all your attention on me" I said in a laughing tone. "Shut up or I'll make your little stop here extra hard" he said while staring at me. "I'm always for the harder version" I said in a mimicking tone. He then stroked me across the face with his hand, my face is now beat red.

    "What do you want from me now!" I yelled as they took me to an office room. They switched the gurney up right as if I'd been in a presentation. "Ahh-" I said as they stuffed a dirty rag in the back of my throat. More and more people filled the room, "welcome everyone, you've come here to see the healing properties in these zombies. This is the first one we've ever taken stuff from as you can see she still alive after taking both kidneys out. But yet she's got two more" they never told me what they take form me, to hear this. They then pulled a table out of two kidneys. "We have 20 witnesses for when we took these out of here and as you can see" he said while pulling my shirt up, he then continued "she had two that aromatically generated" another continued, "we will be taking her heart to check further into our theory"

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