"Im sorry!"

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    I hear it again, the sound of the glass shattering, the sound it made when it's was upon my skin, I remember it all. I've had the same dream ever since I came back, I sit there then I'm driving I then see a deer, I swerve and a cimi hits me. I turned into on-coming traffic, I've had this dream so often that I'd gotten used to it. I think I'm dead, still?!?!

  'Beep, beep, beep...' I heard my alarm going off, I know right why bother waking up but I have to keep a normal life. "Bye" Stefen said with a kiss on the forehead, he had been going on a trip with his family and unfortunately I couldn't go with him. I'm the truth is, I think he has moved on from me, he's happy now and doesn't really treat me like a girlfriend more like a girl- friend.

I now started to walk to the same restaurant/bar. "Water please" I said as if I'd been a usual costumer, actually I was. I then got my water then pulled out a book. The rest is kind of self-explanatory; I read the book called: The after life and all it's secrets. Yes it sound cheesy but it's actually good.

"Double shot of whiskey" I muscular man said, wow he sitting right next to me. "Hey" he said while putting his hand up into the 'hey' hand gesture. "Hi" I said nervously, wait a minute I know- he's dead too!?!? I then put my hand on his and fluttered my eye lashes and walked away, this is the best way I can talk to him without running and all. "Look-" he said while interrupted him, "your like me, I'm dead too" I said while locking eye contact with him. He then looked at me and put his hand around my throat, "how do you know me and how do you know that?" He questioned with vanity in his eyes. "Your from.....your. My teachers son.....that past" I said while trying to conserve me breath. "Ok, then how do you know i came back" he said still with his eyes filled with lust, not vanity anymore. "Because I did!" I tried yelling. He then dropped me.

I then gasped for air, and lots of it. "Come with me" he said with a playful tone. "Why?" I pondered. "We have some things in common" he said, while his still lingering tone stayed put. "Ok" I said wanting to let Stefen go. "Good let's-" I he did as I cut him off, "first let me go one last place" I said while walking out of the bathrooms.

I have now gathered all, well some of my stuff and left a note for Stefen. 'This is the best thing to do', I kept saying to my self mentally, so that it could sink in.

The note:
Dear Stefen, I'm sorry I had to leave you but you've grown away. I'm glad for you, really. There's no reason to be living in the past. If you reading this I've jumped off that bridge, I was going to before. I love you Stefen please move on, I'm telling you to. I couldn't rest if you didn't.

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