"Wake up Ella!"

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I heard the screams, people telling me to wake up, telling me to fight the loss of blood and oxygen. I couldn't though, it was so hard to breathe, the worst part is that I had no last words. You see all the movies where the girl get her last words and then she dies peacefully, well my story is different. I died from a car accident, and I didn't get any peace when I died. I wonder if I'll ever be normal.

"Ugh my head" I said while finding myself in the woods, why am I hear. I starred around in confusion for about five minutes. I then picked myself up and walked home, which, by the way was three hours away. I recognize these woods

I walk into my house and it all hit me, I died? Why am I hear if I died? I then walked slowly up the stairs, tracing each patter In the handle, going up the stairs. I gently pushed open my door, I then began to cry. It's the same way nothing has changed. My poor mother, my sister, my father! I though how they were doing and then put my tears away and began to yell, "Mom, dad, Lizzy" I shouted out into the dull house. "Where at they?" I said with a shock of my moms room; there is nothing in the closets, nothing in the house! They left all my stuff here!?

I then began to walk out of this stupid house down to town. I get into the restaurant/bar and see tons of teens about my age drinking, having fun. I then grabbed a seat by the bar table. "What can I get you" a man said while looking at my face expression. "Water" I answered blankly. "Are you sure you don't want anything stronger?" He questioned out of shock. "I'm sure" I said in a reassuring tone.

"Now what's  pretty girl like you doing here alone" a sly man said. "I don't know" I did dully with no emotion. "So what's you name" he asked, "Ell" I said. "That's a bad move to in person a dead person, she was my friend" he said while walking away. I then latched onto his arm and dragged him outside. "What do you want" he said with annoyance. "It's me, Cameron?" I questioned. "Nobody calls me that-" he said, then continued to speak, "Elle" he said with eyes wide open. He then hugged me.

He offered for me to stay at his place, I accepted seeing how I have now where to stay. "What was it like" he said while plopping down in the couch next to me. "You really want to know the truth" I said. "Yes" he replied. "It was the opposite of heaven, I was trapped I. This clouded world confused and what not" I said flatly. "That's not possible" he aid with shock. "I though the same thing" I said while resting my head down, then I fell alsleep.

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