Chp2: Idea

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"Ohh nice house but its too small" he said while entering her small apartment
"No its enough for me" she smiled
"you stay alone here?" he asked
"yup" she replied & brought one towel for him
"what about your parents??" he asked with curiosity
"I don't stay with them now" she shrugged
wait i'll make coffee for us" she said & went to the kitchen

while he got confused
what happened to her family?
as far as he knew she loved her parents alot
but why?
he wondered

After 20mins she was back with two coffee mugs....
"coffee" she handed him his mug
"thanks" he smiled
"so hwz parth?" she asked
(Parth & Randhir were best buddies in school)
"I don't know" he shrugged
"What do you mean don't know??" she became shocked
"we are not in contact anymore" he replied sadly
"don't know"
"you are ssly behaving weird" she pointed out
"Hahaa...mera chodo
hwz alia & vidushi?" he asked
(alia n vids are sanyu bffs from school)
"Alia is still in contact but vids don't know what happened to her
no one knows where she is!!!
I thought you & parth must be knowing
but strange" she got confused
"no idea"
"Are you hiding something?
which I don't know about parth & vids?" she got curious
"long story
it all happened after our school farewell" he sighed

bad day of her life
she sighed

"You also disappeared after farewell without informing" he pointed out
"ohh haa
coz of some problem I left" she lied

"Everything changed after our farewell right?" he sighed
"yaa" she looked away
"I wish we could go back in time & rewind our school days to change some things" he said while sipping his coffee
"Ssly yar those days were awesome
I still remember our first meet
how irritating you were that time" she chuckled
"ohh plzz only you used to get irritate *frowns*
other girls used to run after me
I was the star of the school" he smirked
"ya ya" she rolled her eyes
"but you know I never thought we will meet again & will share decent convo like this" he laughed
"what do you mean by decent?
I was always decent
tum hi jungli the aur abh bhi ho" she chuckled
"let it be you are not less jungli!!!
what a big misconception we all had that you are all shy & innocent" he shook his head & she laughed
"I have one doubt
in school so many girls were behind me
are you sure? you never got attracted to me?" he asked
"did you got attracted to me?" she asked him back
"mera bhi no..."

silence prevailed for some time...
"I'll change & come
plus i'll give you clothes to change too orelse you will fall sick" she stood up
"what will I wear?
your clothes?" he teased her
"shutup I have few men's tshirts"
"hawww men's tshirts??
tum toh badi chalu nikli
why you have men's tshirt with you" he asked
"I use them as night dress"
She went inside changed her clothes
& came out with one tshirt & floral print pajama for him
"what I won't wear that girl's pajama" he frowned
"you don't have any option!!!
it's big in size tumhe ho jayega"
"kya din aagaye??
The great RSS wearing girl's pajama" he whispered
"Don't worry we are not going for any fashion show!!!
after your clothes get dry you can change" she rolled her eyes
"okk" he took those clothes from her hand & went to change

After 10mins he came out...
& she started laughing on him
"aww you look so cute in that pajama"
on which he glared her
"now what will we do?? m getting bored" he jumped on her bed
"we will sleep till that time"
"ohh wow you will sleep with me?" he said with a naughty glint in his eyes
"Normal sleep
not that what you are thinking
jerk" she rolled her eyes
no I don't want to sleep
that's more boring!!
I have an idea
let's recollect our school memories
it will be fun" he said happily & pulling her on bed near to him
"good idea
story telling is my favorite
i'll start" she said
lets take a walk down memory lane & pretend to meet each other all over again" he said


Thnku ^_^

From nxt chapter story will go in flashback
i'll show about der school days❤

& what you think what happened between randhir parth & vids on farewell
which sanyukta doesn't know?😛

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