Chp34: Truth or dare?

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Sometimes when u least expect it,
good things happen

"Your lover boy has transferred his duty to randhir?" alia asked
"what?" she got confused
"since we entered this science center he js continuously staring at you
or you can say keeping an eye on you" alia teased
he & his confusing antics
he thinks he can do whatever he wants
when he is in mood he will give me attention
& when not he treats me like stranger!!!
I will show him he has no effect on me
he can do whatever he wants" she twisted her lips
"are you okay?"
"yeah m absolutely fine
m also trying to play mind games like him"
" guys are cute" alia laughed
while sanyukta rolled her eyes

"so when you are going to execute your plan?"
"let's see waiting for perfect moment"
"why I can't help you"
"don't start again!!!
you know I need a guy for this plan"
"yeah whatever" alia frowned as she wanted to help her

"Sanyu come here" vidushi called her
"go your bestfriend is calling you"
"shutup" she dragged alia with her

Vidushi & der other classmates were sitting in one big circle..
"come we all are going to play truth & dare" vidushi said
"No I don't want to play"
"don't spoil the fun okay come sit" she forcefully made her sit alia also sat next to her
she noticed that randhir parth & rehaan were also present
randhir, karan & rehaan were sitting next to vids side
while parth next to alia

"let's start" vidushi chipped in excitement
one girl spinned the bottle
after spinning for few secs the bottle stopped between sanyukta & tarun

sanyukta widened her orbs in shock
why the hell she is first?
& why tarun?
tarun was a short tempered guy
girls usually stayed away from him
"so sanyukta truth or dare?" vidushi asked
she was about to choose the safest option
ie. truth
but then randhir interrupted
"you better select truth
coz if you select dare against tarun then I doubt you could do that",he smirked
she frowned at his words "dare" she announced

so I dare you to slap tarun" vidushi winked at her

is she out of her mind?
if she slaps him she is 100% sure this angry bull will kill her!!!

"come on sanyu go for it" alia cheered for her
she looked at tarun with puppy face
"sorry" she chipped & slapped tarun hard
wth she was juz going to slap him lightly how it came so hard?
she is dead for sure!!!
she gulped

alia pressed her lips together to stop herself from laughing
tarun who got shocked by the intensity of the slap glared at sanyukta
she stared at him blankly
but next moment she smiled as tarun started laughing

"that was really hard" tarun rubbed his cheek
she chuckled at his words & quickly chipped sorry to him again
all others too started laughing

at next spin
bottle stopped between randhir & parth..
both of them gave tough looks to each others
"randhir truth or dare?" vids asked
plzz say truth
sanyukta mentally wished
as n not interested in playing any dare with him" randhir said in attitude
"as if I am" parth frowned
"guys chill so anyone who wants to ask him anything?" vids asked
sanyukta signaled alia to ask
so randhir tell me the reason for divorce between you guys?" alia asked
all others laughed on her question
Randhir glared all of them "simple I don't need him anymore as I found new friend karan!!!
this is what he thinks about me
so I proved him right" he shrugged
what was that?
why are they both behaving like girls?
tantrum queens!!!
sanyukta made a confused face

"okay" alia said &
they started der game again
& this time bottle stopped between rehaan & sanyukta

"Truth or dare?" vids asked rehaan
"dare" rehaan said
she really have a bad luck
why ppl she don't want are only coming up!!!

you have to kiss sanyukta on her cheek" vids smirked

someone plzz kill her
no someone plzz kill vids
she clearly knows about rehaan & his feelings then why she needs to tell him to do this??
stupid girl
she glared vidushi

"come on go for it" alia too encouraged him

well her bestfriends are actually enemies disguised as frnz!!!

she stared at rehaan with a poker face
as if warning him not to do that!!!

rehaan stood up from his place
he was blushing slightly on the thought of kissing sanyukta
he moved towards her
when suddenly he fell down
all started laughing on him
sanyukta got confused how he fell down suddenly??
"let it be bro it's not your cup of tea" randhir teased him
"you did that right?
you purposely brought your leg in middle" rehaan frowned
while randhir acted all innocent "why would I do that?
you need to check your eyes" he smirked

sanyukta who was observing both understood it was randhir only who purposely did that in these two years she clearly knows what his smirk means!!!
why he did that?
all his actions prove one thing only!!
she blushed on that thought

"see I knew it
rehaan won't be able to kiss you
m so smart" alia winked
"ya ya" she rolled her eyes

as everyone started making fun of rehaan he left from der feeling bad
sanyukta didn't like that so she followed him
Randhir too followed them...

"Rehaan wait" she ran after him
"sanyu plzz I want to be alone for sometime"
"see don't feel bad
you know how randhir is?
leave it" she tried to cheer him
"I can't" he sighed sadly
she saw randhir was watching them
& then she saw parth also coming towards them
this was the perfect time to execute der plan


Thnku ^_^

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