Chp4: What was that feeling?

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Randhir Parth & Vidushi were constantly talking irritating sanyukta
why are this trio behaving like long lost buddies who finally got united??
der topics were also stupid like them not to forget!!!

they were discussing about girls
she wondered how vidushi enjoyed der talks?

she tried to concentrate on lec but unfortunately she couldn't!!!
"Can you guys plz talk in low voice?
m getting disturbed" she glared them
she was not interested in the lec but she wanted this three to shut up
"ohhh miss boring is getting disturbed
ssshhhh...." randhir teased her on which parth & vids laughed

she glared at vids
she didn't expect her to laugh?
she looked away in anger
she was not boring ok?
okk she was simple not so attractive
she didn't have hot body like other girls she was skinny
shoulder length wavy hair which looked like nest
but that doesn't means she is boring?
I mean why ppl always connect looks with nature?

After half an hour bell rang & der first lec got over..
second lec was off informed der class monitor
so all started doing timepass
girls got busy in gossiping while boys got busy in playing!!
but one soul was busy in her own world she was drawing cartoon on her last page of the book
drawing was her favorite hobby...
she preferred drawing rather then doing tp like others!!!
"Sanyu yar come let's go out" vids frowned & tried to pull her but she didn't move an inch too
"No thanks go with your new friends" she mocked

"Fine" vids sighed & left from der
while she continued her drawing..
"Don't you think you are too boring?" came a voice
she looked up & rolled her eyes as she noticed it was randhir

he called her boring again?
can she punch on his face hard?
she can't unfortunately!!
she stared at him blankly..
"Are you dumb?" he chuckled
she ignored him on which he frowned & sat next to her
"What is your problem?
can't you see me?
over here girls are mad behind me & you behave as if you are queen victoria!!!!" he mocked
still no response!!!
"I must say you have great strength to resist me" he smirked

Getting irritated by his constant nagging
she placed her pencil down & glared at him
"Plz leave me alone" she glared at him

"Ohhh you know how to talk? good" he laughed irritating her more

why is this irritating guy behind her?
she thought

"Okk m going but juz help me na" he made a puppy face
"what help??"
"See der are so many hot girls here select one for me so that i'll go to her & flirt" he smirked while checking all the girls
"what??"she gave him a disgusted look
"Aare why? help me
see how about shweta?
she is hot look at her legs man ufff...
she must be awesome in be...." before he could complete she pushed him from her bench
"eeeeee...juz go away!!
you are impossible" she glared him

"Thanks for the compliment
by the way your legs are also hot" he smirked shamelessly
on which she made a poker face & tried to cover her legs with her uniform

"Haha... *laughs*
chill I was juz joking" he winked at her & turned to leave when his hand got brushed with her hand accidentally which was kept on bench...
& that movement sent shivers down her spine
increasing her heartbeats
that was something new
which she experienced for the first time!!!
she pulled her hand back quickly & gulped
what was that feeling?
she wondered
she looked up to see his reaction but he had already left


Thnku ^_^

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