Chp20: Not my type

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It hurts badly to see the one you love
loves someone else...
why it has to be so hard?
why can't we simply get what we want?
why can't the person you love can't love you back?
why love has to be so complicated?
why one loves second
& second loves third?

may be love is not complicated but ppl are!!!
we mostly ignore the one who loves us & run after those who don't even care about us
Sanyukta's life was also complicated like this she loved randhir but randhir loved someone else who didn't even care about him!!!
in the same way rehaan loved sanyukta but sanyukta loved randhir!!!
funny isn't it?
but this is how real life works right?
fairytales looks good in books only
they have nothing to do with real life

One week later...

After that sanyukta & sara's first encounter randhir started avoiding sanyukta don't know for what reason?
sanyukta was confused what happened to him suddenly?
if he heard all der convo
then he should be happy right that she defend him?
then why is he ignoring her?
may be felt bad about what sara said about him?
but he looked okay he behaved normally with everyone else
then why her?

whenever she tried to start a convo he would juz walk away
she felt bad
what's wrong with him?
"Hey let's go PT period it is" alia dragged her towards der activity area
"I hate this PT period
m not that good in sports activities plus m not interested then why the hell m forced to do it?" sanyukta frowned
"Don't be lazy comeon" alia pushed her towards the other girls

In PT period all girls & guys used to do exercises or mostly play dodge ball
both girls & boys played separately
sanyukta juz hated his game
she had no interest in getting hit by the ball or to hit others by that same ball
"Alia m going back to classroom you enjoy" she informed alia & left

while walking towards the class
she saw randhir & parth were standing in the corridor & were laughing on something
she hide behind the pillar & to see what they are talking about?

"Hahaha...parth you are crazy
if you keep on trying these stupid stunts trust me you will be left single!!!" randhir laughed
"ohh please
that wasn't so bad
I was juz trying to woo her" parth rolled his eyes
"yeah I saw the way she insulted you" he laughed again
"let it be it was not more insulting than sara did to you" parth mocked him

that means he heard all der convo?

"plzz don't remind me that" randhir frowned
"I think sanyukta really likes you the way she defended you that was amazing you should give her a chance"
"No she is not my type
she is too good for me
infact she is perfect for you buddy
you are also good
she too
perfect pair" he teased parth

what he juz said?
she is not his type okay that can be a valid reason
but how can he juz tell other guy to have her?
she is not a toy plz someone remind him!!
sanyukta got angry by his words
over here she loves him & he is set to pair her up with his bestfriend!!!
not fair!!!

she walked towards them...
"Hi sanyukta" parth said awkwardly
"Hi parth" she smiled & showed as if she didn't heard der convo
"you here?
not playing dodge ball?" parth asked
"no that's boring m going back to our classroom
bbye" she said with a pout
"Hahaa..okay bbye" parth chuckled
& she left from der without sparing a glance at randhir
like he didn't exist der!!

he started this game
now she will show him who is better in this


Thnku ^_^

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